Crate tighterror

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tighterror is a minimalistic error representation framework with compact error types and a code generator.

It is heavily inspired by the standard std::io::Error which represents a group of errors in a single Rust type.
This concept is taken one step further so that a tighterror can represent multiple groups of errors in a single Rust type.

tighterror is designed to achieve the following goals:

  1. Minimal error type size, e.g., u8 or ZST, while still supporting idiomatic error reporting.
  2. Minimal runtime overhead on error path. No dynamic memory allocation.
  3. Minimal runtime overhead in matching a whole logical group of errors.
  4. Minimal coding overhead:
    • specify errors in markup language and generate all the boilerplate Rust code automatically
    • ergonomic error reporting

§Table Of Contents

  1. High-Level Overview
  2. Implementation Details
  3. Specification File Reference
  4. tighterror-build
  5. cargo-tighterror
  6. Motivation

§High-Level Overview

In its basic form a tighterror is a newtype around a small unsigned integer, e.g., u8.
Error conditions are identified by an error kind. Every error kind has a category that identifies the logical group the error belongs to.

pub struct ErrorKind(u8);

pub struct ErrorCategory(u8);

pub struct Error(ErrorKind);

The tighterror crate defines only the “public interface” of these structs, and associated types:

The concrete types are auto-generated from a specification file defined in the user project. The specification file is written in one of the supported markup languages. For example, tighterror.yaml:

  - BadFile
  - BadArg

The specification file is translated to Rust using a dedicated command line tool cargo-tighterror or using the tighterror-build library:

cargo tighterror -o src/

This creates a module with all the concrete Rust types and corresponding trait implementations. The error categories and kinds are placed in the categories and kinds sub-modules respectively:

pub mod categories {
    pub const GENERAL: ErrorCategory = ErrorCategory::new(0);

pub mod kinds {
    pub const BAD_FILE: ErrorKind = ErrorKind::new(categories::GENERAL, 0);
    pub const BAD_ARG: ErrorKind = ErrorKind::new(categories::GENERAL, 1);

Error is the main type to be used in Result<T, E>. It can be created from an error kind constant like so:

let e: Error = BAD_FILE.into();
assert!(matches!(e.kind(), BAD_FILE));
assert!(matches!(e.category(), GENERAL));

§Implementation Details

Error kind is implemented with an unsigned integer (rather than an enum). This allows us to embed some additional information in its bits.

It is composed of two main parts - error category and error variant. Error category denotes the group of errors a specific error kind belongs to. Error variant is a unique identifier of the error within its category.

The following is an example layout of an error kind with allocation of bits suitable for 4 categories with a maximum of 32 errors within each category:

       │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │   0-1 2 category bits
     u8│ 7 │ 6 │ 5 │ 4 │ 3 │ 2 │ 1 │ 0 │   2-6 5 variant bits
       │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │   │   7-7 1 reserved bit
           │      variant      │  cat  │

The number of variant bits is large enough to accommodate the largest category. Therefore some categories may have more reserved bits than others, assuming not all categories are of the same length.

When there is only a single error category the number of category bits is 0.

By default tighterror chooses the smallest unsigned integer that is large enough to accommodate a required layout. Supported underlying types are u8, u16, u32 and u64.

Note that the layout of error kind is packed and may change during project’s lifetime. For example, addition of a new error category may lead to a left-shift of variant bits, thus changing the numeric value of all error kinds of the project, and possibly changing the underlying Rust type to a wider unsigned integer. Consequently, error kinds should be matched only using named constants defined by their origin crate. No assumption should be made about a named constant having any specific numeric value.

§Specification File Reference

tighterror uses markup languages for its specification file. Currently supported languages are YAML and TOML.


When specification filename isn’t explicitly provided tighterror-build searches the current working directory for a file with one of the default names tighterror.yaml or tighterror.toml.

Custom filenames, or files outside the current working directory, must be explicitly specified. A custom filename must have one of the supported markup language extensions .yaml or .toml.

§Error Object

An error object is comprised from the following attributes:

name: <string> (required)
display: <string>
doc: <string>
doc_from_display: <bool>
  • name - string (required)

    Defines the error kind name. Must be a string in UpperCamelCase. This string becomes an error kind constant after conversion to UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.

