Crate tinyjson

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tinyjson is a library to parse/generate JSON format document.

Goals of this library are

  • Simplicity: This library uses standard containers like Vec or HashMap as its internal representation and exposes it to users. Users can operate JSON values via the standard APIs. And it keeps this crate as small as possible.
  • Explicit: This library does not hide memory allocation from users. You need to allocate memory like Vec, String, HashMap by yourself. It is good for readers of your source code to show where memory allocations happen. And you can have control of how memory is allocated (e.g. allocating memory in advance with with_capacity method).
  • No dependencies: This library is built on top of only standard libraries.
  • No unsafe code: This library is built with Safe Rust.
  • Well tested: This library is tested with famous test suites:


use tinyjson::JsonValue;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::convert::TryInto;

let s = r#"
        "bool": true,
        "arr": [1, null, "test"],
        "nested": {
            "blah": false,
            "blahblah": 3.14
        "unicode": "\u2764"

// Parse from strings
let parsed: JsonValue = s.parse().unwrap();

// Access to inner value represented with standard containers
let object: &HashMap<_, _> = parsed.get().unwrap();
println!("Parsed HashMap: {:?}", object);

// Generate JSON string
println!("{}", parsed.stringify().unwrap());
// Generate formatted JSON string with indent
println!("{}", parsed.format().unwrap());

// Convert to inner value represented with standard containers
let object: HashMap<_, _> = parsed.try_into().unwrap();
println!("Converted into HashMap: {:?}", object);

// Create JSON values from standard containers
let mut m = HashMap::new();
m.insert("foo".to_string(), true.into());
let mut v = JsonValue::from(m);

// Access with `Index` and `IndexMut` operators quickly
println!("{:?}", v["foo"]);
v["foo"] = JsonValue::from("hello".to_string());
println!("{:?}", v["foo"]);

Any JSON value is represented with JsonValue enum.

Each JSON types are mapped to Rust types as follows:

ObjectHashMap<String, JsonValue>


Serialization error. This error only happens when some write error happens on writing the serialized byte sequence to the given io::Write object.
JSON serializer for JsonValue.
Parse error.
JSON parser to parse UTF-8 string into JsonValue value.
Error caused when trying to convert JsonValue into some wrong type value.


Enum to represent one JSON value. Each variant represents corresponding JSON types.


Trait to access to inner value of JsonValue as reference.
Trait to access to inner value of JsonValue as mutable reference.


Serialize the given JsonValue value to String with 2-spaces indentation. This method is almost identical to JsonValue::format but exists for a historical reason.
Serialize the given JsonValue value to String without indentation. This method is almost identical to JsonValue::stringify but exists for a historical reason.

Type Definitions

Convenient type alias for serialization results.
Convenient type alias for parse results.