pub trait TlsAcceptor: Sized + Sync + Send + 'static {
    type Builder: TlsAcceptorBuilder<Acceptor = Self>;
    type Underlying;
    type TlsStream: TlsStreamDyn;

    const IMPLEMENTED: bool;
    const SUPPORTS_ALPN: bool;
    const SUPPORTS_DER_KEYS: bool;
    const SUPPORTS_PKCS12_KEYS: bool;
    const TYPE_DYN: &'static dyn TlsAcceptorType = &TlsAcceptorTypeImpl::(marker::PhantomData);

    fn underlying_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Underlying;
    fn info() -> ImplInfo;
    fn accept_with_socket<'a, S>(
        &'a self,
        stream: S
    ) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<TlsStreamWithSocket<S>>>Notable traits for BoxFuture<'a, R>impl<'a, R> Future for BoxFuture<'a, R> type Output = R;
        S: AsyncSocket + Debug + Unpin
; fn accept_impl_tls_stream<'a, S>(
        &'a self,
        stream: S
    ) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<Self::TlsStream>>Notable traits for BoxFuture<'a, R>impl<'a, R> Future for BoxFuture<'a, R> type Output = R;
        S: AsyncSocket
; fn into_dyn(self) -> TlsAcceptorBox { ... } fn builder_from_der_key(cert: &[u8], key: &[u8]) -> Result<Self::Builder> { ... } fn builder_from_pkcs12(
        pkcs12: &[u8],
        passphrase: &str
    ) -> Result<Self::Builder> { ... } fn accept<'a, S>(&'a self, stream: S) -> BoxFuture<'a, Result<TlsStream>>Notable traits for BoxFuture<'a, R>impl<'a, R> Future for BoxFuture<'a, R> type Output = R;
        S: AsyncSocket + Debug + Unpin
, { ... } }
Expand description

A builder for server-side TLS connections.

Required Associated Types

Type of the builder for this acceptor.

Type of the underlying acceptor.


In the world of HKT this would be:

type TlsStream<S: TlsStreamDyn> : TlsStreamWithSocketDyn<S>;

Note each implementation has accept_impl function which returns more specific type, providing both access to implementation details and the underlying socket.

Required Associated Constants

Whether this acceptor type is implemented.

For example, tls-api-security-framework is available on Linux, but all operations result in error, so IMPLEMENTED = false for that implementation.

Whether this implementation supports ALPN negotiation.

Whether this implementation supports construction of acceptor using a pair of a DER certificate and file pair.

Whether this implementation supports construction of acceptor using PKCS #12 file.

Provided Associated Constants

Dynamic (without type parameter) version of the acceptor.

This function returns an acceptor type, which can be used to constructor acceptors.

Required Methods

Get the underlying acceptor.

API intentionally exposes the underlying acceptor builder to allow fine acceptor not possible in common API.

Implementation info.

Accept a connection.

This operation returns a future which is resolved when the negotiation is complete, and the stream is ready to send and receive.

This version of accept returns a stream parameterized by the underlying socket type.

Accept a connection.

This operation returns a future which is resolved when the negotiation is complete, and the stream is ready to send and receive.

This version of accept returns a stream parameterized by the underlying socket type.

Practically, accept is usually enough.

Provided Methods

Dynamic (without type parameter) version of the connector.

New builder from given server key.

Parameters are DER-encoded (binary) X509 cert and corresponding private key.

Note if this implementation does not support DER keys directly, openssl command is used to convert the certificate.

New builder from given server key.

Note if this implementation does not support PKCS #12 keys directly, openssl command is used to convert the certificate.

Accept a connection.

This operation returns a future which is resolved when the negotiation is complete, and the stream is ready to send and receive.

This version return a stream of the underlying implementation, which might be useful to obtain some TLS implementation-specific data.

Practically, accept is usually enough.