  • display - string (optional)

    Defines the error kind’s display string. This string is used in std::fmt::Display implementation to display the error kind.
    When undefined the error kind’s UPPER_SNAKE_CASE name is used as display string.

  • doc - string (optional)

    Defines the error’s documentation comment. This becomes the doc comment of the error kind’s constant. When undefined the constant doesn’t receive a doc comment.

  • doc_from_display - bool (optional)

    When enabled the display string is also used as the doc comment, unless doc is defined. The display attribute must be explicitly set for this to take effect.

    This attribute can be set on a higher level in category specification to affect all errors in the category, or in module specification to affect all errors in the module. Values defined on lower levels win.
    Default: false

An error object never appears standalone. It must be defined as an item in an error list.

§Error Object Examples


  - name: BadPath
    display: Path is malformed.
    doc: Returned when a path value has an invalid structure.
    doc_from_display: false


name = "BadPath"
display = "Path is malformed."
doc = "Returned when a path value has an invalid structure."
doc_from_display = false

§Error List

Error list is an ordered list of error objects with unique names. It is identified by the errors keyword.

The errors keyword may appear as a standalone top-level attribute or as an attribute of a category object. When specified at the top-level the specification file defines only a single category and the list defines all the errors of the specification. When specified at category object level the specification file can define more than one category, and the list defines errors belonging to the category in which it is specified. The top-level and per-category notations are mutually exclusive.

To allow more compact specification of errors tighterror supports shorthand notations where part of error object attributes are specified without corresponding keywords (see the examples below).

The order of elements in a list matters because error variant is assigned to errors in the order of their appearance in the list. Therefore, insertion or deletion of a not-last object causes reassignment of error variant of all subsequent objects in the list. This may create a larger than expected diff in the generated code.

§YAML Error List

In general an error list is an array of error objects where every item can have any of the error object’s attributes. The name attribute is mandatory.

  - name: MissingAttribute
    display: An object attribute is missing.
    doc_from_display: true
  - name: Timeout
    display: Operation timed out.
    doc_from_display: true

Name-Only Notation

Error object has only a single mandatory attribute, the name. This allows a short name-only notation, where every element of the list is an error name specified without the name keyword.

This notation doesn’t allow specification of attributes other than name. Therefore they receive default values. In particular, an error kind constant has no doc comment and is displayed as UPPER_SNAKE_CASE of the name.

  - MissingAttribute
  - Timeout

Name-Display Notation

Name-display notation slightly enhances the name-only notation with an addition of a display string, without using the display keyword. Every element in the list is a name: display single-item mapping. This notation is available in YAML only.

  - MissingAttribute: An object attribute is missing.
  - Timeout: Operation timed out.

§TOML Error List

In TOML an error list is an array of tables:

name = "MissingAttribute"
display = "An object attribute is missing."
doc_from_display = true

name = "Timeout"
display = "Operation timed out."
doc_from_display = true

or array of inline tables:

errors = [
    { name = "MissingAttribute", display = "An object attribute is missing.", doc_from_display = true },
    { name = "Timeout", display = "Operation timed out.", doc_from_display = true }

Name-Only Notation

Name-only shorthand notation is available in TOML as follows:

errors = ["MissingAttribute", "Timeout"]

§Category Object

A category object is comprised from the following attributes:

name: <string> (required*)
doc: <string>
doc_from_display: <bool>
errors: <ErrorList> (required*)
  • name - string

    Defines the name of the category.

    The value must be a valid Rust struct name specified in UpperCamelCase. This string becomes a category constant after transition to UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.

    The name is a mandatory attribute when category object is defined as an item in a category list. Otherwise it is optional with the default value General.

  • doc - string (optional)

    Defines the category’s document string.

    This becomes the doc comment of the category constant.

  • doc_from_display - bool (optional)

    Sets a default value for the doc_from_display error object attribute. This affects errors belonging to this category only. The value is used for all errors that do not define it explicitly as part of error object specification.

    Usage of this attribute allows addition of a doc comment in name-display error list notation, which otherwise isn’t possible.

