trait_set!() { /* proc-macro */ }
Expand description

Creates an alias for set of traits.

To demonstrate the idea, see the examples:

use trait_set::trait_set;

trait_set! {
    /// Doc-comments are also supported btw.
    pub trait ThreadSafe = Send + Sync;
    pub trait ThreadSafeIterator<T> = ThreadSafe + Iterator<Item = T>;
    pub trait ThreadSafeBytesIterator = ThreadSafeIterator<u8>;
    pub trait StaticDebug = 'static + std::fmt::Debug;

This macro also supports higher-rank trait bound:

use trait_set::trait_set;

    pub trait Serde = Serialize + for<'de> Deserialize<'de>;
    // Note that you can also use lifetimes as a generic parameter.
    pub trait SerdeLifetimeTemplate<'de> = Serialize + Deserialize<'de>;