Crate tor_units

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tor-units – Safe wrappers for primitive numeric types.


This crate is part of Arti, a project to implement Tor in Rust. It provides safe wrappers for primitive numeric wrappers used in other parts of Arti. In particular, it provides:

  • a bounded i32 with both checked and clamping constructors,
  • an integer milliseconds wrapper with conversion to Duration
  • an integer seconds wrapper with conversion to Duration
  • a percentage wrapper, to prevent accidental failure to divide by 100.
  • a SendMeVersion which can be compared only.

License: MIT OR Apache-2.0


A 32-bit signed integer with a restricted range.
This type represents an integer number of days.
This type represents an integer number of milliseconds.
This type represents an integer number of seconds.
A percentage value represented as a number.
A SendMe Version


Conversion errors from converting a value into a BoundedInt32.