  • errors - ErrorList

    Defines the list of errors belonging to this category.

    This is a mandatory attribute when category object is defined as an item in a category list. Conversely, when a category object is defined as a standalone top-level attribute (see below) this attribute is forbidden, and the error list must be defined as a top-level attribute.

    See the error list section for more information.

A category object can appear as a standalone top-level attribute category or as an item in a category list. Definition at the top-level allows specification of a single category. Definition as an item in a category list allows specification of multiple categories.

When a category object is specified at the top-level its errors attribute is forbidden, it must be defined at the top-level instead. Therefore, the whole category object at the top-level is optional because all other attributes have default values.

When no category object is defined tighterror creates an implicit General category.

When there is only a single category the number of category bits is zero.

See category list documentation for more information.

§Category Object Examples

A specification with a single implicit category General. Note, the error constants have no documentation in this scenario.

  - MissingAttribute: An object attribute is missing.
  - Timeout: Operation timed out.

A specification with a single category with a custom name. Note, the error constants receive a doc string that is equal to the display string.

  name: MyErrorCategory
  doc_from_display: true

  - MissingAttribute: An object attribute is missing.
  - Timeout: Operation timed out.

A TOML specification with a single category with a custom name and documentation equal to display string.

name = "MyErrorCategory"
doc_from_display = true

name = "MissingAttribute"
display = "An object attribute is missing."

name = "Timeout"
display = "Operation timed out"

§Category List

Category list is an ordered list of category objects with unique names. It is identified by the categories keyword.

The categories keyword may appear as a standalone top-level attribute of a specification file. It allows definition of one or more categories, each with its own set of errors.

Note that when a category object is defined as an item in a category list the name and errors attributes are mandatory.

Also note that category and categories keywords are mutually exclusive, as well as top-level errors and categories keywords. category and top-level errors keywords are used only for a single-category specification.

The order of elements in a list matters because category constant identifier is assigned in the order of their appearance in the list. Therefore, insertion or deletion of a non-last category causes reassignment of category identifiers of all subsequent objects in the list. This may create a larger than expected diff in the generated code.

§Category List Examples

A two-category YAML example.

  - name: Parsing
    doc_from_display: true
      - MissingAttribute: An object attribute is missing.
      - InvalidAttribute: An object contains an invalid attribute.

  - name: CodeGeneration
    doc_from_display: true
      - InvalidName: An object has an invalid name.
      - InvalidPath: A file path is invalid.

An equivalent two-category TOML example.

name = "Parsing"
doc_from_display = true

name = "MissingAttribute"
display = "An object attribute is missing."

name = "InvalidAttribute"
display = "An object contains an invalid attribute."

name = "CodeGeneration"
doc_from_display = true

name = "InvalidName"
display = "An object has an invalid name."

name = "InvalidPath"
display = "A file path is invalid."

§Module Object

The module object is identified by the module keyword and is found at the top-level of a specification file. It defines attributes of objects that are present at the Rust module level and below.

All attributes of the module object have default values. Therefore, the whole module section is optional.

  doc: <string>
  doc_from_display: <bool>
  err_cat_doc: <string>
  err_cat_name: <string>
  err_doc: <string>
  err_kind_doc: <string>
  err_kind_name: <string>
  err_name: <string>
  error_trait: <bool>
  flat_kinds: <bool>
  result_from_err: <bool>
  result_from_err_kind: <bool>
  • doc - string (optional)

    Defines the doc comment of the generated module.
    By default module doc comment is not defined.

  • doc_from_display - bool (optional)

    Sets a default value for the doc_from_display error object attribute. This value is used for all errors that do not define it explicitly as part of error object specification.

    Usage of this attribute allows addition of a doc comment in name-display error list notation, which otherwise isn’t possible.

      doc_from_display: true
      - MissingAttribute: An object attribute is missing.
      - Timeout: Operation timed out.

  • err_cat_doc - string (optional)

    Defines the doc comment of the error category struct.

    This becomes the doc comment of the struct that implements the TightErrorCategory trait.
    The default value is equivalent to the following YAML specification:

      err_cat_doc: |
        Error category type.
        See the [categories] module for category constants.

