

  • An error that occurred in Parser::set_included_ranges.
  • A summary of a change to a text document.
  • An opaque object that defines how to parse a particular language. The code for each Language is generated by the Tree-sitter CLI.
  • An error that occurred when trying to assign an incompatible Language to a Parser.
  • A single node within a syntax Tree.
  • A stateful object that this is used to produce a Tree based on some source code.
  • A position in a multi-line text document, in terms of rows and columns.
  • A set of patterns that match nodes in a syntax tree.
  • A particular Node that has been captured with a particular name within a Query.
  • A sequence of QueryCaptures associated with a given QueryCursor.
  • A stateful object for executing a Query on a syntax Tree.
  • An error that occurred when trying to create a Query.
  • A match of a Query to a particular set of Nodes.
  • A sequence of QueryMatches associated with a given QueryCursor.
  • A key-value pair associated with a particular pattern in a Query.
  • A key-value pair associated with a particular pattern in a Query.
  • A range of positions in a multi-line text document, both in terms of bytes and of rows and columns.
  • A tree that represents the syntactic structure of a source code file.
  • A stateful object for walking a syntax Tree efficiently.



