pub trait Requester {
Show 221 associated items type Err: Error + Send; type GetUpdates: Request<Payload = GetUpdates, Err = Self::Err>; type SetWebhook: Request<Payload = SetWebhook, Err = Self::Err>; type DeleteWebhook: Request<Payload = DeleteWebhook, Err = Self::Err>; type GetWebhookInfo: Request<Payload = GetWebhookInfo, Err = Self::Err>; type GetMe: Request<Payload = GetMe, Err = Self::Err>; type LogOut: Request<Payload = LogOut, Err = Self::Err>; type Close: Request<Payload = Close, Err = Self::Err>; type SendMessage: Request<Payload = SendMessage, Err = Self::Err>; type ForwardMessage: Request<Payload = ForwardMessage, Err = Self::Err>; type CopyMessage: Request<Payload = CopyMessage, Err = Self::Err>; type SendPhoto: Request<Payload = SendPhoto, Err = Self::Err>; type SendAudio: Request<Payload = SendAudio, Err = Self::Err>; type SendDocument: Request<Payload = SendDocument, Err = Self::Err>; type SendVideo: Request<Payload = SendVideo, Err = Self::Err>; type SendAnimation: Request<Payload = SendAnimation, Err = Self::Err>; type SendVoice: Request<Payload = SendVoice, Err = Self::Err>; type SendVideoNote: Request<Payload = SendVideoNote, Err = Self::Err>; type SendMediaGroup: Request<Payload = SendMediaGroup, Err = Self::Err>; type SendLocation: Request<Payload = SendLocation, Err = Self::Err>; type EditMessageLiveLocation: Request<Payload = EditMessageLiveLocation, Err = Self::Err>; type EditMessageLiveLocationInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageLiveLocationInline, Err = Self::Err>; type StopMessageLiveLocation: Request<Payload = StopMessageLiveLocation, Err = Self::Err>; type StopMessageLiveLocationInline: Request<Payload = StopMessageLiveLocationInline, Err = Self::Err>; type SendVenue: Request<Payload = SendVenue, Err = Self::Err>; type SendContact: Request<Payload = SendContact, Err = Self::Err>; type SendPoll: Request<Payload = SendPoll, Err = Self::Err>; type SendDice: Request<Payload = SendDice, Err = Self::Err>; type SendChatAction: Request<Payload = SendChatAction, Err = Self::Err>; type GetUserProfilePhotos: Request<Payload = GetUserProfilePhotos, Err = Self::Err>; type GetFile: Request<Payload = GetFile, Err = Self::Err>; type BanChatMember: Request<Payload = BanChatMember, Err = Self::Err>; type KickChatMember: Request<Payload = KickChatMember, Err = Self::Err>; type UnbanChatMember: Request<Payload = UnbanChatMember, Err = Self::Err>; type RestrictChatMember: Request<Payload = RestrictChatMember, Err = Self::Err>; type PromoteChatMember: Request<Payload = PromoteChatMember, Err = Self::Err>; type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle: Request<Payload = SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle, Err = Self::Err>; type BanChatSenderChat: Request<Payload = BanChatSenderChat, Err = Self::Err>; type UnbanChatSenderChat: Request<Payload = UnbanChatSenderChat, Err = Self::Err>; type SetChatPermissions: Request<Payload = SetChatPermissions, Err = Self::Err>; type ExportChatInviteLink: Request<Payload = ExportChatInviteLink, Err = Self::Err>; type CreateChatInviteLink: Request<Payload = CreateChatInviteLink, Err = Self::Err>; type EditChatInviteLink: Request<Payload = EditChatInviteLink, Err = Self::Err>; type RevokeChatInviteLink: Request<Payload = RevokeChatInviteLink, Err = Self::Err>; type ApproveChatJoinRequest: Request<Payload = ApproveChatJoinRequest, Err = Self::Err>; type DeclineChatJoinRequest: Request<Payload = DeclineChatJoinRequest, Err = Self::Err>; type SetChatPhoto: Request<Payload = SetChatPhoto, Err = Self::Err>; type DeleteChatPhoto: Request<Payload = DeleteChatPhoto, Err = Self::Err>; type SetChatTitle: Request<Payload = SetChatTitle, Err = Self::Err>; type SetChatDescription: Request<Payload = SetChatDescription, Err = Self::Err>; type PinChatMessage: Request<Payload = PinChatMessage, Err = Self::Err>; type UnpinChatMessage: Request<Payload = UnpinChatMessage, Err = Self::Err>; type UnpinAllChatMessages: Request<Payload = UnpinAllChatMessages, Err = Self::Err>; type LeaveChat: Request<Payload = LeaveChat, Err = Self::Err>; type GetChat: Request<Payload = GetChat, Err = Self::Err>; type GetChatAdministrators: Request<Payload = GetChatAdministrators, Err = Self::Err>; type GetChatMemberCount: Request<Payload = GetChatMemberCount, Err = Self::Err>; type GetChatMembersCount: Request<Payload = GetChatMembersCount, Err = Self::Err>; type GetChatMember: Request<Payload = GetChatMember, Err = Self::Err>; type SetChatStickerSet: Request<Payload = SetChatStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>; type DeleteChatStickerSet: Request<Payload = DeleteChatStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>; type GetForumTopicIconStickers: Request<Payload = GetForumTopicIconStickers, Err = Self::Err>; type CreateForumTopic: Request<Payload = CreateForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>; type EditForumTopic: Request<Payload = EditForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>; type CloseForumTopic: Request<Payload = CloseForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>; type ReopenForumTopic: Request<Payload = ReopenForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>; type DeleteForumTopic: Request<Payload = DeleteForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>; type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages: Request<Payload = UnpinAllForumTopicMessages, Err = Self::Err>; type EditGeneralForumTopic: Request<Payload = EditGeneralForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>; type CloseGeneralForumTopic: Request<Payload = CloseGeneralForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>; type ReopenGeneralForumTopic: Request<Payload = ReopenGeneralForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>; type HideGeneralForumTopic: Request<Payload = HideGeneralForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>; type UnhideGeneralForumTopic: Request<Payload = UnhideGeneralForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>; type AnswerCallbackQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerCallbackQuery, Err = Self::Err>; type SetMyCommands: Request<Payload = SetMyCommands, Err = Self::Err>; type GetMyCommands: Request<Payload = GetMyCommands, Err = Self::Err>; type SetChatMenuButton: Request<Payload = SetChatMenuButton, Err = Self::Err>; type GetChatMenuButton: Request<Payload = GetChatMenuButton, Err = Self::Err>; type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights: Request<Payload = SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights, Err = Self::Err>; type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights: Request<Payload = GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights, Err = Self::Err>; type DeleteMyCommands: Request<Payload = DeleteMyCommands, Err = Self::Err>; type AnswerInlineQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerInlineQuery, Err = Self::Err>; type AnswerWebAppQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerWebAppQuery, Err = Self::Err>; type EditMessageText: Request<Payload = EditMessageText, Err = Self::Err>; type EditMessageTextInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageTextInline, Err = Self::Err>; type EditMessageCaption: Request<Payload = EditMessageCaption, Err = Self::Err>; type EditMessageCaptionInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageCaptionInline, Err = Self::Err>; type EditMessageMedia: Request<Payload = EditMessageMedia, Err = Self::Err>; type EditMessageMediaInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageMediaInline, Err = Self::Err>; type EditMessageReplyMarkup: Request<Payload = EditMessageReplyMarkup, Err = Self::Err>; type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageReplyMarkupInline, Err = Self::Err>; type StopPoll: Request<Payload = StopPoll, Err = Self::Err>; type DeleteMessage: Request<Payload = DeleteMessage, Err = Self::Err>; type SendSticker: Request<Payload = SendSticker, Err = Self::Err>; type GetStickerSet: Request<Payload = GetStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>; type GetCustomEmojiStickers: Request<Payload = GetCustomEmojiStickers, Err = Self::Err>; type UploadStickerFile: Request<Payload = UploadStickerFile, Err = Self::Err>; type CreateNewStickerSet: Request<Payload = CreateNewStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>; type AddStickerToSet: Request<Payload = AddStickerToSet, Err = Self::Err>; type SetStickerPositionInSet: Request<Payload = SetStickerPositionInSet, Err = Self::Err>; type DeleteStickerFromSet: Request<Payload = DeleteStickerFromSet, Err = Self::Err>; type SetStickerSetThumb: Request<Payload = SetStickerSetThumb, Err = Self::Err>; type SendInvoice: Request<Payload = SendInvoice, Err = Self::Err>; type CreateInvoiceLink: Request<Payload = CreateInvoiceLink, Err = Self::Err>; type AnswerShippingQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerShippingQuery, Err = Self::Err>; type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerPreCheckoutQuery, Err = Self::Err>; type SetPassportDataErrors: Request<Payload = SetPassportDataErrors, Err = Self::Err>; type SendGame: Request<Payload = SendGame, Err = Self::Err>; type SetGameScore: Request<Payload = SetGameScore, Err = Self::Err>; type SetGameScoreInline: Request<Payload = SetGameScoreInline, Err = Self::Err>; type GetGameHighScores: Request<Payload = GetGameHighScores, Err = Self::Err>; // Required methods fn get_updates(&self) -> Self::GetUpdates; fn set_webhook(&self, url: Url) -> Self::SetWebhook; fn delete_webhook(&self) -> Self::DeleteWebhook; fn get_webhook_info(&self) -> Self::GetWebhookInfo; fn get_me(&self) -> Self::GetMe; fn log_out(&self) -> Self::LogOut; fn close(&self) -> Self::Close; fn send_message<C, T>(&self, chat_id: C, text: T) -> Self::SendMessage where C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>; fn forward_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::ForwardMessage where C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>; fn copy_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::CopyMessage where C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>; fn send_photo<C>(&self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile) -> Self::SendPhoto where C: Into<Recipient>; fn send_audio<C>(&self, chat_id: C, audio: InputFile) -> Self::SendAudio where C: Into<Recipient>; fn send_document<C>( &self, chat_id: C, document: InputFile ) -> Self::SendDocument where C: Into<Recipient>; fn send_video<C>(&self, chat_id: C, video: InputFile) -> Self::SendVideo where C: Into<Recipient>; fn send_animation<C>( &self, chat_id: C, animation: InputFile ) -> Self::SendAnimation where C: Into<Recipient>; fn send_voice<C>(&self, chat_id: C, voice: InputFile) -> Self::SendVoice where C: Into<Recipient>; fn send_video_note<C>( &self, chat_id: C, video_note: InputFile ) -> Self::SendVideoNote where C: Into<Recipient>; fn send_media_group<C, M>(&self, chat_id: C, media: M) -> Self::SendMediaGroup where C: Into<Recipient>, M: IntoIterator<Item = InputMedia>; fn send_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> Self::SendLocation where C: Into<Recipient>; fn edit_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> Self::EditMessageLiveLocation where C: Into<Recipient>; fn edit_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> Self::EditMessageLiveLocationInline where I: Into<String>; fn stop_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> Self::StopMessageLiveLocation where C: Into<Recipient>; fn stop_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> Self::StopMessageLiveLocationInline where I: Into<String>; fn send_venue<C, T, A>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64, title: T, address: A ) -> Self::SendVenue where C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, A: Into<String>; fn send_contact<C, P, F>( &self, chat_id: C, phone_number: P, first_name: F ) -> Self::SendContact where C: Into<Recipient>, P: Into<String>, F: Into<String>; fn send_poll<C, Q, O>( &self, chat_id: C, question: Q, options: O ) -> Self::SendPoll where C: Into<Recipient>, Q: Into<String>, O: IntoIterator<Item = String>; fn send_dice<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::SendDice where C: Into<Recipient>; fn send_chat_action<C>( &self, chat_id: C, action: ChatAction ) -> Self::SendChatAction where C: Into<Recipient>; fn get_user_profile_photos( &self, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::GetUserProfilePhotos; fn get_file<F>(&self, file_id: F) -> Self::GetFile where F: Into<String>; fn ban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::BanChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>; fn kick_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::KickChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>; fn unban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::UnbanChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>; fn restrict_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> Self::RestrictChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>; fn promote_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::PromoteChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>; fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title<Ch, C>( &self, chat_id: Ch, user_id: UserId, custom_title: C ) -> Self::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle where Ch: Into<Recipient>, C: Into<String>; fn ban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> Self::BanChatSenderChat where C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>; fn unban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> Self::UnbanChatSenderChat where C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>; fn set_chat_permissions<C>( &self, chat_id: C, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> Self::SetChatPermissions where C: Into<Recipient>; fn export_chat_invite_link<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> Self::ExportChatInviteLink where C: Into<Recipient>; fn create_chat_invite_link<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> Self::CreateChatInviteLink where C: Into<Recipient>; fn edit_chat_invite_link<C, I>( &self, chat_id: C, invite_link: I ) -> Self::EditChatInviteLink where C: Into<Recipient>, I: Into<String>; fn revoke_chat_invite_link<C, I>( &self, chat_id: C, invite_link: I ) -> Self::RevokeChatInviteLink where C: Into<Recipient>, I: Into<String>; fn approve_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::ApproveChatJoinRequest where C: Into<Recipient>; fn decline_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::DeclineChatJoinRequest where C: Into<Recipient>; fn set_chat_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile ) -> Self::SetChatPhoto where C: Into<Recipient>; fn delete_chat_photo<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::DeleteChatPhoto where C: Into<Recipient>; fn set_chat_title<C, T>(&self, chat_id: C, title: T) -> Self::SetChatTitle where C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>; fn set_chat_description<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::SetChatDescription where C: Into<Recipient>; fn pin_chat_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::PinChatMessage where C: Into<Recipient>; fn unpin_chat_message<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::UnpinChatMessage where C: Into<Recipient>; fn unpin_all_chat_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> Self::UnpinAllChatMessages where C: Into<Recipient>; fn leave_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::LeaveChat where C: Into<Recipient>; fn get_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChat where C: Into<Recipient>; fn get_chat_administrators<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> Self::GetChatAdministrators where C: Into<Recipient>; fn get_chat_member_count<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChatMemberCount where C: Into<Recipient>; fn get_chat_members_count<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChatMembersCount where C: Into<Recipient>; fn get_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::GetChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>; fn set_chat_sticker_set<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sticker_set_name: S ) -> Self::SetChatStickerSet where C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<String>; fn delete_chat_sticker_set<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> Self::DeleteChatStickerSet where C: Into<Recipient>; fn get_forum_topic_icon_stickers(&self) -> Self::GetForumTopicIconStickers; fn create_forum_topic<C, N, I>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N, icon_color: u32, icon_custom_emoji_id: I ) -> Self::CreateForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>, I: Into<String>; fn edit_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> Self::EditForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>; fn close_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> Self::CloseForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>; fn reopen_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> Self::ReopenForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>; fn delete_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> Self::DeleteForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>; fn unpin_all_forum_topic_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> Self::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages where C: Into<Recipient>; fn edit_general_forum_topic<C, N>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N ) -> Self::EditGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>; fn close_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> Self::CloseGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>; fn reopen_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> Self::ReopenGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>; fn hide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> Self::HideGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>; fn unhide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> Self::UnhideGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>; fn answer_callback_query<C>( &self, callback_query_id: C ) -> Self::AnswerCallbackQuery where C: Into<String>; fn set_my_commands<C>(&self, commands: C) -> Self::SetMyCommands where C: IntoIterator<Item = BotCommand>; fn get_my_commands(&self) -> Self::GetMyCommands; fn set_chat_menu_button(&self) -> Self::SetChatMenuButton; fn get_chat_menu_button(&self) -> Self::GetChatMenuButton; fn set_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> Self::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights; fn get_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> Self::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights; fn delete_my_commands(&self) -> Self::DeleteMyCommands; fn answer_inline_query<I, R>( &self, inline_query_id: I, results: R ) -> Self::AnswerInlineQuery where I: Into<String>, R: IntoIterator<Item = InlineQueryResult>; fn answer_web_app_query<W>( &self, web_app_query_id: W, result: InlineQueryResult ) -> Self::AnswerWebAppQuery where W: Into<String>; fn edit_message_text<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, text: T ) -> Self::EditMessageText where C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>; fn edit_message_text_inline<I, T>( &self, inline_message_id: I, text: T ) -> Self::EditMessageTextInline where I: Into<String>, T: Into<String>; fn edit_message_caption<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::EditMessageCaption where C: Into<Recipient>; fn edit_message_caption_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> Self::EditMessageCaptionInline where I: Into<String>; fn edit_message_media<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, media: InputMedia ) -> Self::EditMessageMedia where C: Into<Recipient>; fn edit_message_media_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, media: InputMedia ) -> Self::EditMessageMediaInline where I: Into<String>; fn edit_message_reply_markup<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::EditMessageReplyMarkup where C: Into<Recipient>; fn edit_message_reply_markup_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> Self::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline where I: Into<String>; fn stop_poll<C>(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId) -> Self::StopPoll where C: Into<Recipient>; fn delete_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::DeleteMessage where C: Into<Recipient>; fn send_sticker<C>(&self, chat_id: C, sticker: InputFile) -> Self::SendSticker where C: Into<Recipient>; fn get_sticker_set<N>(&self, name: N) -> Self::GetStickerSet where N: Into<String>; fn get_custom_emoji_stickers<C>( &self, custom_emoji_ids: C ) -> Self::GetCustomEmojiStickers where C: IntoIterator<Item = String>; fn upload_sticker_file( &self, user_id: UserId, png_sticker: InputFile ) -> Self::UploadStickerFile; fn create_new_sticker_set<N, T, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, title: T, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> Self::CreateNewStickerSet where N: Into<String>, T: Into<String>, E: Into<String>; fn add_sticker_to_set<N, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> Self::AddStickerToSet where N: Into<String>, E: Into<String>; fn set_sticker_position_in_set<S>( &self, sticker: S, position: u32 ) -> Self::SetStickerPositionInSet where S: Into<String>; fn delete_sticker_from_set<S>( &self, sticker: S ) -> Self::DeleteStickerFromSet where S: Into<String>; fn set_sticker_set_thumb<N>( &self, name: N, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::SetStickerSetThumb where N: Into<String>; fn send_invoice<Ch, T, D, Pa, P, C, Pri>( &self, chat_id: Ch, title: T, description: D, payload: Pa, provider_token: P, currency: C, prices: Pri ) -> Self::SendInvoice where Ch: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, D: Into<String>, Pa: Into<String>, P: Into<String>, C: Into<String>, Pri: IntoIterator<Item = LabeledPrice>; fn create_invoice_link<T, D, Pa, P, C, Pri>( &self, title: T, description: D, payload: Pa, provider_token: P, currency: C, prices: Pri ) -> Self::CreateInvoiceLink where T: Into<String>, D: Into<String>, Pa: Into<String>, P: Into<String>, C: Into<String>, Pri: IntoIterator<Item = LabeledPrice>; fn answer_shipping_query<S>( &self, shipping_query_id: S, ok: bool ) -> Self::AnswerShippingQuery where S: Into<String>; fn answer_pre_checkout_query<P>( &self, pre_checkout_query_id: P, ok: bool ) -> Self::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery where P: Into<String>; fn set_passport_data_errors<E>( &self, user_id: UserId, errors: E ) -> Self::SetPassportDataErrors where E: IntoIterator<Item = PassportElementError>; fn send_game<G>(&self, chat_id: u32, game_short_name: G) -> Self::SendGame where G: Into<String>; fn set_game_score( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, chat_id: u32, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::SetGameScore; fn set_game_score_inline<I>( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, inline_message_id: I ) -> Self::SetGameScoreInline where I: Into<String>; fn get_game_high_scores<T>( &self, user_id: UserId, target: T ) -> Self::GetGameHighScores where T: Into<TargetMessage>;
Expand description

