Struct tokio_core::reactor::Timeout [] [src]

pub struct Timeout {
    // some fields omitted

A future representing the notification that a timeout has occurred.

Timeouts are created through the LoopHandle::timeout or LoopHandle::timeout_at methods indicating when a timeout should fire at. Note that timeouts are not intended for high resolution timers, but rather they will likely fire some granularity after the exact instant that they're otherwise indicated to fire at.


impl Timeout

Creates a new timeout which will fire at dur time into the future.

This function will return a future that will resolve to the actual timeout object. The timeout object itself is then a future which will be set to fire at the specified point in the future.

Creates a new timeout which will fire at the time specified by at.

This function will return a future that will resolve to the actual timeout object. The timeout object itself is then a future which will be set to fire at the specified point in the future.

Trait Implementations

impl Future for Timeout

The type of value that this future will resolved with if it is successful. Read more

The type of error that this future will resolve with if it fails in a normal fashion. Read more

Query this future to see if its value has become available, registering interest if it is not. Read more

Block the current thread until this future is resolved. Read more

Convenience function for turning this future into a trait object. Read more

Map this future's result to a different type, returning a new future of the resulting type. Read more

Map this future's error to a different error, returning a new future. Read more

Chain on a computation for when a future finished, passing the result of the future to the provided closure f. Read more

Execute another future after this one has resolved successfully. Read more

Execute another future after this one has resolved with an error. Read more

Waits for either one of two futures to complete. Read more

Joins the result of two futures, waiting for them both to complete. Read more

Same as join, but with more futures.

Same as join, but with more futures.

Same as join, but with more futures.

Flatten the execution of this future when the successful result of this future is itself another future. Read more

Fuse a future such that poll will never again be called once it has completed. Read more

Catches unwinding panics while polling the future. Read more

impl Drop for Timeout

A method called when the value goes out of scope. Read more