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This module is a reexport of the postgres_types crate.


Generates a simple implementation of ToSql::accepts which accepts the types passed to it.

Generates an implementation of ToSql::to_sql_checked.


Information about a field of a composite type.

A wrapper type to allow arbitrary Serialize/Deserialize types to convert to Postgres JSON values.

Postgres PG_LSN type.

A Postgres type.

An error indicating that a NULL Postgres value was passed to a FromSql implementation that does not support NULL values.

An error indicating that a conversion was attempted between incompatible Rust and Postgres types.


A wrapper that can be used to represent infinity with Type::Date types.

An enum representing the nullability of a Postgres value.

Represents the kind of a Postgres type.

A wrapper that can be used to represent infinity with Type::Timestamp and Type::Timestamptz types.


A trait used by clients to abstract over &dyn ToSql and T: ToSql.

A trait for types that can be created from a Postgres value.

A trait for types which can be created from a Postgres value without borrowing any data.

A trait for types that can be converted into Postgres values.

Type Definitions

A Postgres OID.