Telegram Bot API client.

This trait is implemented by all bots & bot adaptors.

Calling Telegram Bot API methods

To call Telegram’s methods you first need to get a Bot instance or any other type which implement this trait.

Then you can simply call the method you want and pass required parameters to it. Optional parameters can be supplied by calling setters (like parse_mode in the example below). Lastly, you need to .await the request created in previous steps, to actually send it to telegram and wait for the response.

use teloxide_core::{
    types::{ChatId, ParseMode},

// Bot implements `Requester`
let bot = Bot::new("TOKEN");

// Required parameters are supplied to the `Requester` methods:
bot.send_message(chat_id, "<b>Text</b>")
    // Optional parameters can be supplied by calling setters
    // To send request to telegram you need to `.await` the request


Similarly to how Iterator has iterator adaptors (FlatMap, Filter, etc) that wrap an Iterator and alter its behaviour, Teloxide has a similar story with Requester.

adaptors module provides a handful of Requester adaptors that can be created via RequesterExt methods. For example using .parse_mode(...) on a bot will wrap it in DefaultParseMode adaptor which sets the parse mode to a default value:

use teloxide_core::{
    types::{ChatId, ParseMode},

let bot = Bot::new("TOKEN")
    // Wrap the bot in an adaptor

// This will use `ParseMode::Html`
bot.send_message(chat_id, "<b>Text</b>").await?;

// This will use `ParseMode::MarkdownV2`
bot.send_message(chat_id, "**Text**").parse_mode(ParseMode::MarkdownV2).await?;

Note that just as with iterators, adaptors change type:

let bot: Bot = Bot::new("TOKEN").parse_mode(ParseMode::Html);
let bot: DefaultParseMode<Bot> = Bot::new("TOKEN").parse_mode(ParseMode::Html);

Because of this it’s oftentimes more convinient to have a type alias:

type Bot = DefaultParseMode<Throttle<teloxide_core::Bot>>;

let bot: Bot = teloxide_core::Bot::new("TOKEN")

Also note that most adaptors require specific cargo features to be enabled. For example, to use Throttle you need to enable throttle feature in your Cargo.toml:

teloxide_core = { version = "...", features = ["throttle"] }

Refer to adaptor’s documentation for information about what features it requires.

Using Requester in a generic context

When writing helper function you may be indifferent to which exact type is being used as a bot and instead only care that it implements Requester trait. In this case you can use generic bounds to express this exact thing:

use teloxide_core::{
    types::{ChatId, Message},

async fn send_hi<R>(bot: R, chat: ChatId) -> Message
    R: Requester,
    bot.send_message(chat, "hi").await.expect("error")

// `send_hi` can be called with `Bot`, `DefaultParseMode<Bot>` and so on, and so forth

Required Associated Types§


type Err: Error + Send

Error type returned by all requests.


type GetUpdates: Request<Payload = GetUpdates, Err = Self::Err>


type SetWebhook: Request<Payload = SetWebhook, Err = Self::Err>


type DeleteWebhook: Request<Payload = DeleteWebhook, Err = Self::Err>


type GetWebhookInfo: Request<Payload = GetWebhookInfo, Err = Self::Err>


type GetMe: Request<Payload = GetMe, Err = Self::Err>


type LogOut: Request<Payload = LogOut, Err = Self::Err>


type Close: Request<Payload = Close, Err = Self::Err>


type SendMessage: Request<Payload = SendMessage, Err = Self::Err>


type ForwardMessage: Request<Payload = ForwardMessage, Err = Self::Err>


type CopyMessage: Request<Payload = CopyMessage, Err = Self::Err>


type SendPhoto: Request<Payload = SendPhoto, Err = Self::Err>


type SendAudio: Request<Payload = SendAudio, Err = Self::Err>


type SendDocument: Request<Payload = SendDocument, Err = Self::Err>


type SendVideo: Request<Payload = SendVideo, Err = Self::Err>


type SendAnimation: Request<Payload = SendAnimation, Err = Self::Err>


type SendVoice: Request<Payload = SendVoice, Err = Self::Err>


type SendVideoNote: Request<Payload = SendVideoNote, Err = Self::Err>


type SendMediaGroup: Request<Payload = SendMediaGroup, Err = Self::Err>


type SendLocation: Request<Payload = SendLocation, Err = Self::Err>


type EditMessageLiveLocation: Request<Payload = EditMessageLiveLocation, Err = Self::Err>


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageLiveLocationInline, Err = Self::Err>


type StopMessageLiveLocation: Request<Payload = StopMessageLiveLocation, Err = Self::Err>


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline: Request<Payload = StopMessageLiveLocationInline, Err = Self::Err>


type SendVenue: Request<Payload = SendVenue, Err = Self::Err>


type SendContact: Request<Payload = SendContact, Err = Self::Err>


type SendPoll: Request<Payload = SendPoll, Err = Self::Err>


type SendDice: Request<Payload = SendDice, Err = Self::Err>


type SendChatAction: Request<Payload = SendChatAction, Err = Self::Err>


type GetUserProfilePhotos: Request<Payload = GetUserProfilePhotos, Err = Self::Err>


type GetFile: Request<Payload = GetFile, Err = Self::Err>


type BanChatMember: Request<Payload = BanChatMember, Err = Self::Err>


type KickChatMember: Request<Payload = KickChatMember, Err = Self::Err>


type UnbanChatMember: Request<Payload = UnbanChatMember, Err = Self::Err>


type RestrictChatMember: Request<Payload = RestrictChatMember, Err = Self::Err>


type PromoteChatMember: Request<Payload = PromoteChatMember, Err = Self::Err>


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle: Request<Payload = SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle, Err = Self::Err>


type BanChatSenderChat: Request<Payload = BanChatSenderChat, Err = Self::Err>


type UnbanChatSenderChat: Request<Payload = UnbanChatSenderChat, Err = Self::Err>


type SetChatPermissions: Request<Payload = SetChatPermissions, Err = Self::Err>


type ApproveChatJoinRequest: Request<Payload = ApproveChatJoinRequest, Err = Self::Err>


type DeclineChatJoinRequest: Request<Payload = DeclineChatJoinRequest, Err = Self::Err>


type SetChatPhoto: Request<Payload = SetChatPhoto, Err = Self::Err>


type DeleteChatPhoto: Request<Payload = DeleteChatPhoto, Err = Self::Err>


type SetChatTitle: Request<Payload = SetChatTitle, Err = Self::Err>


type SetChatDescription: Request<Payload = SetChatDescription, Err = Self::Err>


type PinChatMessage: Request<Payload = PinChatMessage, Err = Self::Err>


type UnpinChatMessage: Request<Payload = UnpinChatMessage, Err = Self::Err>


type UnpinAllChatMessages: Request<Payload = UnpinAllChatMessages, Err = Self::Err>


type LeaveChat: Request<Payload = LeaveChat, Err = Self::Err>


type GetChat: Request<Payload = GetChat, Err = Self::Err>


type GetChatAdministrators: Request<Payload = GetChatAdministrators, Err = Self::Err>


type GetChatMemberCount: Request<Payload = GetChatMemberCount, Err = Self::Err>


type GetChatMembersCount: Request<Payload = GetChatMembersCount, Err = Self::Err>


type GetChatMember: Request<Payload = GetChatMember, Err = Self::Err>


type SetChatStickerSet: Request<Payload = SetChatStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>


type DeleteChatStickerSet: Request<Payload = DeleteChatStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>


type GetForumTopicIconStickers: Request<Payload = GetForumTopicIconStickers, Err = Self::Err>


type CreateForumTopic: Request<Payload = CreateForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>


type EditForumTopic: Request<Payload = EditForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>


type CloseForumTopic: Request<Payload = CloseForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>


type ReopenForumTopic: Request<Payload = ReopenForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>


type DeleteForumTopic: Request<Payload = DeleteForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages: Request<Payload = UnpinAllForumTopicMessages, Err = Self::Err>


type EditGeneralForumTopic: Request<Payload = EditGeneralForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>


type CloseGeneralForumTopic: Request<Payload = CloseGeneralForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic: Request<Payload = ReopenGeneralForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>


type HideGeneralForumTopic: Request<Payload = HideGeneralForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic: Request<Payload = UnhideGeneralForumTopic, Err = Self::Err>


type AnswerCallbackQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerCallbackQuery, Err = Self::Err>


type SetMyCommands: Request<Payload = SetMyCommands, Err = Self::Err>


type GetMyCommands: Request<Payload = GetMyCommands, Err = Self::Err>


type SetChatMenuButton: Request<Payload = SetChatMenuButton, Err = Self::Err>


type GetChatMenuButton: Request<Payload = GetChatMenuButton, Err = Self::Err>


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights: Request<Payload = SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights, Err = Self::Err>


