Crate tlfs[][src]

Expand description

The Local First SDK.

See the tlfs_crdt docs for details of how it works.


The crdt Backend is the main entry point to interact with this crate.


Represents a state transition of a crdt. Multiple state transitions can be combined together into an atomic transaction.

A cursor into a document used to construct transactions.

Document handle.

Document identifier is an ephemeral ed25519 public key.

Clonable Frontend.

Invitation to collaborate on a document.

ed25519 keypair.

An ordered sequence of Lenses.

Representation of a Multiaddr.

A package of lenses.

An owned concatentation of binary encoded segments.

Peer identifier is a static ed25519 public key.

Owned zero copy bytes encoding T.

Main entry point for tlfs.

Event [Stream] subscription.



Event returned from a subscription.

Kind of a sequence of Path Segments.

A Lens is a bidirectional transform on Schemas.

Permission type.

Kind of a primitive value.

Schema defines the set of allowable paths.


Conversion to libp2p

Conversion to libp2p


Convert a [libp2p::PeerId] into a [tlfs::PeerId], if possible.