pub trait TransactionContext {
    fn get_state_entries(
        addresses: &[String]
    ) -> Result<Vec<(String, Vec<u8>)>, ContextError>; fn set_state_entries(
        entries: Vec<(String, Vec<u8>)>
    ) -> Result<(), ContextError>; fn delete_state_entries(
        addresses: &[String]
    ) -> Result<Vec<String>, ContextError>; fn add_receipt_data(&self, data: Vec<u8>) -> Result<(), ContextError>; fn add_event(
        event_type: String,
        attributes: Vec<(String, String)>,
        data: Vec<u8>
    ) -> Result<(), ContextError>; fn get_state_entry(
        address: &str
    ) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>, ContextError> { ... } fn set_state_entry(
        address: String,
        data: Vec<u8>
    ) -> Result<(), ContextError> { ... } fn delete_state_entry(
        address: &str
    ) -> Result<Option<String>, ContextError> { ... } }

Required Methods

get_state_entries queries the validator state for data at each of the addresses in the given list. The addresses that have been set are returned.

  • addresses - the addresses to fetch

set_state_entries requests that each address in the provided map be set in validator state to its corresponding value.

  • entries - entries are a hashmap where the key is an address and value is the data

delete_state_entries requests that each of the provided addresses be unset in validator state. A list of successfully deleted addresses is returned.

  • addresses - the addresses to delete

add_receipt_data adds a blob to the execution result for this transaction

  • data - the data to add

add_event adds a new event to the execution result for this transaction.

  • event_type - This is used to subscribe to events. It should be globally unique and describe what, in general, has occured.
  • attributes - Additional information about the event that is transparent to the validator. Attributes can be used by subscribers to filter the type of events they receive.
  • data - Additional information about the event that is opaque to the validator.

Provided Methods

fn get_state_entry(&self, address: &str) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>, ContextError>

get_state_entry queries the validator state for data at the address given. If the address is set, the data is returned.

  • address - the address to fetch

fn set_state_entry(
    address: String,
    data: Vec<u8>
) -> Result<(), ContextError>

set_state_entry requests that the provided address is set in the validator state to its corresponding value.

  • address - address of where to store the data
  • data - payload is the data to store at the address

fn delete_state_entry(
    address: &str
) -> Result<Option<String>, ContextError>

delete_state_entry requests that the provided address be unset in validator state. A list of successfully deleted addresses is returned.

  • address - the address to delete