  • err_cat_name - string (optional)

    Defines the name of the error category struct.

    This becomes the name of the struct that implements the TightErrorCategory trait.
    The value must be a valid Rust struct name.
    Default: ErrorCategory

  • err_doc - string (optional)

    Defines the doc comment of the error struct.

    This becomes the doc comment of the struct that implements the TightError trait.
    The default value is equivalent to the following YAML specification:

      err_doc: |
        Error type.
        See the [kinds] module for error kind constants.

  • err_kind_doc - string (optional)

    Defines the doc comment of the error kind struct.

    This becomes the doc comment of the struct that implements the TightErrorKind trait.
    The default value is equivalent to the following YAML specification:

      err_kind_doc: |
        Error kind type.
        See the [kinds] module for error kind constants.

  • err_kind_name - string (optional)

    Defines the name of the error kind struct.

    This becomes the name of the struct that implements the TightErrorKind trait.
    The value must be a valid Rust struct name.
    Default: ErrorKind

  • err_name - string (optional)

    Defines the name of the error struct.

    This becomes the name of the struct that implements the TightError trait.
    The value must be a value Rust struct name.
    Default: Error

  • error_trait - bool (optional)

    When enabled implements std::error::Error trait on the error struct.
    This attribute is ignored when no_std is enabled.
    Default: true

  • flat_kinds - bool (optional)

    Puts the error kind constants directly under the kinds sub-module instead of under kinds::<category-module-name> sub-sub-module.

    By default error kind constants are placed in a category-specific sub-module. For example:

      - name: Foo
          - Err
      - name: Baz
          - Err

    The error kind constants’ paths are kinds::foo::ERR and kinds::baz::ERR. The category-specific sub-modules foo and baz are required because by default error names are required to be unique on category level only.

    There are cases when error names are unique per module. In these cases having the category-specific module in the constants’ paths has no practical function and just makes the paths longer.

    The flat_kinds attribute forces tighterror to put the constants directly under the kinds sub-module, e.g., kinds::ERR. Enabling this option requires the error names to be unique on module level (and not only on category level).

      flat_kinds: true
      - name: Foo
          - Err
      - name: Baz
          - AnotherErr

    Default: false

  • result_from_err - bool (optional)

    When enabled an implementation of From trait is added to create a Result<T, Error> from Error.
    Default: true

  • result_from_err_kind - bool (optional)

    When enabled an implementation of From trait is added to create a Result<T, Error> from ErrorKind.
    Default: true

§Main Object

The main configuration object is identified by the main keyword and is found at the top-level of a specification file. It defines attributes that affect the code generation globally, applicable to all other specification objects in the file.

All attributes of the main object have default values. Therefore, the whole main section is optional.

The main object is comprised of the following attributes:

  no_std: <bool>
  output: <string>
  • no_std - bool (optional)

    Generates code suitable for Rust no_std environment.

    When enabled this attribute implicitly disables error_trait and skips unit tests that require std.
    Default: false

  • output - string (optional)

    Defines the output file path. When undefined the output is written to stdout.

    The value - forces the output to be written to stdout.

    This attribute is overridden by the -o, --output command-line argument in cargo-tighterror.


tighterror-build is a library that implements tighterror specification file parsing, processing, and code generation. The library is usually not a direct dependency of a project that uses the tighterror framework, i.e., it is needed at project’s build time, rather than at project’s runtime. The recommended way to use it is through cargo-tighterror command-line utility. In special cases, when the cargo plugin cannot be used, the library can be used as a build-dependency of the project, i.e., in

See the library documentation for more details.


cargo-tighterror is the cargo plugin of the framework. It is a thin wrapper around the tighterror-build library.

Install the plugin, or upgrade to the latest version, using the following command:

cargo install cargo-tighterror

Note that the plugin needs to be periodically upgraded to follow releases of tighterror-build.

The plugin is the recommended way to process tighterror specification files and generate code. It allows a project to generate code in pre-build stage so that both the specification file and the generated code are under source control. Additionally, the plugin allows to override part of the settings defined in the specification file.

$> cargo help tighterror
The cargo plugin of the tighterror framework.