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights: Request<Payload = GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights, Err = Self::Err>


type DeleteMyCommands: Request<Payload = DeleteMyCommands, Err = Self::Err>


type AnswerInlineQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerInlineQuery, Err = Self::Err>


type AnswerWebAppQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerWebAppQuery, Err = Self::Err>


type EditMessageText: Request<Payload = EditMessageText, Err = Self::Err>


type EditMessageTextInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageTextInline, Err = Self::Err>


type EditMessageCaption: Request<Payload = EditMessageCaption, Err = Self::Err>


type EditMessageCaptionInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageCaptionInline, Err = Self::Err>


type EditMessageMedia: Request<Payload = EditMessageMedia, Err = Self::Err>


type EditMessageMediaInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageMediaInline, Err = Self::Err>


type EditMessageReplyMarkup: Request<Payload = EditMessageReplyMarkup, Err = Self::Err>


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageReplyMarkupInline, Err = Self::Err>


type StopPoll: Request<Payload = StopPoll, Err = Self::Err>


type DeleteMessage: Request<Payload = DeleteMessage, Err = Self::Err>


type SendSticker: Request<Payload = SendSticker, Err = Self::Err>


type GetStickerSet: Request<Payload = GetStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>


type GetCustomEmojiStickers: Request<Payload = GetCustomEmojiStickers, Err = Self::Err>


type UploadStickerFile: Request<Payload = UploadStickerFile, Err = Self::Err>


type CreateNewStickerSet: Request<Payload = CreateNewStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>


type AddStickerToSet: Request<Payload = AddStickerToSet, Err = Self::Err>


type SetStickerPositionInSet: Request<Payload = SetStickerPositionInSet, Err = Self::Err>


type DeleteStickerFromSet: Request<Payload = DeleteStickerFromSet, Err = Self::Err>


type SetStickerSetThumb: Request<Payload = SetStickerSetThumb, Err = Self::Err>


type SendInvoice: Request<Payload = SendInvoice, Err = Self::Err>


type AnswerShippingQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerShippingQuery, Err = Self::Err>


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerPreCheckoutQuery, Err = Self::Err>


type SetPassportDataErrors: Request<Payload = SetPassportDataErrors, Err = Self::Err>


type SendGame: Request<Payload = SendGame, Err = Self::Err>


type SetGameScore: Request<Payload = SetGameScore, Err = Self::Err>


type SetGameScoreInline: Request<Payload = SetGameScoreInline, Err = Self::Err>


type GetGameHighScores: Request<Payload = GetGameHighScores, Err = Self::Err>

Required Methods§


fn get_updates(&self) -> Self::GetUpdates

For Telegram documentation see GetUpdates.


fn set_webhook(&self, url: Url) -> Self::SetWebhook

For Telegram documentation see SetWebhook.


fn delete_webhook(&self) -> Self::DeleteWebhook

For Telegram documentation see DeleteWebhook.


fn get_webhook_info(&self) -> Self::GetWebhookInfo

For Telegram documentation see GetWebhookInfo.


fn get_me(&self) -> Self::GetMe

For Telegram documentation see GetMe.


fn log_out(&self) -> Self::LogOut

For Telegram documentation see LogOut.


fn close(&self) -> Self::Close

For Telegram documentation see Close.


fn send_message<C, T>(&self, chat_id: C, text: T) -> Self::SendMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see SendMessage.


fn forward_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::ForwardMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see ForwardMessage.


fn copy_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::CopyMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see CopyMessage.


fn send_photo<C>(&self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile) -> Self::SendPhotowhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SendPhoto.


fn send_audio<C>(&self, chat_id: C, audio: InputFile) -> Self::SendAudiowhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SendAudio.


fn send_document<C>(&self, chat_id: C, document: InputFile) -> Self::SendDocumentwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SendDocument.


fn send_video<C>(&self, chat_id: C, video: InputFile) -> Self::SendVideowhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SendVideo.


fn send_animation<C>( &self, chat_id: C, animation: InputFile ) -> Self::SendAnimationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SendAnimation.


fn send_voice<C>(&self, chat_id: C, voice: InputFile) -> Self::SendVoicewhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SendVoice.


fn send_video_note<C>( &self, chat_id: C, video_note: InputFile ) -> Self::SendVideoNotewhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SendVideoNote.


fn send_media_group<C, M>(&self, chat_id: C, media: M) -> Self::SendMediaGroupwhere C: Into<Recipient>, M: IntoIterator<Item = InputMedia>,

For Telegram documentation see SendMediaGroup.


fn send_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> Self::SendLocationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SendLocation.


fn edit_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> Self::EditMessageLiveLocationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageLiveLocation.


fn edit_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> Self::EditMessageLiveLocationInlinewhere I: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageLiveLocationInline.


fn stop_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> Self::StopMessageLiveLocationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see StopMessageLiveLocation.


fn stop_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> Self::StopMessageLiveLocationInlinewhere I: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see StopMessageLiveLocationInline.


fn send_venue<C, T, A>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64, title: T, address: A ) -> Self::SendVenuewhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, A: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see SendVenue.


fn send_contact<C, P, F>( &self, chat_id: C, phone_number: P, first_name: F ) -> Self::SendContactwhere C: Into<Recipient>, P: Into<String>, F: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see SendContact.


fn send_poll<C, Q, O>(&self, chat_id: C, question: Q, options: O) -> Self::SendPollwhere C: Into<Recipient>, Q: Into<String>, O: IntoIterator<Item = String>,

For Telegram documentation see SendPoll.


fn send_dice<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::SendDicewhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SendDice.


fn send_chat_action<C>( &self, chat_id: C, action: ChatAction ) -> Self::SendChatActionwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SendChatAction.


fn get_user_profile_photos(&self, user_id: UserId) -> Self::GetUserProfilePhotos

For Telegram documentation see GetUserProfilePhotos.


fn get_file<F>(&self, file_id: F) -> Self::GetFilewhere F: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see GetFile.


fn ban_chat_member<C>(&self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId) -> Self::BanChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see BanChatMember.


fn kick_chat_member<C>(&self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId) -> Self::KickChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see KickChatMember.


fn unban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::UnbanChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see UnbanChatMember.


fn restrict_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> Self::RestrictChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see RestrictChatMember.


fn promote_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::PromoteChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see PromoteChatMember.


fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title<Ch, C>( &self, chat_id: Ch, user_id: UserId, custom_title: C ) -> Self::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitlewhere Ch: Into<Recipient>, C: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle.


fn ban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> Self::BanChatSenderChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>,

For Telegram documentation see BanChatSenderChat.


fn unban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> Self::UnbanChatSenderChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>,

For Telegram documentation see UnbanChatSenderChat.


fn set_chat_permissions<C>( &self, chat_id: C, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> Self::SetChatPermissionswhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SetChatPermissions.

For Telegram documentation see ExportChatInviteLink.

For Telegram documentation see CreateChatInviteLink.

For Telegram documentation see EditChatInviteLink.

For Telegram documentation see RevokeChatInviteLink.


fn approve_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::ApproveChatJoinRequestwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see ApproveChatJoinRequest.


fn decline_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::DeclineChatJoinRequestwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see DeclineChatJoinRequest.


fn set_chat_photo<C>(&self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile) -> Self::SetChatPhotowhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SetChatPhoto.


fn delete_chat_photo<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::DeleteChatPhotowhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see DeleteChatPhoto.


fn set_chat_title<C, T>(&self, chat_id: C, title: T) -> Self::SetChatTitlewhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see SetChatTitle.


fn set_chat_description<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::SetChatDescriptionwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SetChatDescription.


fn pin_chat_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::PinChatMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see PinChatMessage.


fn unpin_chat_message<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::UnpinChatMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see UnpinChatMessage.


fn unpin_all_chat_messages<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::UnpinAllChatMessageswhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see UnpinAllChatMessages.


fn leave_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::LeaveChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see LeaveChat.


fn get_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see GetChat.


fn get_chat_administrators<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChatAdministratorswhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see GetChatAdministrators.


fn get_chat_member_count<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChatMemberCountwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see GetChatMemberCount.


fn get_chat_members_count<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChatMembersCountwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see GetChatMembersCount.


fn get_chat_member<C>(&self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId) -> Self::GetChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see GetChatMember.


fn set_chat_sticker_set<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sticker_set_name: S ) -> Self::SetChatStickerSetwhere C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see SetChatStickerSet.


fn delete_chat_sticker_set<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::DeleteChatStickerSetwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see DeleteChatStickerSet.


fn get_forum_topic_icon_stickers(&self) -> Self::GetForumTopicIconStickers

For Telegram documentation see GetForumTopicIconStickers.


fn create_forum_topic<C, N, I>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N, icon_color: u32, icon_custom_emoji_id: I ) -> Self::CreateForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>, I: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see CreateForumTopic.


fn edit_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> Self::EditForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see EditForumTopic.


fn close_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> Self::CloseForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see CloseForumTopic.


fn reopen_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> Self::ReopenForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see ReopenForumTopic.


fn delete_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> Self::DeleteForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see DeleteForumTopic.


fn unpin_all_forum_topic_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> Self::UnpinAllForumTopicMessageswhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see UnpinAllForumTopicMessages.


fn edit_general_forum_topic<C, N>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N ) -> Self::EditGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see EditGeneralForumTopic.


fn close_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> Self::CloseGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see CloseGeneralForumTopic.


fn reopen_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> Self::ReopenGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see ReopenGeneralForumTopic.


fn hide_general_forum_topic<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::HideGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see HideGeneralForumTopic.


fn unhide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> Self::UnhideGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see UnhideGeneralForumTopic.


fn answer_callback_query<C>( &self, callback_query_id: C ) -> Self::AnswerCallbackQuerywhere C: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see AnswerCallbackQuery.


fn set_my_commands<C>(&self, commands: C) -> Self::SetMyCommandswhere C: IntoIterator<Item = BotCommand>,

For Telegram documentation see SetMyCommands.


fn get_my_commands(&self) -> Self::GetMyCommands

For Telegram documentation see GetMyCommands.


fn set_chat_menu_button(&self) -> Self::SetChatMenuButton

For Telegram documentation see SetChatMenuButton.


fn get_chat_menu_button(&self) -> Self::GetChatMenuButton

For Telegram documentation see GetChatMenuButton.


fn set_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> Self::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights

For Telegram documentation see SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights.


fn get_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> Self::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights

For Telegram documentation see GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights.


fn delete_my_commands(&self) -> Self::DeleteMyCommands

For Telegram documentation see DeleteMyCommands.


fn answer_inline_query<I, R>( &self, inline_query_id: I, results: R ) -> Self::AnswerInlineQuerywhere I: Into<String>, R: IntoIterator<Item = InlineQueryResult>,

For Telegram documentation see AnswerInlineQuery.


fn answer_web_app_query<W>( &self, web_app_query_id: W, result: InlineQueryResult ) -> Self::AnswerWebAppQuerywhere W: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see AnswerWebAppQuery.


fn edit_message_text<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, text: T ) -> Self::EditMessageTextwhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageText.


fn edit_message_text_inline<I, T>( &self, inline_message_id: I, text: T ) -> Self::EditMessageTextInlinewhere I: Into<String>, T: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageTextInline.


fn edit_message_caption<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::EditMessageCaptionwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageCaption.


fn edit_message_caption_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> Self::EditMessageCaptionInlinewhere I: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageCaptionInline.


fn edit_message_media<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, media: InputMedia ) -> Self::EditMessageMediawhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageMedia.


fn edit_message_media_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, media: InputMedia ) -> Self::EditMessageMediaInlinewhere I: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageMediaInline.


fn edit_message_reply_markup<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::EditMessageReplyMarkupwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageReplyMarkup.


fn edit_message_reply_markup_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> Self::EditMessageReplyMarkupInlinewhere I: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageReplyMarkupInline.


fn stop_poll<C>(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId) -> Self::StopPollwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see StopPoll.


fn delete_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::DeleteMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see DeleteMessage.


fn send_sticker<C>(&self, chat_id: C, sticker: InputFile) -> Self::SendStickerwhere C: Into<Recipient>,

For Telegram documentation see SendSticker.


fn get_sticker_set<N>(&self, name: N) -> Self::GetStickerSetwhere N: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see GetStickerSet.


fn get_custom_emoji_stickers<C>( &self, custom_emoji_ids: C ) -> Self::GetCustomEmojiStickerswhere C: IntoIterator<Item = String>,

For Telegram documentation see GetCustomEmojiStickers.


fn upload_sticker_file( &self, user_id: UserId, png_sticker: InputFile ) -> Self::UploadStickerFile

For Telegram documentation see UploadStickerFile.


fn create_new_sticker_set<N, T, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, title: T, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> Self::CreateNewStickerSetwhere N: Into<String>, T: Into<String>, E: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see CreateNewStickerSet.


fn add_sticker_to_set<N, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> Self::AddStickerToSetwhere N: Into<String>, E: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see AddStickerToSet.


fn set_sticker_position_in_set<S>( &self, sticker: S, position: u32 ) -> Self::SetStickerPositionInSetwhere S: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see SetStickerPositionInSet.


fn delete_sticker_from_set<S>(&self, sticker: S) -> Self::DeleteStickerFromSetwhere S: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see DeleteStickerFromSet.


fn set_sticker_set_thumb<N>( &self, name: N, user_id: UserId ) -> Self::SetStickerSetThumbwhere N: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see SetStickerSetThumb.


fn send_invoice<Ch, T, D, Pa, P, C, Pri>( &self, chat_id: Ch, title: T, description: D, payload: Pa, provider_token: P, currency: C, prices: Pri ) -> Self::SendInvoicewhere Ch: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, D: Into<String>, Pa: Into<String>, P: Into<String>, C: Into<String>, Pri: IntoIterator<Item = LabeledPrice>,

For Telegram documentation see SendInvoice.

