Crate transit_model

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The transit_model crate proposes a model to manage transit data. It can import and export data from GTFS and NTFS.


transit_model has 2 possible features: proj and xmllint.


proj feature is used for geolocation conversion (see Proj). proj feature is used, for example, to export NeTEx France format.


Most likely, you don’t need this feature as it’s only used for additional tests. It doesn’t add any functionality to transit_model. If you’re a contributor to the project, you might be interested to run these tests. In this case, take a look at the for more information on this feature.


This is an experimental feature that exposes some gtfs functions for use in external projects


Some utilities to turn csv files into vector of objects or CollectionWithId (See


pub use crate::model::Model;


This exposes common information between GTFS and NTFS Mainly 2 common things are grouped here:
Some utilities for input dataset to the library.
GTFS format management.
Definition of the navitia transit model.
Some utils to work with the NeTEx format, especially the frames.
NTFS format management.
The different objects contained in the navitia transit model.
Some utilities for serialize / deserialize transit model objects.
See function generates_transfers
Some utilities to set and/or calculate validity periods.
See function translate


Helper to create a map of properties. Take a list of tuples (key, value).


Current datetime
Metadata for building the prefix.


Precise git version of transit_model the version will be: v{last github tag}-{commit number}-{commit hash}{“-modified” if some changes have been done since last commit}
Current version of the NTFS format
The max distance in meters to compute the transfer
Waiting time at stop in second
The walking speed in meters per second


Trait for object that can be prefixed


get the binary version and the transit_model version

Type Definitions

The error type used by the crate.
The corresponding result type used by the crate.