Usage: cargo tighterror [OPTIONS]

  -s, --spec <PATH>    The specification file path
  -o, --output <PATH>  The output file path
  -t, --test           Include a unit-test in the generated code
  -u, --update         Do not overwrite the output file if data is unchanged
  -h, --help           Print help
  -V, --version        Print version
  • -s, --spec <PATH> (optional)

    Defines the specification file path.

    It is required if a specification file has a custom name. It can be omitted if the specification file uses the default name tighterror.yaml or tighterror.toml and is present in the current working directory.

    Note that the file extension .yaml or .toml is mandatory in custom filenames.

  • -o, --output <PATH> (optional)

    Defines the output file path.

    This argument overrides the output attribute defined in the specification file. If this argument is omitted and output file path isn’t defined in the specification file the output is written to stdout.

    Use hyphen - to force the output to be written to stdout.

  • -t, --test (optional)

    Includes a unit-test in the generated Rust code.

    In no_std environments test cases that require std are excluded.

  • -u, --update (optional)

    Enables the update mode.

    By default the output file is overwritten unconditionally, even when the new data equals the already existing one. This may cause an unnecessary crate rebuild, because file’s write timestamp is updated. In update mode the new data is compared to the existing one, and the output file is overwritten only if the new data is different. Therefore, the file’s write timestamp is updated only if the file content has changed, i.e., a rebuild is indeed required.


Error handling in general and error representation/reporting in particular are non-trivial topics in many programming languages.

Rust simplifies error reporting by introduction of Result which is must_use. This is great, as forgetting to check an error condition becomes a compilation error. However, a programmer still has a lot of decisions to make.

This rather large section describes the reasons for tighterror creation.

§Error as Trait Object

Lets take a look at a function with multiple error conditions:

use std::{error::Error, fmt::Write, fs::File, io::Read};

fn foo() -> Result<String, std::io::Error> {
    let mut f = File::options().read(true).open("/etc/hosts")?;
    let mut hosts = String::new();
    f.read_to_string(&mut hosts)?;
    let mut v = String::new();
    write!(v, "hosts = {:?}", hosts)?;

This function has three error cases: File::open on line 4, Read::read_to_string on line 6, and write! on line 8. The first two have io::Error as the error type, while the third has fmt::Error. As a consequence this function doesn’t compile because the error type fmt::Error is not implicitly convertible to io::Error by the ? operator:

---- src/ - (line 37) stdout ----
error[E0277]: `?` couldn't convert the error to `std::io::Error`
  --> src/
5  | fn foo() -> Result<String, std::io::Error> {
   |             ------------------------------ expected `std::io::Error` because of this
10 |     write!(v, "hosts = {:?}", hosts)?;
   |                                     ^ the trait `From<std::fmt::Error>` is not implemented for `std::io::Error`
   = note: the question mark operation (`?`) implicitly performs a conversion on the error value using the `From` trait
error: aborting due to previous error

So, what should be the error type of foo?

One solution is to return a type that can “wrap” any type that implements the std::error::Error trait.
For example, Box<dyn Error>:

use std::{boxed::Box, error::Error, fmt::Write, fs::File, io::Read};

fn foo() -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>> {
    let mut f = File::options().read(true).open("/etc/hosts")?;
    let mut hosts = String::new();
    f.read_to_string(&mut hosts)?;
    let mut v = String::new();
    write!(v, "hosts = {:?}", hosts)?;

This example compiles successfully because any type that implements std::error::Error is convertible to Box<dyn Error> via the implementations of From here and here.

A more feature-rich solution is provided by the very popular anyhow crate:

use std::{fmt::Write, fs::File, io::Read};

fn foo() -> Result<String, anyhow::Error> {
    let mut f = File::options().read(true).open("/etc/hosts")?;
    let mut hosts = String::new();
    f.read_to_string(&mut hosts)?;
    let mut v = String::new();
    write!(v, "hosts = {:?}", hosts)?;

This works because anyhow::Error can be created from any type that implements std::error::Error as implemented here.

The common technique to both of these solutions is to “hide” a real error instance behind a trait object allocated on the heap. This works great in the common case, and also preserves the information contained in the original error instance.