For Telegram documentation see CreateInvoiceLink.


fn answer_shipping_query<S>( &self, shipping_query_id: S, ok: bool ) -> Self::AnswerShippingQuerywhere S: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see AnswerShippingQuery.


fn answer_pre_checkout_query<P>( &self, pre_checkout_query_id: P, ok: bool ) -> Self::AnswerPreCheckoutQuerywhere P: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see AnswerPreCheckoutQuery.


fn set_passport_data_errors<E>( &self, user_id: UserId, errors: E ) -> Self::SetPassportDataErrorswhere E: IntoIterator<Item = PassportElementError>,

For Telegram documentation see SetPassportDataErrors.


fn send_game<G>(&self, chat_id: u32, game_short_name: G) -> Self::SendGamewhere G: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see SendGame.


fn set_game_score( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, chat_id: u32, message_id: MessageId ) -> Self::SetGameScore

For Telegram documentation see SetGameScore.


fn set_game_score_inline<I>( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, inline_message_id: I ) -> Self::SetGameScoreInlinewhere I: Into<String>,

For Telegram documentation see SetGameScoreInline.


fn get_game_high_scores<T>( &self, user_id: UserId, target: T ) -> Self::GetGameHighScoreswhere T: Into<TargetMessage>,

For Telegram documentation see GetGameHighScores.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<B> Requester for Box<B, Global>where B: Requester,


type Err = <B as Requester>::Err


type GetMe = <B as Requester>::GetMe


fn get_me(&self) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetMe


type LogOut = <B as Requester>::LogOut


fn log_out(&self) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::LogOut


type Close = <B as Requester>::Close


fn close(&self) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::Close


type GetUpdates = <B as Requester>::GetUpdates


fn get_updates(&self) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetUpdates


type SetWebhook = <B as Requester>::SetWebhook


fn set_webhook(&self, url: Url) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetWebhook


type DeleteWebhook = <B as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


fn delete_webhook(&self) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


type GetWebhookInfo = <B as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


fn get_webhook_info(&self) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


type ForwardMessage = <B as Requester>::ForwardMessage


fn forward_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::ForwardMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>,


type CopyMessage = <B as Requester>::CopyMessage


fn copy_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::CopyMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>,


type SendMessage = <B as Requester>::SendMessage


fn send_message<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, text: T ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type SendPhoto = <B as Requester>::SendPhoto


fn send_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendPhotowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendAudio = <B as Requester>::SendAudio


fn send_audio<C>( &self, chat_id: C, audio: InputFile ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendAudiowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendDocument = <B as Requester>::SendDocument


fn send_document<C>( &self, chat_id: C, document: InputFile ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendDocumentwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVideo = <B as Requester>::SendVideo


fn send_video<C>( &self, chat_id: C, video: InputFile ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendVideowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendAnimation = <B as Requester>::SendAnimation


fn send_animation<C>( &self, chat_id: C, animation: InputFile ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendAnimationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVoice = <B as Requester>::SendVoice


fn send_voice<C>( &self, chat_id: C, voice: InputFile ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendVoicewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVideoNote = <B as Requester>::SendVideoNote


fn send_video_note<C>( &self, chat_id: C, video_note: InputFile ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendVideoNotewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendMediaGroup = <B as Requester>::SendMediaGroup


fn send_media_group<C, M>( &self, chat_id: C, media: M ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendMediaGroupwhere C: Into<Recipient>, M: IntoIterator<Item = InputMedia>,


type SendLocation = <B as Requester>::SendLocation


fn send_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendLocationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocation


fn edit_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInline


fn edit_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type StopMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocation


fn stop_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInline


fn stop_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type SendVenue = <B as Requester>::SendVenue


fn send_venue<C, T, A>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64, title: T, address: A ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendVenuewhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, A: Into<String>,


type SendContact = <B as Requester>::SendContact


fn send_contact<C, P, F>( &self, chat_id: C, phone_number: P, first_name: F ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendContactwhere C: Into<Recipient>, P: Into<String>, F: Into<String>,


type SendPoll = <B as Requester>::SendPoll


fn send_poll<C, Q, O>( &self, chat_id: C, question: Q, options: O ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendPollwhere C: Into<Recipient>, Q: Into<String>, O: IntoIterator<Item = String>,


type SendDice = <B as Requester>::SendDice


fn send_dice<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendDicewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendChatAction = <B as Requester>::SendChatAction


fn send_chat_action<C>( &self, chat_id: C, action: ChatAction ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendChatActionwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetUserProfilePhotos = <B as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


fn get_user_profile_photos( &self, user_id: UserId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


type GetFile = <B as Requester>::GetFile


fn get_file<F>(&self, file_id: F) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetFilewhere F: Into<String>,


type KickChatMember = <B as Requester>::KickChatMember


fn kick_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::KickChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type BanChatMember = <B as Requester>::BanChatMember


fn ban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::BanChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnbanChatMember = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatMember


fn unban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::UnbanChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type RestrictChatMember = <B as Requester>::RestrictChatMember


fn restrict_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::RestrictChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type PromoteChatMember = <B as Requester>::PromoteChatMember


fn promote_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::PromoteChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle


fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title<Ch, C>( &self, chat_id: Ch, user_id: UserId, custom_title: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitlewhere Ch: Into<Recipient>, C: Into<String>,


type BanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::BanChatSenderChat


fn ban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::BanChatSenderChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>,


type UnbanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChat


fn unban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>,


type SetChatPermissions = <B as Requester>::SetChatPermissions


fn set_chat_permissions<C>( &self, chat_id: C, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetChatPermissionswhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::SetChatPhoto


fn set_chat_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetChatPhotowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatPhoto


fn delete_chat_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::DeleteChatPhotowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatTitle


fn set_chat_title<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, title: T ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetChatTitlewhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type SetChatDescription = <B as Requester>::SetChatDescription


fn set_chat_description<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetChatDescriptionwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type PinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::PinChatMessage


fn pin_chat_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::PinChatMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::UnpinChatMessage


fn unpin_chat_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::UnpinChatMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinAllChatMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessages


fn unpin_all_chat_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessageswhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type LeaveChat = <B as Requester>::LeaveChat


fn leave_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::LeaveChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChat = <B as Requester>::GetChat


fn get_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatAdministrators = <B as Requester>::GetChatAdministrators


fn get_chat_administrators<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetChatAdministratorswhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMembersCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMembersCount


fn get_chat_members_count<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetChatMembersCountwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMemberCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMemberCount


fn get_chat_member_count<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetChatMemberCountwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMember = <B as Requester>::GetChatMember


fn get_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::SetChatStickerSet


fn set_chat_sticker_set<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sticker_set_name: S ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetChatStickerSetwhere C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<String>,


type DeleteChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSet


fn delete_chat_sticker_set<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSetwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetForumTopicIconStickers = <B as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


fn get_forum_topic_icon_stickers( &self ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


type CreateForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CreateForumTopic


fn create_forum_topic<C, N, I>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N, icon_color: u32, icon_custom_emoji_id: I ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::CreateForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>, I: Into<String>,


type EditForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditForumTopic


fn edit_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::EditForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type CloseForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseForumTopic


fn close_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::CloseForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type ReopenForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenForumTopic


fn reopen_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::ReopenForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteForumTopic = <B as Requester>::DeleteForumTopic


fn delete_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::DeleteForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages


fn unpin_all_forum_topic_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessageswhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopic


fn edit_general_forum_topic<C, N>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>,


type CloseGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopic


fn close_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopic


fn reopen_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type HideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopic


fn hide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopic


fn unhide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type AnswerCallbackQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuery


fn answer_callback_query<C>( &self, callback_query_id: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuerywhere C: Into<String>,


type SetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::SetMyCommands


fn set_my_commands<C>( &self, commands: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetMyCommandswhere C: IntoIterator<Item = BotCommand>,


type GetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::GetMyCommands


fn get_my_commands(&self) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetMyCommands


type SetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


fn set_chat_menu_button( &self ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


type GetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


fn get_chat_menu_button( &self ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


fn set_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


fn get_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type DeleteMyCommands = <B as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


fn delete_my_commands(&self) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


type AnswerInlineQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuery


fn answer_inline_query<I, R>( &self, inline_query_id: I, results: R ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuerywhere I: Into<String>, R: IntoIterator<Item = InlineQueryResult>,


type AnswerWebAppQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuery


fn answer_web_app_query<W>( &self, web_app_query_id: W, result: InlineQueryResult ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuerywhere W: Into<String>,


type EditMessageText = <B as Requester>::EditMessageText


fn edit_message_text<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, text: T ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::EditMessageTextwhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type EditMessageTextInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageTextInline


fn edit_message_text_inline<I, T>( &self, inline_message_id: I, text: T ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::EditMessageTextInlinewhere I: Into<String>, T: Into<String>,


type EditMessageCaption = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaption


fn edit_message_caption<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageCaptionInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInline


fn edit_message_caption_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type EditMessageMedia = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMedia


fn edit_message_media<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, media: InputMedia ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::EditMessageMediawhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageMediaInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInline


fn edit_message_media_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, media: InputMedia ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type EditMessageReplyMarkup = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkup


fn edit_message_reply_markup<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline


fn edit_message_reply_markup_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type StopPoll = <B as Requester>::StopPoll


fn stop_poll<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::StopPollwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteMessage = <B as Requester>::DeleteMessage


fn delete_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::DeleteMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendSticker = <B as Requester>::SendSticker


fn send_sticker<C>( &self, chat_id: C, sticker: InputFile ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendStickerwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetStickerSet = <B as Requester>::GetStickerSet


fn get_sticker_set<N>( &self, name: N ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetStickerSetwhere N: Into<String>,


type GetCustomEmojiStickers = <B as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickers


fn get_custom_emoji_stickers<C>( &self, custom_emoji_ids: C ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickerswhere C: IntoIterator<Item = String>,


type UploadStickerFile = <B as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


fn upload_sticker_file( &self, user_id: UserId, png_sticker: InputFile ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


type CreateNewStickerSet = <B as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSet


fn create_new_sticker_set<N, T, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, title: T, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSetwhere N: Into<String>, T: Into<String>, E: Into<String>,


type AddStickerToSet = <B as Requester>::AddStickerToSet


fn add_sticker_to_set<N, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::AddStickerToSetwhere N: Into<String>, E: Into<String>,


type SetStickerPositionInSet = <B as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSet


fn set_sticker_position_in_set<S>( &self, sticker: S, position: u32 ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSetwhere S: Into<String>,


type DeleteStickerFromSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSet


fn delete_sticker_from_set<S>( &self, sticker: S ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSetwhere S: Into<String>,


type SetStickerSetThumb = <B as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumb


fn set_sticker_set_thumb<N>( &self, name: N, user_id: UserId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumbwhere N: Into<String>,


type SendInvoice = <B as Requester>::SendInvoice


fn send_invoice<Ch, T, D, Pa, P, C, Pri>( &self, chat_id: Ch, title: T, description: D, payload: Pa, provider_token: P, currency: C, prices: Pri ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendInvoicewhere Ch: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, D: Into<String>, Pa: Into<String>, P: Into<String>, C: Into<String>, Pri: IntoIterator<Item = LabeledPrice>,


type AnswerShippingQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuery


fn answer_shipping_query<S>( &self, shipping_query_id: S, ok: bool ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuerywhere S: Into<String>,


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery


fn answer_pre_checkout_query<P>( &self, pre_checkout_query_id: P, ok: bool ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuerywhere P: Into<String>,


type SetPassportDataErrors = <B as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrors


fn set_passport_data_errors<E>( &self, user_id: UserId, errors: E ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrorswhere E: IntoIterator<Item = PassportElementError>,


type SendGame = <B as Requester>::SendGame


fn send_game<G>( &self, chat_id: u32, game_short_name: G ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SendGamewhere G: Into<String>,


type SetGameScore = <B as Requester>::SetGameScore


fn set_game_score( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, chat_id: u32, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetGameScore


type SetGameScoreInline = <B as Requester>::SetGameScoreInline


fn set_game_score_inline<I>( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, inline_message_id: I ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::SetGameScoreInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type GetGameHighScores = <B as Requester>::GetGameHighScores


fn get_game_high_scores<T>( &self, user_id: UserId, target: T ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::GetGameHighScoreswhere T: Into<TargetMessage>,


type ApproveChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequest


fn approve_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequestwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeclineChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequest


fn decline_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Box<B, Global> as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequestwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


impl<B> Requester for &Bwhere B: Requester,


type Err = <B as Requester>::Err


type GetMe = <B as Requester>::GetMe


fn get_me(&self) -> <&B as Requester>::GetMe


type LogOut = <B as Requester>::LogOut


fn log_out(&self) -> <&B as Requester>::LogOut


type Close = <B as Requester>::Close


fn close(&self) -> <&B as Requester>::Close


type GetUpdates = <B as Requester>::GetUpdates


fn get_updates(&self) -> <&B as Requester>::GetUpdates


type SetWebhook = <B as Requester>::SetWebhook


fn set_webhook(&self, url: Url) -> <&B as Requester>::SetWebhook


type DeleteWebhook = <B as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


fn delete_webhook(&self) -> <&B as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


type GetWebhookInfo = <B as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


fn get_webhook_info(&self) -> <&B as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


type ForwardMessage = <B as Requester>::ForwardMessage


fn forward_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&B as Requester>::ForwardMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>,


type CopyMessage = <B as Requester>::CopyMessage


fn copy_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&B as Requester>::CopyMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>,


type SendMessage = <B as Requester>::SendMessage


fn send_message<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, text: T ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type SendPhoto = <B as Requester>::SendPhoto


fn send_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendPhotowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendAudio = <B as Requester>::SendAudio


fn send_audio<C>( &self, chat_id: C, audio: InputFile ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendAudiowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendDocument = <B as Requester>::SendDocument


fn send_document<C>( &self, chat_id: C, document: InputFile ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendDocumentwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVideo = <B as Requester>::SendVideo


fn send_video<C>( &self, chat_id: C, video: InputFile ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendVideowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendAnimation = <B as Requester>::SendAnimation


fn send_animation<C>( &self, chat_id: C, animation: InputFile ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendAnimationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVoice = <B as Requester>::SendVoice


fn send_voice<C>( &self, chat_id: C, voice: InputFile ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendVoicewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVideoNote = <B as Requester>::SendVideoNote


fn send_video_note<C>( &self, chat_id: C, video_note: InputFile ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendVideoNotewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendMediaGroup = <B as Requester>::SendMediaGroup


fn send_media_group<C, M>( &self, chat_id: C, media: M ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendMediaGroupwhere C: Into<Recipient>, M: IntoIterator<Item = InputMedia>,


type SendLocation = <B as Requester>::SendLocation


fn send_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendLocationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocation


fn edit_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <&B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInline


fn edit_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <&B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type StopMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocation


fn stop_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <&B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInline


