Crate tensorgraph_sys[][src]


Provides implementation of a Device Box

Provides trait defintion and implementations of a Device

Provides standard pointer types


Same as std::vec::Vec but using device allocators rather than host allocators. This allows you to have owned buffers on GPUs and CPUs using a single data structure.


Represents a type that can be ‘viewed’ (derefed). Mimics the impl for std::ops::Deref but makes use of GAT’s in order to provide non & refs. Useful for things like tensor views.

Represents a type that can be mutably ‘viewed’ (derefed). Mimics the impl for std::ops::DerefMut but makes use of GAT’s in order to provide non &mut refs. Useful for things like tensor views.

This trait signifies that [0; size_of::<T>] is transmutable to a valid T safely, and that T fits some concept of ‘zero’.

Type Definitions

A Vec that uses the default allocator for the device