However, this convenience has a cost:

  1. Dynamic memory allocation is made to construct the target error instance.
  2. The size of the target instance (even without the heap-allocated memory) may be different from that of the original one, and in some cases may be significantly larger, e.g., when the original instance is a ZST.
  3. Calling methods of the “hidden” instance involves dynamic dispatch.

These costs may be negligible in many projects, but not in all of them.

In tighterror an error condition is identified by a small unique unsigned integer, i.e., an error kind. Conversion into tighterror is very cheap as it entails only a function call that returns a constant value (which in many cases may be inlined).

§Error as Enum

Another solution to support multiple error conditions in a given function is to enumerate them, i.e., the error type of the function is an enum which has a distinct variant for every error case of the function.

For example:

use std::{fmt::Write, fs::File, io::Read};

enum Error {

impl std::fmt::Display for Error {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), std::fmt::Error> {
        write!(f, "{:?}", self)

impl std::convert::From<std::io::Error> for Error {
    fn from(value: std::io::Error) -> Self {

impl std::convert::From<std::fmt::Error> for Error {
    fn from(value: std::fmt::Error) -> Self {

impl std::error::Error for Error {}

fn foo() -> Result<String, Error> {
    let mut f = File::options().read(true).open("/etc/hosts")?;
    let mut hosts = String::new();
    f.read_to_string(&mut hosts)?;
    let mut v = String::new();
    write!(v, "hosts = {:?}", hosts)?;

This is a lot of coding to support a single function with two error conditions. Fortunately, we have thiserror crate which makes all of this much shorter:

use std::{fmt::Write, fs::File, io::Read};

#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
enum Error {
    IoError(#[from] std::io::Error),
    FmtError(#[from] std::fmt::Error),

fn foo() -> Result<String, Error> {
    let mut f = File::options().read(true).open("/etc/hosts")?;
    let mut hosts = String::new();
    f.read_to_string(&mut hosts)?;
    let mut v = String::new();
    write!(v, "hosts = {:?}", hosts)?;

This code is pretty short and clean. It preserves the information contained in the inner errors, and there is no dynamic memory allocation in translation of inner errors into the outer one.

However, in our opinion, this solution works well only in case of small units with low amount of error conditions (up to three). For a large unit, e.g., a library entrypoint, which can fail on numerous error conditions spread across several layers of abstraction this solution doesn’t scale well for the following reasons:

  1. Different layers of abstraction suggest a different error type per layer, each with its own list of error variants. This implies that the top-level error type returned from the library entrypoint has an enum variant per inner abstraction layer.

  2. Embedding inner errors as fields of outer errors creates a nested structure which already at the depth of 2 layers becomes hard to deal with, especially on the caller side.

  3. The size of inner error types affects the size of outer types in the upper layers. This can easily get out of control when data fields are added to enum variants in the inner layers.

  4. Adding meta-data, e.g., Location or Backtrace, to all errors means adding a corresponding field to every enum variant individually.

tighterror takes a minimalistic approach where there is a single error type that is capable to represent every error condition of a unit via a unique error kind, even when errors are spread across different layers of abstraction. The error type doesn’t convey any additional error-specific information, except for the optional meta-data, e.g., Location or Backtrace. Representation of 3’rd party tighterrors is done by dedicating an error category to the 3’rd party type and embedding its bits as error variant in the outer type.

§Source Code Readability

To mitigate issues 1-3 in error as enum one can use thiserror to create error kinds from a simple enum without data fields, like so:

#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
enum Error {
    #[error("io error")]
    #[error("formatting error")]

This is simple and clean, and can work well even with a high number of error variants in the same enum.

Nevertheless, in our opinion, using constants for error kinds is much more readable than enum variants. Because constants by Rust coding convention are written in capital-snake case, e.g., CONNECTION_REFUSED, while enum variants are written in upper-camel case, e.g., ConnectionRefused, just like structs, traits, unions and enums themselves. Thus, using constants on error path is more intuitive and easier to spot during code review because (a) an error kind is expected to be a constant value, and (b) it stands out and makes the code less cluttered, i.e., it doesn’t add more items of the same case as structs/traits/unions/enums that themselves appear in source code pretty frequently.

