Crate tmq

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TMQ - Rust ZeroMQ bindings for Tokio

This crate bridges Tokio and ZeroMQ to allow for ZeroMQ in the async world.

Currently Implemented Sockets

  • Request/Reply
  • Publish/Subscribe
  • Dealer/Router
  • Push/Pull


Usage is made to be simple, but opinionated. See the examples/ Directory for some examples.

Publish Example

To publish messages to all connected subscribers, you can use the publish function:

use tmq::{publish, Context, Result};

use futures::SinkExt;
use log::info;
use std::env;
use std::time::Duration;
use tokio::time::sleep;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {

    let mut socket = publish(&Context::new()).bind("tcp://")?;

    let mut i = 0;

    loop {
        i += 1;

            .send(vec!["topic", &format!("Broadcast #{}", i)])




  • Handle for a 0MQ context, used to create sockets.
  • Holds a 0MQ message.
  • ZMQ multipart which holds individual messages.
  • Builder which provides bind and connect methods to build a corresponding ZMQ socket as per the standard functions


  • Internal re-exports Error that can occur during an async ZMQ operation.


  • Trait for various ZMQ socket wrappers.
  • Trait which defines configuration functions for ZMQ sockets.


  • Create a builder for a DEALER socket.
  • Create a builder for a PAIR socket.
  • Create a builder for a PUB socket.
  • Create a builder for a PULL socket.
  • Create a builder for a PUSH socket.
  • Create a builder for a REP socket
  • Create a builder for a REQ socket
  • Create a builder for a ROUTER socket.
  • Create a builder for a SUB socket.

Type Definitions