fn stop_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <&B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type SendVenue = <B as Requester>::SendVenue


fn send_venue<C, T, A>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64, title: T, address: A ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendVenuewhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, A: Into<String>,


type SendContact = <B as Requester>::SendContact


fn send_contact<C, P, F>( &self, chat_id: C, phone_number: P, first_name: F ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendContactwhere C: Into<Recipient>, P: Into<String>, F: Into<String>,


type SendPoll = <B as Requester>::SendPoll


fn send_poll<C, Q, O>( &self, chat_id: C, question: Q, options: O ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendPollwhere C: Into<Recipient>, Q: Into<String>, O: IntoIterator<Item = String>,


type SendDice = <B as Requester>::SendDice


fn send_dice<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <&B as Requester>::SendDicewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendChatAction = <B as Requester>::SendChatAction


fn send_chat_action<C>( &self, chat_id: C, action: ChatAction ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendChatActionwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetUserProfilePhotos = <B as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


fn get_user_profile_photos( &self, user_id: UserId ) -> <&B as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


type GetFile = <B as Requester>::GetFile


fn get_file<F>(&self, file_id: F) -> <&B as Requester>::GetFilewhere F: Into<String>,


type KickChatMember = <B as Requester>::KickChatMember


fn kick_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&B as Requester>::KickChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type BanChatMember = <B as Requester>::BanChatMember


fn ban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&B as Requester>::BanChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnbanChatMember = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatMember


fn unban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&B as Requester>::UnbanChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type RestrictChatMember = <B as Requester>::RestrictChatMember


fn restrict_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> <&B as Requester>::RestrictChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type PromoteChatMember = <B as Requester>::PromoteChatMember


fn promote_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&B as Requester>::PromoteChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle


fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title<Ch, C>( &self, chat_id: Ch, user_id: UserId, custom_title: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitlewhere Ch: Into<Recipient>, C: Into<String>,


type BanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::BanChatSenderChat


fn ban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> <&B as Requester>::BanChatSenderChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>,


type UnbanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChat


fn unban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> <&B as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>,


type SetChatPermissions = <B as Requester>::SetChatPermissions


fn set_chat_permissions<C>( &self, chat_id: C, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> <&B as Requester>::SetChatPermissionswhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::SetChatPhoto


fn set_chat_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile ) -> <&B as Requester>::SetChatPhotowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatPhoto


fn delete_chat_photo<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <&B as Requester>::DeleteChatPhotowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatTitle


fn set_chat_title<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, title: T ) -> <&B as Requester>::SetChatTitlewhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type SetChatDescription = <B as Requester>::SetChatDescription


fn set_chat_description<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::SetChatDescriptionwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type PinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::PinChatMessage


fn pin_chat_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&B as Requester>::PinChatMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::UnpinChatMessage


fn unpin_chat_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::UnpinChatMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinAllChatMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessages


fn unpin_all_chat_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessageswhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type LeaveChat = <B as Requester>::LeaveChat


fn leave_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <&B as Requester>::LeaveChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChat = <B as Requester>::GetChat


fn get_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <&B as Requester>::GetChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatAdministrators = <B as Requester>::GetChatAdministrators


fn get_chat_administrators<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::GetChatAdministratorswhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMembersCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMembersCount


fn get_chat_members_count<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::GetChatMembersCountwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMemberCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMemberCount


fn get_chat_member_count<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::GetChatMemberCountwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMember = <B as Requester>::GetChatMember


fn get_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&B as Requester>::GetChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::SetChatStickerSet


fn set_chat_sticker_set<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sticker_set_name: S ) -> <&B as Requester>::SetChatStickerSetwhere C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<String>,


type DeleteChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSet


fn delete_chat_sticker_set<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSetwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetForumTopicIconStickers = <B as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


fn get_forum_topic_icon_stickers( &self ) -> <&B as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


type CreateForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CreateForumTopic


fn create_forum_topic<C, N, I>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N, icon_color: u32, icon_custom_emoji_id: I ) -> <&B as Requester>::CreateForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>, I: Into<String>,


type EditForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditForumTopic


fn edit_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <&B as Requester>::EditForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type CloseForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseForumTopic


fn close_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <&B as Requester>::CloseForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type ReopenForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenForumTopic


fn reopen_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <&B as Requester>::ReopenForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteForumTopic = <B as Requester>::DeleteForumTopic


fn delete_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <&B as Requester>::DeleteForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages


fn unpin_all_forum_topic_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <&B as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessageswhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopic


fn edit_general_forum_topic<C, N>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N ) -> <&B as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>,


type CloseGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopic


fn close_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopic


fn reopen_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type HideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopic


fn hide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopic


fn unhide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type AnswerCallbackQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuery


fn answer_callback_query<C>( &self, callback_query_id: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuerywhere C: Into<String>,


type SetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::SetMyCommands


fn set_my_commands<C>(&self, commands: C) -> <&B as Requester>::SetMyCommandswhere C: IntoIterator<Item = BotCommand>,


type GetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::GetMyCommands


fn get_my_commands(&self) -> <&B as Requester>::GetMyCommands


type SetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


fn set_chat_menu_button(&self) -> <&B as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


type GetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


fn get_chat_menu_button(&self) -> <&B as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


fn set_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> <&B as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


fn get_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> <&B as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type DeleteMyCommands = <B as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


fn delete_my_commands(&self) -> <&B as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


type AnswerInlineQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuery


fn answer_inline_query<I, R>( &self, inline_query_id: I, results: R ) -> <&B as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuerywhere I: Into<String>, R: IntoIterator<Item = InlineQueryResult>,


type AnswerWebAppQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuery


fn answer_web_app_query<W>( &self, web_app_query_id: W, result: InlineQueryResult ) -> <&B as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuerywhere W: Into<String>,


type EditMessageText = <B as Requester>::EditMessageText


fn edit_message_text<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, text: T ) -> <&B as Requester>::EditMessageTextwhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type EditMessageTextInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageTextInline


fn edit_message_text_inline<I, T>( &self, inline_message_id: I, text: T ) -> <&B as Requester>::EditMessageTextInlinewhere I: Into<String>, T: Into<String>,


type EditMessageCaption = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaption


fn edit_message_caption<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageCaptionInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInline


fn edit_message_caption_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> <&B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type EditMessageMedia = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMedia


fn edit_message_media<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, media: InputMedia ) -> <&B as Requester>::EditMessageMediawhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageMediaInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInline


fn edit_message_media_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, media: InputMedia ) -> <&B as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type EditMessageReplyMarkup = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkup


fn edit_message_reply_markup<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline


fn edit_message_reply_markup_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> <&B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type StopPoll = <B as Requester>::StopPoll


fn stop_poll<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&B as Requester>::StopPollwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteMessage = <B as Requester>::DeleteMessage


fn delete_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&B as Requester>::DeleteMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendSticker = <B as Requester>::SendSticker


fn send_sticker<C>( &self, chat_id: C, sticker: InputFile ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendStickerwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetStickerSet = <B as Requester>::GetStickerSet


fn get_sticker_set<N>(&self, name: N) -> <&B as Requester>::GetStickerSetwhere N: Into<String>,


type GetCustomEmojiStickers = <B as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickers


fn get_custom_emoji_stickers<C>( &self, custom_emoji_ids: C ) -> <&B as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickerswhere C: IntoIterator<Item = String>,


type UploadStickerFile = <B as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


fn upload_sticker_file( &self, user_id: UserId, png_sticker: InputFile ) -> <&B as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


type CreateNewStickerSet = <B as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSet


fn create_new_sticker_set<N, T, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, title: T, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> <&B as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSetwhere N: Into<String>, T: Into<String>, E: Into<String>,


type AddStickerToSet = <B as Requester>::AddStickerToSet


fn add_sticker_to_set<N, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> <&B as Requester>::AddStickerToSetwhere N: Into<String>, E: Into<String>,


type SetStickerPositionInSet = <B as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSet


fn set_sticker_position_in_set<S>( &self, sticker: S, position: u32 ) -> <&B as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSetwhere S: Into<String>,


type DeleteStickerFromSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSet


fn delete_sticker_from_set<S>( &self, sticker: S ) -> <&B as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSetwhere S: Into<String>,


type SetStickerSetThumb = <B as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumb


fn set_sticker_set_thumb<N>( &self, name: N, user_id: UserId ) -> <&B as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumbwhere N: Into<String>,


type SendInvoice = <B as Requester>::SendInvoice


fn send_invoice<Ch, T, D, Pa, P, C, Pri>( &self, chat_id: Ch, title: T, description: D, payload: Pa, provider_token: P, currency: C, prices: Pri ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendInvoicewhere Ch: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, D: Into<String>, Pa: Into<String>, P: Into<String>, C: Into<String>, Pri: IntoIterator<Item = LabeledPrice>,


type AnswerShippingQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuery


fn answer_shipping_query<S>( &self, shipping_query_id: S, ok: bool ) -> <&B as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuerywhere S: Into<String>,


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery


fn answer_pre_checkout_query<P>( &self, pre_checkout_query_id: P, ok: bool ) -> <&B as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuerywhere P: Into<String>,


type SetPassportDataErrors = <B as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrors


fn set_passport_data_errors<E>( &self, user_id: UserId, errors: E ) -> <&B as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrorswhere E: IntoIterator<Item = PassportElementError>,


type SendGame = <B as Requester>::SendGame


fn send_game<G>( &self, chat_id: u32, game_short_name: G ) -> <&B as Requester>::SendGamewhere G: Into<String>,


type SetGameScore = <B as Requester>::SetGameScore


fn set_game_score( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, chat_id: u32, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&B as Requester>::SetGameScore


type SetGameScoreInline = <B as Requester>::SetGameScoreInline


fn set_game_score_inline<I>( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, inline_message_id: I ) -> <&B as Requester>::SetGameScoreInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type GetGameHighScores = <B as Requester>::GetGameHighScores


fn get_game_high_scores<T>( &self, user_id: UserId, target: T ) -> <&B as Requester>::GetGameHighScoreswhere T: Into<TargetMessage>,


type ApproveChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequest


fn approve_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&B as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequestwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeclineChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequest


fn decline_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&B as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequestwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


impl<B> Requester for Arc<B>where B: Requester,


type Err = <B as Requester>::Err


type GetMe = <B as Requester>::GetMe


fn get_me(&self) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetMe


type LogOut = <B as Requester>::LogOut


fn log_out(&self) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::LogOut


type Close = <B as Requester>::Close


fn close(&self) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::Close


type GetUpdates = <B as Requester>::GetUpdates


fn get_updates(&self) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetUpdates


type SetWebhook = <B as Requester>::SetWebhook


fn set_webhook(&self, url: Url) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetWebhook


type DeleteWebhook = <B as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


fn delete_webhook(&self) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


type GetWebhookInfo = <B as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


fn get_webhook_info(&self) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


type ForwardMessage = <B as Requester>::ForwardMessage


fn forward_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::ForwardMessage where C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>,


type CopyMessage = <B as Requester>::CopyMessage


fn copy_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::CopyMessage where C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>,


type SendMessage = <B as Requester>::SendMessage


fn send_message<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, text: T ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendMessage where C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type SendPhoto = <B as Requester>::SendPhoto


fn send_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendPhoto where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendAudio = <B as Requester>::SendAudio


fn send_audio<C>( &self, chat_id: C, audio: InputFile ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendAudio where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendDocument = <B as Requester>::SendDocument


fn send_document<C>( &self, chat_id: C, document: InputFile ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendDocument where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVideo = <B as Requester>::SendVideo


fn send_video<C>( &self, chat_id: C, video: InputFile ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendVideo where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendAnimation = <B as Requester>::SendAnimation


fn send_animation<C>( &self, chat_id: C, animation: InputFile ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendAnimation where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVoice = <B as Requester>::SendVoice


fn send_voice<C>( &self, chat_id: C, voice: InputFile ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendVoice where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVideoNote = <B as Requester>::SendVideoNote


fn send_video_note<C>( &self, chat_id: C, video_note: InputFile ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendVideoNote where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendMediaGroup = <B as Requester>::SendMediaGroup


fn send_media_group<C, M>( &self, chat_id: C, media: M ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendMediaGroup where C: Into<Recipient>, M: IntoIterator<Item = InputMedia>,


type SendLocation = <B as Requester>::SendLocation


fn send_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendLocation where C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocation


fn edit_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocation where C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInline


fn edit_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInline where I: Into<String>,


type StopMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocation


fn stop_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocation where C: Into<Recipient>,


