Module termwiz::widgets

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  • This module provides some automatic layout functionality for widgets. The parameters are similar to those that you may have encountered in HTML, but do not fully recreate the layout model.


  • Relative to the top left of the parent container
  • Relative to the top left of the screen
  • Manages the widgets on the display
  • UpdateArgs provides access to the widget and UI state during a call to Widget::update_state
  • The WidgetId uniquely describes an instance of a widget. Creating a new WidgetId generates a new unique identifier which can be safely copied and moved around; each copy refers to the same widget. The intent is that you set up the identifiers once and re-use them, rather than generating new ids on each iteration of the UI loop so that the widget state is maintained correctly by the Ui.


  • Describes an event that may need to be processed by the widget


  • Implementing the Widget trait allows for defining a potentially interactive component in a UI layout.