Crate transition

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This crate allows to programmatically control LED light - blink(1). The purpose is to be able to show the status of your task by “wrapping” all it’s execution between calls to this library.

While your code is executing, the LED transition between two specified colors indicating “pending” state. After your code finishes execution, you can notify the LED about the status of your task, changing it’s light to one of two colors - depending on the status of your code.


use transition::{Transition, Led};
use std::error::Error;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let notifier = Transition::new(&[Led::Blue, Led::Blank])? // pending state

    // your code here, e.g.:

    notifier.notify_success(); // or notifier.notify_failure();
    // LED changes color to the one specified for success


  • Allows to control blinking of the LED after the transition starts.
  • Main structure. Represents colors of task state (pending, successfull, failed). Allows to start the transition.


  • Represents the color of the Led.
  • Error descriping issue with the transition.