Module tpnote_lib::workflow

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Tp-Note’s high level API.

How to integrate this in your text editor code? First, call create_new_note_or_synchronize_filename() with the first positional command line parameter <path>. Then open the new text file with the returned path in your text editor. After modifying the text, saving it and closing your text editor, call synchronize_filename(). The returned path points to the possibly renamed note file.

Example with TemplateKind::New

use tpnote_lib::content::Content;
use tpnote_lib::content::ContentString;
use tpnote_lib::workflow::synchronize_filename;
use tpnote_lib::workflow::create_new_note_or_synchronize_filename;
use std::env::temp_dir;
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;

// Prepare test.
let notedir = temp_dir();

let clipboard = ContentString::default();
let stdin = ContentString::default();
// This is the condition to choose: `TemplateKind::New`:
assert!(clipboard.is_empty() || stdin.is_empty());
// There are no inhibitor rules to change the `TemplateKind`.
let template_kind_filer = |tk|tk;

// Start test.
// You can plug in your own type (must impl. `Content`).
let n = create_new_note_or_synchronize_filename::<ContentString, _>(
       &notedir, &clipboard, &stdin, template_kind_filer,
// Check result.
let raw_note = fs::read_to_string(n).unwrap();
#[cfg(not(target_family = "windows"))]
#[cfg(target_family = "windows")]

The internal data storage for the note’s content is ContentString which implements the Content trait. Now we modify slightly the above example to showcase, how to overwrite one of the trait’s methods.

use std::path::Path;
use tpnote_lib::content::Content;
use tpnote_lib::content::ContentString;
use tpnote_lib::workflow::create_new_note_or_synchronize_filename;
use std::env::temp_dir;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::fs;
use std::fs::OpenOptions;
use std::io::Write;
use std::ops::Deref;

#[derive(Default, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
// We need a newtype because of the orphan rule.
pub struct MyContentString(ContentString);

impl From<String> for MyContentString {
    fn from(input: String) -> Self {

impl AsRef<str> for MyContentString {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {

impl Content for MyContentString {
    // Now we overwrite one method to show how to plugin custom code.
    fn save_as(&self, new_file_path: &Path) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
        let mut outfile = OpenOptions::new()
        // We do not save the content to disk, we write intstead:
        write!(outfile, "Simulation")?;
   fn header(&self) -> &str {

   fn body(&self) -> &str {


// Prepare test.
let notedir = temp_dir();

let clipboard = MyContentString::default();
let stdin = MyContentString::default();
// This is the condition to choose: `TemplateKind::New`:
assert!(clipboard.is_empty() || stdin.is_empty());
// There are no inhibitor rules to change the `TemplateKind`.
let template_kind_filer = |tk|tk;

// Start test.
// Here we plugin our own type (must implement `Content`).
let n = create_new_note_or_synchronize_filename::<MyContentString, _>(
       &notedir, &clipboard, &stdin, template_kind_filer,
// Check result.
let raw_note = fs::read_to_string(n).unwrap();
assert_eq!(raw_note, "Simulation");


Create a new note by inserting Tp-Note’s environment in a template. If the note to be created exists already, append a so called copy_counter to the filename and try to save it again. In case this does not succeed either, increment the copy_counter until a free filename is found. The returned path points to the (new) note file on disk. Depending on the context, Tp-Note chooses one TemplateKind to operate (c.f. tpnote_lib::template::TemplateKind::from()). The tk-filter allows to overwrite this choice, e.g. you may set TemplateKind::None under certain circumstances. This way the caller can inject command line parameters like --no-filename-sync. If html_export = Some((dir, local_link_kind)), the function renders the note’s content into HTML and saves the .html file in the directory dir. This optional HTML rendition is performed just before returning and does not affect any above described operation.
When the header can not be deserialized, the file located in context.path is rendered as “Error HTML page”. The erroneous content is rendered to html with parse_hyperlinks::renderer::text_rawlinks2html and inserted in the TMPL_HTML_VIEWER_ERROR template (can be replace at runtime). This template expects the template variables TMPL_VAR_PATH and TMPL_VAR_NOTE_JS and TMPL_VAR_NOTE_ERROR in context to be set. NB: The value of TMPL_VAR_PATH equals context.path.
Returns the HTML rendition of the note file located in context.path with the template TMPL_HTML_VIEWER (can be replaced at runtime).
Returns the HTML rendition of the note file located in context.path with the template TMPL_HTML_VIEWER (can be replaced at runtime).
Open the note file path on disk and read its YAML front matter. Then calculate from the front matter how the filename should be to be in sync. If it is different, rename the note on disk. Returns the note’s new or existing filename.