Crate tosserror

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This library makes it easy to handle errors with thiserror.

tosserror = "0.1"


use thiserror::Error;
use tosserror::Toss;

#[derive(Error, Toss, Debug)]
pub enum DataStoreError {
    #[error("invalid value ({value}) encountered")]
    InvalidValue {
        value: i32,
        source: std::num::TryFromIntError,
    #[error("data store disconnected with msg {msg}: {status}")]
        status: u8,
        msg: String,
        source: std::io::Error

// uses

// lazily provide context
data_store_fn().toss_disconnect_with(|| (123, "some msg".to_owned()))?;

See Toss for available attributes.

Derive Macros

  • Generates helper traits for enum variants.