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInline


fn stop_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInline where I: Into<String>,


type SendVenue = <B as Requester>::SendVenue


fn send_venue<C, T, A>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64, title: T, address: A ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendVenue where C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, A: Into<String>,


type SendContact = <B as Requester>::SendContact


fn send_contact<C, P, F>( &self, chat_id: C, phone_number: P, first_name: F ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendContact where C: Into<Recipient>, P: Into<String>, F: Into<String>,


type SendPoll = <B as Requester>::SendPoll


fn send_poll<C, Q, O>( &self, chat_id: C, question: Q, options: O ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendPoll where C: Into<Recipient>, Q: Into<String>, O: IntoIterator<Item = String>,


type SendDice = <B as Requester>::SendDice


fn send_dice<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendDice where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendChatAction = <B as Requester>::SendChatAction


fn send_chat_action<C>( &self, chat_id: C, action: ChatAction ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendChatAction where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetUserProfilePhotos = <B as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


fn get_user_profile_photos( &self, user_id: UserId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


type GetFile = <B as Requester>::GetFile


fn get_file<F>(&self, file_id: F) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetFile where F: Into<String>,


type KickChatMember = <B as Requester>::KickChatMember


fn kick_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::KickChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>,


type BanChatMember = <B as Requester>::BanChatMember


fn ban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::BanChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnbanChatMember = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatMember


fn unban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::UnbanChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>,


type RestrictChatMember = <B as Requester>::RestrictChatMember


fn restrict_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::RestrictChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>,


type PromoteChatMember = <B as Requester>::PromoteChatMember


fn promote_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::PromoteChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle


fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title<Ch, C>( &self, chat_id: Ch, user_id: UserId, custom_title: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle where Ch: Into<Recipient>, C: Into<String>,


type BanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::BanChatSenderChat


fn ban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::BanChatSenderChat where C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>,


type UnbanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChat


fn unban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChat where C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>,


type SetChatPermissions = <B as Requester>::SetChatPermissions


fn set_chat_permissions<C>( &self, chat_id: C, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetChatPermissions where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::SetChatPhoto


fn set_chat_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetChatPhoto where C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatPhoto


fn delete_chat_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::DeleteChatPhoto where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatTitle


fn set_chat_title<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, title: T ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetChatTitle where C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type SetChatDescription = <B as Requester>::SetChatDescription


fn set_chat_description<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetChatDescription where C: Into<Recipient>,


type PinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::PinChatMessage


fn pin_chat_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::PinChatMessage where C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::UnpinChatMessage


fn unpin_chat_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::UnpinChatMessage where C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinAllChatMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessages


fn unpin_all_chat_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessages where C: Into<Recipient>,


type LeaveChat = <B as Requester>::LeaveChat


fn leave_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::LeaveChat where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChat = <B as Requester>::GetChat


fn get_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetChat where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatAdministrators = <B as Requester>::GetChatAdministrators


fn get_chat_administrators<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetChatAdministrators where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMembersCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMembersCount


fn get_chat_members_count<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetChatMembersCount where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMemberCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMemberCount


fn get_chat_member_count<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetChatMemberCount where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMember = <B as Requester>::GetChatMember


fn get_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::SetChatStickerSet


fn set_chat_sticker_set<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sticker_set_name: S ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetChatStickerSet where C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<String>,


type DeleteChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSet


fn delete_chat_sticker_set<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSet where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetForumTopicIconStickers = <B as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


fn get_forum_topic_icon_stickers( &self ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


type CreateForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CreateForumTopic


fn create_forum_topic<C, N, I>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N, icon_color: u32, icon_custom_emoji_id: I ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::CreateForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>, I: Into<String>,


type EditForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditForumTopic


fn edit_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::EditForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type CloseForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseForumTopic


fn close_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::CloseForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type ReopenForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenForumTopic


fn reopen_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::ReopenForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteForumTopic = <B as Requester>::DeleteForumTopic


fn delete_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::DeleteForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages


fn unpin_all_forum_topic_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages where C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopic


fn edit_general_forum_topic<C, N>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>,


type CloseGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopic


fn close_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopic


fn reopen_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type HideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopic


fn hide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopic


fn unhide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type AnswerCallbackQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuery


fn answer_callback_query<C>( &self, callback_query_id: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuery where C: Into<String>,


type SetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::SetMyCommands


fn set_my_commands<C>(&self, commands: C) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetMyCommands where C: IntoIterator<Item = BotCommand>,


type GetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::GetMyCommands


fn get_my_commands(&self) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetMyCommands


type SetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


fn set_chat_menu_button(&self) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


type GetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


fn get_chat_menu_button(&self) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


fn set_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


fn get_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type DeleteMyCommands = <B as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


fn delete_my_commands(&self) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


type AnswerInlineQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuery


fn answer_inline_query<I, R>( &self, inline_query_id: I, results: R ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuery where I: Into<String>, R: IntoIterator<Item = InlineQueryResult>,


type AnswerWebAppQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuery


fn answer_web_app_query<W>( &self, web_app_query_id: W, result: InlineQueryResult ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuery where W: Into<String>,


type EditMessageText = <B as Requester>::EditMessageText


fn edit_message_text<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, text: T ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageText where C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type EditMessageTextInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageTextInline


fn edit_message_text_inline<I, T>( &self, inline_message_id: I, text: T ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageTextInline where I: Into<String>, T: Into<String>,


type EditMessageCaption = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaption


fn edit_message_caption<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageCaption where C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageCaptionInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInline


fn edit_message_caption_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInline where I: Into<String>,


type EditMessageMedia = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMedia


fn edit_message_media<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, media: InputMedia ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageMedia where C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageMediaInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInline


fn edit_message_media_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, media: InputMedia ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInline where I: Into<String>,


type EditMessageReplyMarkup = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkup


fn edit_message_reply_markup<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkup where C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline


fn edit_message_reply_markup_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline where I: Into<String>,


type StopPoll = <B as Requester>::StopPoll


fn stop_poll<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::StopPoll where C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteMessage = <B as Requester>::DeleteMessage


fn delete_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::DeleteMessage where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendSticker = <B as Requester>::SendSticker


fn send_sticker<C>( &self, chat_id: C, sticker: InputFile ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendSticker where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetStickerSet = <B as Requester>::GetStickerSet


fn get_sticker_set<N>(&self, name: N) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetStickerSet where N: Into<String>,


type GetCustomEmojiStickers = <B as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickers


fn get_custom_emoji_stickers<C>( &self, custom_emoji_ids: C ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickers where C: IntoIterator<Item = String>,


type UploadStickerFile = <B as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


fn upload_sticker_file( &self, user_id: UserId, png_sticker: InputFile ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


type CreateNewStickerSet = <B as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSet


fn create_new_sticker_set<N, T, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, title: T, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSet where N: Into<String>, T: Into<String>, E: Into<String>,


type AddStickerToSet = <B as Requester>::AddStickerToSet


fn add_sticker_to_set<N, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::AddStickerToSet where N: Into<String>, E: Into<String>,


type SetStickerPositionInSet = <B as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSet


fn set_sticker_position_in_set<S>( &self, sticker: S, position: u32 ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSet where S: Into<String>,


type DeleteStickerFromSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSet


fn delete_sticker_from_set<S>( &self, sticker: S ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSet where S: Into<String>,


type SetStickerSetThumb = <B as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumb


fn set_sticker_set_thumb<N>( &self, name: N, user_id: UserId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumb where N: Into<String>,


type SendInvoice = <B as Requester>::SendInvoice


fn send_invoice<Ch, T, D, Pa, P, C, Pri>( &self, chat_id: Ch, title: T, description: D, payload: Pa, provider_token: P, currency: C, prices: Pri ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendInvoice where Ch: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, D: Into<String>, Pa: Into<String>, P: Into<String>, C: Into<String>, Pri: IntoIterator<Item = LabeledPrice>,


type AnswerShippingQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuery


fn answer_shipping_query<S>( &self, shipping_query_id: S, ok: bool ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuery where S: Into<String>,


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery


fn answer_pre_checkout_query<P>( &self, pre_checkout_query_id: P, ok: bool ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery where P: Into<String>,


type SetPassportDataErrors = <B as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrors


fn set_passport_data_errors<E>( &self, user_id: UserId, errors: E ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrors where E: IntoIterator<Item = PassportElementError>,


type SendGame = <B as Requester>::SendGame


fn send_game<G>( &self, chat_id: u32, game_short_name: G ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SendGame where G: Into<String>,


type SetGameScore = <B as Requester>::SetGameScore


fn set_game_score( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, chat_id: u32, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetGameScore


type SetGameScoreInline = <B as Requester>::SetGameScoreInline


fn set_game_score_inline<I>( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, inline_message_id: I ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::SetGameScoreInline where I: Into<String>,


type GetGameHighScores = <B as Requester>::GetGameHighScores


fn get_game_high_scores<T>( &self, user_id: UserId, target: T ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::GetGameHighScores where T: Into<TargetMessage>,


type ApproveChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequest


fn approve_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequest where C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeclineChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequest


fn decline_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Arc<B> as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequest where C: Into<Recipient>,


impl<B> Requester for &mut Bwhere B: Requester,


type Err = <B as Requester>::Err


type GetMe = <B as Requester>::GetMe


fn get_me(&self) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetMe


type LogOut = <B as Requester>::LogOut


fn log_out(&self) -> <&mut B as Requester>::LogOut


type Close = <B as Requester>::Close


fn close(&self) -> <&mut B as Requester>::Close


type GetUpdates = <B as Requester>::GetUpdates


fn get_updates(&self) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetUpdates


type SetWebhook = <B as Requester>::SetWebhook


fn set_webhook(&self, url: Url) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetWebhook


type DeleteWebhook = <B as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


fn delete_webhook(&self) -> <&mut B as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


type GetWebhookInfo = <B as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


fn get_webhook_info(&self) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


type ForwardMessage = <B as Requester>::ForwardMessage


fn forward_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::ForwardMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>,


type CopyMessage = <B as Requester>::CopyMessage


fn copy_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::CopyMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>,


type SendMessage = <B as Requester>::SendMessage


fn send_message<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, text: T ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type SendPhoto = <B as Requester>::SendPhoto


fn send_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendPhotowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendAudio = <B as Requester>::SendAudio


fn send_audio<C>( &self, chat_id: C, audio: InputFile ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendAudiowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendDocument = <B as Requester>::SendDocument


fn send_document<C>( &self, chat_id: C, document: InputFile ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendDocumentwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVideo = <B as Requester>::SendVideo


fn send_video<C>( &self, chat_id: C, video: InputFile ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendVideowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendAnimation = <B as Requester>::SendAnimation


fn send_animation<C>( &self, chat_id: C, animation: InputFile ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendAnimationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVoice = <B as Requester>::SendVoice


fn send_voice<C>( &self, chat_id: C, voice: InputFile ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendVoicewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVideoNote = <B as Requester>::SendVideoNote


fn send_video_note<C>( &self, chat_id: C, video_note: InputFile ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendVideoNotewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendMediaGroup = <B as Requester>::SendMediaGroup


fn send_media_group<C, M>( &self, chat_id: C, media: M ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendMediaGroupwhere C: Into<Recipient>, M: IntoIterator<Item = InputMedia>,


type SendLocation = <B as Requester>::SendLocation


fn send_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendLocationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocation


fn edit_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInline


fn edit_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type StopMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocation


fn stop_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInline


fn stop_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type SendVenue = <B as Requester>::SendVenue


fn send_venue<C, T, A>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64, title: T, address: A ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendVenuewhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, A: Into<String>,


type SendContact = <B as Requester>::SendContact


fn send_contact<C, P, F>( &self, chat_id: C, phone_number: P, first_name: F ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendContactwhere C: Into<Recipient>, P: Into<String>, F: Into<String>,


type SendPoll = <B as Requester>::SendPoll


fn send_poll<C, Q, O>( &self, chat_id: C, question: Q, options: O ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendPollwhere C: Into<Recipient>, Q: Into<String>, O: IntoIterator<Item = String>,


type SendDice = <B as Requester>::SendDice


fn send_dice<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendDicewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendChatAction = <B as Requester>::SendChatAction


fn send_chat_action<C>( &self, chat_id: C, action: ChatAction ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendChatActionwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetUserProfilePhotos = <B as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


fn get_user_profile_photos( &self, user_id: UserId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


type GetFile = <B as Requester>::GetFile


fn get_file<F>(&self, file_id: F) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetFilewhere F: Into<String>,


type KickChatMember = <B as Requester>::KickChatMember


fn kick_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::KickChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type BanChatMember = <B as Requester>::BanChatMember


fn ban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::BanChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnbanChatMember = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatMember


fn unban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::UnbanChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type RestrictChatMember = <B as Requester>::RestrictChatMember


fn restrict_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::RestrictChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type PromoteChatMember = <B as Requester>::PromoteChatMember


fn promote_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::PromoteChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle


fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title<Ch, C>( &self, chat_id: Ch, user_id: UserId, custom_title: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitlewhere Ch: Into<Recipient>, C: Into<String>,


type BanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::BanChatSenderChat


fn ban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::BanChatSenderChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>,


type UnbanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChat


fn unban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>,


type SetChatPermissions = <B as Requester>::SetChatPermissions


fn set_chat_permissions<C>( &self, chat_id: C, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetChatPermissionswhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::SetChatPhoto


fn set_chat_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetChatPhotowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatPhoto


fn delete_chat_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::DeleteChatPhotowhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatTitle


fn set_chat_title<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, title: T ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetChatTitlewhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type SetChatDescription = <B as Requester>::SetChatDescription


fn set_chat_description<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetChatDescriptionwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type PinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::PinChatMessage


fn pin_chat_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::PinChatMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::UnpinChatMessage


fn unpin_chat_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::UnpinChatMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinAllChatMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessages


fn unpin_all_chat_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessageswhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type LeaveChat = <B as Requester>::LeaveChat


fn leave_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <&mut B as Requester>::LeaveChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChat = <B as Requester>::GetChat


fn get_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetChatwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatAdministrators = <B as Requester>::GetChatAdministrators


fn get_chat_administrators<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetChatAdministratorswhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMembersCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMembersCount


fn get_chat_members_count<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetChatMembersCountwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMemberCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMemberCount


fn get_chat_member_count<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetChatMemberCountwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMember = <B as Requester>::GetChatMember


fn get_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetChatMemberwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::SetChatStickerSet


fn set_chat_sticker_set<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sticker_set_name: S ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetChatStickerSetwhere C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<String>,


type DeleteChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSet


fn delete_chat_sticker_set<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSetwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetForumTopicIconStickers = <B as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


fn get_forum_topic_icon_stickers( &self ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


type CreateForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CreateForumTopic


fn create_forum_topic<C, N, I>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N, icon_color: u32, icon_custom_emoji_id: I ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::CreateForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>, I: Into<String>,


type EditForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditForumTopic


fn edit_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::EditForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type CloseForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseForumTopic


fn close_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::CloseForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type ReopenForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenForumTopic


fn reopen_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::ReopenForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteForumTopic = <B as Requester>::DeleteForumTopic


fn delete_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::DeleteForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages


fn unpin_all_forum_topic_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessageswhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopic


fn edit_general_forum_topic<C, N>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>,


type CloseGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopic


fn close_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopic


fn reopen_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type HideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopic


fn hide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopic


fn unhide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopicwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type AnswerCallbackQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuery


fn answer_callback_query<C>( &self, callback_query_id: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuerywhere C: Into<String>,


type SetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::SetMyCommands


fn set_my_commands<C>(&self, commands: C) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetMyCommandswhere C: IntoIterator<Item = BotCommand>,


type GetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::GetMyCommands


fn get_my_commands(&self) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetMyCommands


type SetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


fn set_chat_menu_button(&self) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


type GetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


fn get_chat_menu_button(&self) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


fn set_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


fn get_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type DeleteMyCommands = <B as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


fn delete_my_commands(&self) -> <&mut B as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


type AnswerInlineQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuery


fn answer_inline_query<I, R>( &self, inline_query_id: I, results: R ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuerywhere I: Into<String>, R: IntoIterator<Item = InlineQueryResult>,


type AnswerWebAppQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuery


fn answer_web_app_query<W>( &self, web_app_query_id: W, result: InlineQueryResult ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuerywhere W: Into<String>,


type EditMessageText = <B as Requester>::EditMessageText


fn edit_message_text<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, text: T ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::EditMessageTextwhere C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type EditMessageTextInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageTextInline


fn edit_message_text_inline<I, T>( &self, inline_message_id: I, text: T ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::EditMessageTextInlinewhere I: Into<String>, T: Into<String>,


type EditMessageCaption = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaption


fn edit_message_caption<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageCaptionInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInline


fn edit_message_caption_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type EditMessageMedia = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMedia


fn edit_message_media<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, media: InputMedia ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::EditMessageMediawhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageMediaInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInline


fn edit_message_media_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, media: InputMedia ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type EditMessageReplyMarkup = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkup


fn edit_message_reply_markup<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline


fn edit_message_reply_markup_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type StopPoll = <B as Requester>::StopPoll


fn stop_poll<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::StopPollwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteMessage = <B as Requester>::DeleteMessage


fn delete_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::DeleteMessagewhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendSticker = <B as Requester>::SendSticker


fn send_sticker<C>( &self, chat_id: C, sticker: InputFile ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendStickerwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetStickerSet = <B as Requester>::GetStickerSet


fn get_sticker_set<N>(&self, name: N) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetStickerSetwhere N: Into<String>,


type GetCustomEmojiStickers = <B as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickers


fn get_custom_emoji_stickers<C>( &self, custom_emoji_ids: C ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickerswhere C: IntoIterator<Item = String>,


type UploadStickerFile = <B as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


fn upload_sticker_file( &self, user_id: UserId, png_sticker: InputFile ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


type CreateNewStickerSet = <B as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSet


fn create_new_sticker_set<N, T, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, title: T, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSetwhere N: Into<String>, T: Into<String>, E: Into<String>,


type AddStickerToSet = <B as Requester>::AddStickerToSet


fn add_sticker_to_set<N, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::AddStickerToSetwhere N: Into<String>, E: Into<String>,


type SetStickerPositionInSet = <B as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSet


fn set_sticker_position_in_set<S>( &self, sticker: S, position: u32 ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSetwhere S: Into<String>,


type DeleteStickerFromSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSet


fn delete_sticker_from_set<S>( &self, sticker: S ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSetwhere S: Into<String>,


type SetStickerSetThumb = <B as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumb


fn set_sticker_set_thumb<N>( &self, name: N, user_id: UserId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumbwhere N: Into<String>,


type SendInvoice = <B as Requester>::SendInvoice


fn send_invoice<Ch, T, D, Pa, P, C, Pri>( &self, chat_id: Ch, title: T, description: D, payload: Pa, provider_token: P, currency: C, prices: Pri ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendInvoicewhere Ch: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, D: Into<String>, Pa: Into<String>, P: Into<String>, C: Into<String>, Pri: IntoIterator<Item = LabeledPrice>,


type AnswerShippingQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuery


fn answer_shipping_query<S>( &self, shipping_query_id: S, ok: bool ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuerywhere S: Into<String>,


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery


fn answer_pre_checkout_query<P>( &self, pre_checkout_query_id: P, ok: bool ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuerywhere P: Into<String>,


type SetPassportDataErrors = <B as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrors


fn set_passport_data_errors<E>( &self, user_id: UserId, errors: E ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrorswhere E: IntoIterator<Item = PassportElementError>,


type SendGame = <B as Requester>::SendGame


fn send_game<G>( &self, chat_id: u32, game_short_name: G ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SendGamewhere G: Into<String>,


type SetGameScore = <B as Requester>::SetGameScore


fn set_game_score( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, chat_id: u32, message_id: MessageId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetGameScore


type SetGameScoreInline = <B as Requester>::SetGameScoreInline


fn set_game_score_inline<I>( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, inline_message_id: I ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::SetGameScoreInlinewhere I: Into<String>,


type GetGameHighScores = <B as Requester>::GetGameHighScores


fn get_game_high_scores<T>( &self, user_id: UserId, target: T ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::GetGameHighScoreswhere T: Into<TargetMessage>,


type ApproveChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequest


fn approve_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequestwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeclineChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequest


fn decline_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <&mut B as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequestwhere C: Into<Recipient>,


impl<B> Requester for Rc<B>where B: Requester,


type Err = <B as Requester>::Err


type GetMe = <B as Requester>::GetMe


fn get_me(&self) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetMe


type LogOut = <B as Requester>::LogOut


fn log_out(&self) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::LogOut


type Close = <B as Requester>::Close


fn close(&self) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::Close


type GetUpdates = <B as Requester>::GetUpdates


fn get_updates(&self) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetUpdates


type SetWebhook = <B as Requester>::SetWebhook


fn set_webhook(&self, url: Url) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetWebhook


type DeleteWebhook = <B as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


fn delete_webhook(&self) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


type GetWebhookInfo = <B as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


fn get_webhook_info(&self) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


type ForwardMessage = <B as Requester>::ForwardMessage


fn forward_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::ForwardMessage where C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>,


type CopyMessage = <B as Requester>::CopyMessage


fn copy_message<C, F>( &self, chat_id: C, from_chat_id: F, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::CopyMessage where C: Into<Recipient>, F: Into<Recipient>,


type SendMessage = <B as Requester>::SendMessage


fn send_message<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, text: T ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendMessage where C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type SendPhoto = <B as Requester>::SendPhoto


fn send_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendPhoto where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendAudio = <B as Requester>::SendAudio


fn send_audio<C>( &self, chat_id: C, audio: InputFile ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendAudio where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendDocument = <B as Requester>::SendDocument


fn send_document<C>( &self, chat_id: C, document: InputFile ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendDocument where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVideo = <B as Requester>::SendVideo


fn send_video<C>( &self, chat_id: C, video: InputFile ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendVideo where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendAnimation = <B as Requester>::SendAnimation


fn send_animation<C>( &self, chat_id: C, animation: InputFile ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendAnimation where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVoice = <B as Requester>::SendVoice


fn send_voice<C>( &self, chat_id: C, voice: InputFile ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendVoice where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendVideoNote = <B as Requester>::SendVideoNote


fn send_video_note<C>( &self, chat_id: C, video_note: InputFile ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendVideoNote where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendMediaGroup = <B as Requester>::SendMediaGroup


fn send_media_group<C, M>( &self, chat_id: C, media: M ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendMediaGroup where C: Into<Recipient>, M: IntoIterator<Item = InputMedia>,


type SendLocation = <B as Requester>::SendLocation


fn send_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendLocation where C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocation


fn edit_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocation where C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInline


fn edit_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInline where I: Into<String>,


type StopMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocation


fn stop_message_live_location<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocation where C: Into<Recipient>,


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInline


fn stop_message_live_location_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, latitude: f64, longitude: f64 ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInline where I: Into<String>,


type SendVenue = <B as Requester>::SendVenue


fn send_venue<C, T, A>( &self, chat_id: C, latitude: f64, longitude: f64, title: T, address: A ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendVenue where C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, A: Into<String>,


type SendContact = <B as Requester>::SendContact


fn send_contact<C, P, F>( &self, chat_id: C, phone_number: P, first_name: F ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendContact where C: Into<Recipient>, P: Into<String>, F: Into<String>,


type SendPoll = <B as Requester>::SendPoll


fn send_poll<C, Q, O>( &self, chat_id: C, question: Q, options: O ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendPoll where C: Into<Recipient>, Q: Into<String>, O: IntoIterator<Item = String>,


type SendDice = <B as Requester>::SendDice


fn send_dice<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendDice where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendChatAction = <B as Requester>::SendChatAction


fn send_chat_action<C>( &self, chat_id: C, action: ChatAction ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendChatAction where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetUserProfilePhotos = <B as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


fn get_user_profile_photos( &self, user_id: UserId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


type GetFile = <B as Requester>::GetFile


fn get_file<F>(&self, file_id: F) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetFile where F: Into<String>,


type KickChatMember = <B as Requester>::KickChatMember


fn kick_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::KickChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>,


type BanChatMember = <B as Requester>::BanChatMember


fn ban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::BanChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnbanChatMember = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatMember


fn unban_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::UnbanChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>,


type RestrictChatMember = <B as Requester>::RestrictChatMember


fn restrict_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::RestrictChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>,


type PromoteChatMember = <B as Requester>::PromoteChatMember


fn promote_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::PromoteChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle


fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title<Ch, C>( &self, chat_id: Ch, user_id: UserId, custom_title: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle where Ch: Into<Recipient>, C: Into<String>,


type BanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::BanChatSenderChat


fn ban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::BanChatSenderChat where C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>,


type UnbanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChat


fn unban_chat_sender_chat<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sender_chat_id: S ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChat where C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<ChatId>,


type SetChatPermissions = <B as Requester>::SetChatPermissions


fn set_chat_permissions<C>( &self, chat_id: C, permissions: ChatPermissions ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetChatPermissions where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::SetChatPhoto


fn set_chat_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetChatPhoto where C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatPhoto


fn delete_chat_photo<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::DeleteChatPhoto where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatTitle


fn set_chat_title<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, title: T ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetChatTitle where C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type SetChatDescription = <B as Requester>::SetChatDescription


fn set_chat_description<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetChatDescription where C: Into<Recipient>,


type PinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::PinChatMessage


fn pin_chat_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::PinChatMessage where C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::UnpinChatMessage


fn unpin_chat_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::UnpinChatMessage where C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinAllChatMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessages


fn unpin_all_chat_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessages where C: Into<Recipient>,


type LeaveChat = <B as Requester>::LeaveChat


fn leave_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::LeaveChat where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChat = <B as Requester>::GetChat


fn get_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetChat where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatAdministrators = <B as Requester>::GetChatAdministrators


fn get_chat_administrators<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetChatAdministrators where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMembersCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMembersCount


fn get_chat_members_count<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetChatMembersCount where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMemberCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMemberCount


fn get_chat_member_count<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetChatMemberCount where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetChatMember = <B as Requester>::GetChatMember


fn get_chat_member<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetChatMember where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SetChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::SetChatStickerSet


fn set_chat_sticker_set<C, S>( &self, chat_id: C, sticker_set_name: S ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetChatStickerSet where C: Into<Recipient>, S: Into<String>,


type DeleteChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSet


fn delete_chat_sticker_set<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSet where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetForumTopicIconStickers = <B as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


fn get_forum_topic_icon_stickers( &self ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


type CreateForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CreateForumTopic


fn create_forum_topic<C, N, I>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N, icon_color: u32, icon_custom_emoji_id: I ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::CreateForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>, I: Into<String>,


type EditForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditForumTopic


fn edit_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::EditForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type CloseForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseForumTopic


fn close_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::CloseForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type ReopenForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenForumTopic


fn reopen_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::ReopenForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteForumTopic = <B as Requester>::DeleteForumTopic


fn delete_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::DeleteForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages


fn unpin_all_forum_topic_messages<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_thread_id: i32 ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages where C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopic


fn edit_general_forum_topic<C, N>( &self, chat_id: C, name: N ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>, N: Into<String>,


type CloseGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopic


fn close_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopic


fn reopen_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type HideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopic


fn hide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopic


fn unhide_general_forum_topic<C>( &self, chat_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopic where C: Into<Recipient>,


type AnswerCallbackQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuery


fn answer_callback_query<C>( &self, callback_query_id: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuery where C: Into<String>,


type SetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::SetMyCommands


fn set_my_commands<C>(&self, commands: C) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetMyCommands where C: IntoIterator<Item = BotCommand>,


type GetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::GetMyCommands


fn get_my_commands(&self) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetMyCommands


type SetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


fn set_chat_menu_button(&self) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


type GetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


fn get_chat_menu_button(&self) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


fn set_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


fn get_my_default_administrator_rights( &self ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type DeleteMyCommands = <B as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


fn delete_my_commands(&self) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


type AnswerInlineQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuery


fn answer_inline_query<I, R>( &self, inline_query_id: I, results: R ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuery where I: Into<String>, R: IntoIterator<Item = InlineQueryResult>,


type AnswerWebAppQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuery


fn answer_web_app_query<W>( &self, web_app_query_id: W, result: InlineQueryResult ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuery where W: Into<String>,


type EditMessageText = <B as Requester>::EditMessageText


fn edit_message_text<C, T>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, text: T ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageText where C: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>,


type EditMessageTextInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageTextInline


fn edit_message_text_inline<I, T>( &self, inline_message_id: I, text: T ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageTextInline where I: Into<String>, T: Into<String>,


type EditMessageCaption = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaption


fn edit_message_caption<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageCaption where C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageCaptionInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInline


fn edit_message_caption_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInline where I: Into<String>,


type EditMessageMedia = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMedia


fn edit_message_media<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId, media: InputMedia ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageMedia where C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageMediaInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInline


fn edit_message_media_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I, media: InputMedia ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInline where I: Into<String>,


type EditMessageReplyMarkup = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkup


fn edit_message_reply_markup<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkup where C: Into<Recipient>,


