Struct tic::Receiver [] [src]

pub struct Receiver<T> { /* fields omitted */ }

a Receiver processes incoming Samples and generates stats


impl<T: Hash + Eq + Send + Display + Clone> Receiver<T>

create a new Receiver using the defaults

create a Receiver from a tic::Config

Create a new Config which can be used to build() a Receiver

returns a clone of the Sender

returns a clone of the Clocksource

register a stat for export

run the receive loop for one window

run the receive loop for all windows, output waterfall and traces as requested

save all artifacts

save a heatmap trace file for total heatmap

save a waterfall png for the total heatmap

Trait Implementations

impl<T: Hash + Eq + Send + Clone + Display> Default for Receiver<T>

create a default Receiver