Crate tower_kafka

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A tower service for interacting with Apache Kafka.


use tower_kafka::KafkaService;

    use tower_kafka::connect::TcpConnection;
    use tower_kafka::MakeService;
    let connection = TcpConnection::new("".parse().unwrap());
    let svc = MakeService::new(connection).into_service().await.unwrap();


Utilities for defining an underlying connection for the Kafka transport. Currently, we only expose a basic TCP connection, but in the future this can handle functionality like SASL, SSL, etc., without leaking these details into our main service.
Errors produced by the service.
The lower level transport layer for communicating with Kafka, providing a multiplexed client over a given connection. Kafka uses a correlation identifier on each message provided by the client to track responses for a particular message. The Kafka protocol itself is length delimited.


A service for interacting with Apache Kafka.
Helper for constructing new service instances from a connection.

Type Definitions

A Kafka request.
A Kafka response.