torchbear 0.10.9

Lua programming environment in Rust
torchbear-0.10.9 doesn't have any documentation.

Torchbear gives you power of Rust with the simplicity of Lua. You can use it for web automation, embedded programming, data analysis, and anything else you can imagine.

You don't need to learn Rust to use Torchbear, and Lua is a very simple language. You can Learn in Lua 15 minutes. Below is a list of additional functionality in Torchbear, and you can also browse the bindings functions documentation, which is automatically generated using a Torchbear code map app.

Built-in Modules

  • rlua completely safe Lua 5.3.5 with traceback error messages
  • Actix Web HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2.0 web servers and clients
  • Tera Jinja template rendering
  • Comrak Markdown to HTML outputting
  • Libsodium cryptographic signing and verifying, and encrypting and decrypting
  • std::fs::* filesystem operations
  • std::collections::HashSet set-theoretic operations
  • Serde YAML and JSON serializing/deserializing
  • SCL simple, safe configuration language serializing/deserializing
  • UUID-rs UUID generation and verification
  • Chrono time/date generation and verification
  • Select-rs HTML scraping
  • Git cloning, pulling, repo creation, staging, committing, and log access (builtin, no git dependency)
  • Tantivy schema building, document adding/updating/deleting, and searching
  • regex matching and replacing
  • MIME type guessing
  • Heck case conversions
  • Zip, Tar, and xz (lzma) file decompression
  • Diff strings and files, and produce unidiff outputs
  • Patch text files with a unidiff input to get a second text output


Torchbear comes as a single executable, making it very easy to install. Here's a simple command to install it:

 curl -sSfL | bash

Our installer gives you the latest version, which is also available on Torchbear's GitHub releases page, so you can download the zip file for your operating system and hardware architecture and unzip the executable wherever is most convenient for you. Our install script is much easier though; you can use it by copying and pasting that line into your terminal, then you'll be able to run torchbear in any of your apps.

What is a terminal?

If you haven't heard of a terminal before, here's a 1 min intro to what is a terminal window. On Windows, Android, and MacOS, we've tested with these tools that make a very nice user experience:

Windows: install Cmder Full.

Android: install Termux.

MacOS: comes mostly ready, but Homebrew has additional tools.


curl -sSfL | bash -s -- --uninstall

or, if you have already downloaded:

bash --uninstall


Hello World App

  • in init.lua

print("hello from Torchbear")

  • run torchbear

Simple Webserver · also supports TLS

Machu Picchu · general-purpose package manager

File Witness · code signing app

Gut · simple version control system

Lighttouch · application framework, for web development and much more

Lua Module Map · Rust/Lua code diagram visualization

Contributions wanted

Torchbear extends Rust's growing ecosystem of libraries. Developers are welcomed to make small changes as well as high impact contributions, like adding bindings. There are many examples to learn from in the bindings directory, each with an interesting history. You'll learn a Rust library's API inside and out, and you'll put another tool into the hands of a growing userbase.

If you just want to add a 'review', you're more than welcomed to do that too. Just add this "issue label" (type/review) and it won't get in anyone's way. This will help us understand Torchbear from your point of view.