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline


fn edit_message_reply_markup_inline<I>( &self, inline_message_id: I ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline where I: Into<String>,


type StopPoll = <B as Requester>::StopPoll


fn stop_poll<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::StopPoll where C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeleteMessage = <B as Requester>::DeleteMessage


fn delete_message<C>( &self, chat_id: C, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::DeleteMessage where C: Into<Recipient>,


type SendSticker = <B as Requester>::SendSticker


fn send_sticker<C>( &self, chat_id: C, sticker: InputFile ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendSticker where C: Into<Recipient>,


type GetStickerSet = <B as Requester>::GetStickerSet


fn get_sticker_set<N>(&self, name: N) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetStickerSet where N: Into<String>,


type GetCustomEmojiStickers = <B as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickers


fn get_custom_emoji_stickers<C>( &self, custom_emoji_ids: C ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickers where C: IntoIterator<Item = String>,


type UploadStickerFile = <B as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


fn upload_sticker_file( &self, user_id: UserId, png_sticker: InputFile ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


type CreateNewStickerSet = <B as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSet


fn create_new_sticker_set<N, T, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, title: T, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSet where N: Into<String>, T: Into<String>, E: Into<String>,


type AddStickerToSet = <B as Requester>::AddStickerToSet


fn add_sticker_to_set<N, E>( &self, user_id: UserId, name: N, sticker: InputSticker, emojis: E ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::AddStickerToSet where N: Into<String>, E: Into<String>,


type SetStickerPositionInSet = <B as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSet


fn set_sticker_position_in_set<S>( &self, sticker: S, position: u32 ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSet where S: Into<String>,


type DeleteStickerFromSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSet


fn delete_sticker_from_set<S>( &self, sticker: S ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSet where S: Into<String>,


type SetStickerSetThumb = <B as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumb


fn set_sticker_set_thumb<N>( &self, name: N, user_id: UserId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumb where N: Into<String>,


type SendInvoice = <B as Requester>::SendInvoice


fn send_invoice<Ch, T, D, Pa, P, C, Pri>( &self, chat_id: Ch, title: T, description: D, payload: Pa, provider_token: P, currency: C, prices: Pri ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendInvoice where Ch: Into<Recipient>, T: Into<String>, D: Into<String>, Pa: Into<String>, P: Into<String>, C: Into<String>, Pri: IntoIterator<Item = LabeledPrice>,


type AnswerShippingQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuery


fn answer_shipping_query<S>( &self, shipping_query_id: S, ok: bool ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuery where S: Into<String>,


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery


fn answer_pre_checkout_query<P>( &self, pre_checkout_query_id: P, ok: bool ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery where P: Into<String>,


type SetPassportDataErrors = <B as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrors


fn set_passport_data_errors<E>( &self, user_id: UserId, errors: E ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrors where E: IntoIterator<Item = PassportElementError>,


type SendGame = <B as Requester>::SendGame


fn send_game<G>( &self, chat_id: u32, game_short_name: G ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SendGame where G: Into<String>,


type SetGameScore = <B as Requester>::SetGameScore


fn set_game_score( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, chat_id: u32, message_id: MessageId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetGameScore


type SetGameScoreInline = <B as Requester>::SetGameScoreInline


fn set_game_score_inline<I>( &self, user_id: UserId, score: u64, inline_message_id: I ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::SetGameScoreInline where I: Into<String>,


type GetGameHighScores = <B as Requester>::GetGameHighScores


fn get_game_high_scores<T>( &self, user_id: UserId, target: T ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::GetGameHighScores where T: Into<TargetMessage>,


type ApproveChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequest


fn approve_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequest where C: Into<Recipient>,


type DeclineChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequest


fn decline_chat_join_request<C>( &self, chat_id: C, user_id: UserId ) -> <Rc<B> as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequest where C: Into<Recipient>,



impl Requester for Bot


type Err = RequestError


type GetUpdates = JsonRequest<GetUpdates>


type SetWebhook = MultipartRequest<SetWebhook>


type DeleteWebhook = JsonRequest<DeleteWebhook>


type GetWebhookInfo = JsonRequest<GetWebhookInfo>


type GetMe = JsonRequest<GetMe>


type SendMessage = JsonRequest<SendMessage>


type ForwardMessage = JsonRequest<ForwardMessage>


type SendPhoto = MultipartRequest<SendPhoto>


type SendAudio = MultipartRequest<SendAudio>


type SendDocument = MultipartRequest<SendDocument>


type SendVideo = MultipartRequest<SendVideo>


type SendAnimation = MultipartRequest<SendAnimation>


type SendVoice = MultipartRequest<SendVoice>


type SendVideoNote = MultipartRequest<SendVideoNote>


type SendMediaGroup = MultipartRequest<SendMediaGroup>


type SendLocation = JsonRequest<SendLocation>


type EditMessageLiveLocation = JsonRequest<EditMessageLiveLocation>


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = JsonRequest<EditMessageLiveLocationInline>


type StopMessageLiveLocation = JsonRequest<StopMessageLiveLocation>


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = JsonRequest<StopMessageLiveLocationInline>


type SendVenue = JsonRequest<SendVenue>


type SendContact = JsonRequest<SendContact>


type SendPoll = JsonRequest<SendPoll>


type SendDice = JsonRequest<SendDice>


type SendChatAction = JsonRequest<SendChatAction>


type GetUserProfilePhotos = JsonRequest<GetUserProfilePhotos>


type GetFile = JsonRequest<GetFile>


type KickChatMember = JsonRequest<KickChatMember>


type BanChatMember = JsonRequest<BanChatMember>


type UnbanChatMember = JsonRequest<UnbanChatMember>


type RestrictChatMember = JsonRequest<RestrictChatMember>


type PromoteChatMember = JsonRequest<PromoteChatMember>


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = JsonRequest<SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle>


type BanChatSenderChat = JsonRequest<BanChatSenderChat>


type UnbanChatSenderChat = JsonRequest<UnbanChatSenderChat>


type SetChatPermissions = JsonRequest<SetChatPermissions>


type ApproveChatJoinRequest = JsonRequest<ApproveChatJoinRequest>


type DeclineChatJoinRequest = JsonRequest<DeclineChatJoinRequest>


type SetChatPhoto = MultipartRequest<SetChatPhoto>


type DeleteChatPhoto = JsonRequest<DeleteChatPhoto>


type SetChatTitle = JsonRequest<SetChatTitle>


type SetChatDescription = JsonRequest<SetChatDescription>


type PinChatMessage = JsonRequest<PinChatMessage>


type UnpinChatMessage = JsonRequest<UnpinChatMessage>


type LeaveChat = JsonRequest<LeaveChat>


type GetChat = JsonRequest<GetChat>


type GetChatAdministrators = JsonRequest<GetChatAdministrators>


type GetChatMembersCount = JsonRequest<GetChatMembersCount>


type GetChatMemberCount = JsonRequest<GetChatMemberCount>


type GetChatMember = JsonRequest<GetChatMember>


type SetChatStickerSet = JsonRequest<SetChatStickerSet>


type DeleteChatStickerSet = JsonRequest<DeleteChatStickerSet>


type GetForumTopicIconStickers = JsonRequest<GetForumTopicIconStickers>


type CreateForumTopic = JsonRequest<CreateForumTopic>


type EditForumTopic = JsonRequest<EditForumTopic>


type CloseForumTopic = JsonRequest<CloseForumTopic>


type ReopenForumTopic = JsonRequest<ReopenForumTopic>


type DeleteForumTopic = JsonRequest<DeleteForumTopic>


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages = JsonRequest<UnpinAllForumTopicMessages>


type EditGeneralForumTopic = JsonRequest<EditGeneralForumTopic>


type CloseGeneralForumTopic = JsonRequest<CloseGeneralForumTopic>


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic = JsonRequest<ReopenGeneralForumTopic>


type HideGeneralForumTopic = JsonRequest<HideGeneralForumTopic>


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic = JsonRequest<UnhideGeneralForumTopic>


type AnswerCallbackQuery = JsonRequest<AnswerCallbackQuery>


type SetMyCommands = JsonRequest<SetMyCommands>


type GetMyCommands = JsonRequest<GetMyCommands>


type SetChatMenuButton = JsonRequest<SetChatMenuButton>


type GetChatMenuButton = JsonRequest<GetChatMenuButton>


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = JsonRequest<SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights>


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = JsonRequest<GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights>


type DeleteMyCommands = JsonRequest<DeleteMyCommands>


type AnswerInlineQuery = JsonRequest<AnswerInlineQuery>


type AnswerWebAppQuery = JsonRequest<AnswerWebAppQuery>


type EditMessageText = JsonRequest<EditMessageText>


type EditMessageTextInline = JsonRequest<EditMessageTextInline>


type EditMessageCaption = JsonRequest<EditMessageCaption>


type EditMessageCaptionInline = JsonRequest<EditMessageCaptionInline>


type EditMessageMedia = MultipartRequest<EditMessageMedia>


type EditMessageMediaInline = MultipartRequest<EditMessageMediaInline>


type EditMessageReplyMarkup = JsonRequest<EditMessageReplyMarkup>


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = JsonRequest<EditMessageReplyMarkupInline>


type StopPoll = JsonRequest<StopPoll>


type DeleteMessage = JsonRequest<DeleteMessage>


type SendSticker = MultipartRequest<SendSticker>


type GetStickerSet = JsonRequest<GetStickerSet>


type GetCustomEmojiStickers = JsonRequest<GetCustomEmojiStickers>


type UploadStickerFile = MultipartRequest<UploadStickerFile>


type CreateNewStickerSet = MultipartRequest<CreateNewStickerSet>


type AddStickerToSet = MultipartRequest<AddStickerToSet>


type SetStickerPositionInSet = JsonRequest<SetStickerPositionInSet>


type DeleteStickerFromSet = JsonRequest<DeleteStickerFromSet>


type SetStickerSetThumb = MultipartRequest<SetStickerSetThumb>


type SendInvoice = JsonRequest<SendInvoice>


type AnswerShippingQuery = JsonRequest<AnswerShippingQuery>


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = JsonRequest<AnswerPreCheckoutQuery>


type SetPassportDataErrors = JsonRequest<SetPassportDataErrors>


type SendGame = JsonRequest<SendGame>


type SetGameScore = JsonRequest<SetGameScore>


type SetGameScoreInline = JsonRequest<SetGameScoreInline>


type GetGameHighScores = JsonRequest<GetGameHighScores>


type LogOut = JsonRequest<LogOut>


type Close = JsonRequest<Close>


type CopyMessage = JsonRequest<CopyMessage>


type UnpinAllChatMessages = JsonRequest<UnpinAllChatMessages>


impl<'a, Err> Requester for ErasedRequester<'a, Err>where Err: Error + Send,


type Err = Err


type GetMe = ErasedRequest<'a, GetMe, Err>


type LogOut = ErasedRequest<'a, LogOut, Err>


type Close = ErasedRequest<'a, Close, Err>


type GetUpdates = ErasedRequest<'a, GetUpdates, Err>


type SetWebhook = ErasedRequest<'a, SetWebhook, Err>


type DeleteWebhook = ErasedRequest<'a, DeleteWebhook, Err>


type GetWebhookInfo = ErasedRequest<'a, GetWebhookInfo, Err>


type ForwardMessage = ErasedRequest<'a, ForwardMessage, Err>


type CopyMessage = ErasedRequest<'a, CopyMessage, Err>


type SendMessage = ErasedRequest<'a, SendMessage, Err>


type SendPhoto = ErasedRequest<'a, SendPhoto, Err>


type SendAudio = ErasedRequest<'a, SendAudio, Err>


type SendDocument = ErasedRequest<'a, SendDocument, Err>


type SendVideo = ErasedRequest<'a, SendVideo, Err>


type SendAnimation = ErasedRequest<'a, SendAnimation, Err>


type SendVoice = ErasedRequest<'a, SendVoice, Err>


type SendVideoNote = ErasedRequest<'a, SendVideoNote, Err>


type SendMediaGroup = ErasedRequest<'a, SendMediaGroup, Err>


type SendLocation = ErasedRequest<'a, SendLocation, Err>


type EditMessageLiveLocation = ErasedRequest<'a, EditMessageLiveLocation, Err>


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = ErasedRequest<'a, EditMessageLiveLocationInline, Err>


type StopMessageLiveLocation = ErasedRequest<'a, StopMessageLiveLocation, Err>


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = ErasedRequest<'a, StopMessageLiveLocationInline, Err>


type SendVenue = ErasedRequest<'a, SendVenue, Err>


type SendContact = ErasedRequest<'a, SendContact, Err>


type SendPoll = ErasedRequest<'a, SendPoll, Err>


type SendDice = ErasedRequest<'a, SendDice, Err>


type SendChatAction = ErasedRequest<'a, SendChatAction, Err>


type GetUserProfilePhotos = ErasedRequest<'a, GetUserProfilePhotos, Err>


type GetFile = ErasedRequest<'a, GetFile, Err>


type KickChatMember = ErasedRequest<'a, KickChatMember, Err>


type BanChatMember = ErasedRequest<'a, BanChatMember, Err>


type UnbanChatMember = ErasedRequest<'a, UnbanChatMember, Err>


type RestrictChatMember = ErasedRequest<'a, RestrictChatMember, Err>


type PromoteChatMember = ErasedRequest<'a, PromoteChatMember, Err>


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = ErasedRequest<'a, SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle, Err>


type BanChatSenderChat = ErasedRequest<'a, BanChatSenderChat, Err>


type UnbanChatSenderChat = ErasedRequest<'a, UnbanChatSenderChat, Err>


type SetChatPermissions = ErasedRequest<'a, SetChatPermissions, Err>


type SetChatPhoto = ErasedRequest<'a, SetChatPhoto, Err>


type DeleteChatPhoto = ErasedRequest<'a, DeleteChatPhoto, Err>


type SetChatTitle = ErasedRequest<'a, SetChatTitle, Err>


type SetChatDescription = ErasedRequest<'a, SetChatDescription, Err>


type PinChatMessage = ErasedRequest<'a, PinChatMessage, Err>


type UnpinChatMessage = ErasedRequest<'a, UnpinChatMessage, Err>


type UnpinAllChatMessages = ErasedRequest<'a, UnpinAllChatMessages, Err>


type LeaveChat = ErasedRequest<'a, LeaveChat, Err>


type GetChat = ErasedRequest<'a, GetChat, Err>


type GetChatAdministrators = ErasedRequest<'a, GetChatAdministrators, Err>


type GetChatMembersCount = ErasedRequest<'a, GetChatMembersCount, Err>


type GetChatMemberCount = ErasedRequest<'a, GetChatMemberCount, Err>


type GetChatMember = ErasedRequest<'a, GetChatMember, Err>


type SetChatStickerSet = ErasedRequest<'a, SetChatStickerSet, Err>


type DeleteChatStickerSet = ErasedRequest<'a, DeleteChatStickerSet, Err>


type GetForumTopicIconStickers = ErasedRequest<'a, GetForumTopicIconStickers, Err>


type CreateForumTopic = ErasedRequest<'a, CreateForumTopic, Err>


type EditForumTopic = ErasedRequest<'a, EditForumTopic, Err>


type CloseForumTopic = ErasedRequest<'a, CloseForumTopic, Err>


type ReopenForumTopic = ErasedRequest<'a, ReopenForumTopic, Err>


type DeleteForumTopic = ErasedRequest<'a, DeleteForumTopic, Err>


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages = ErasedRequest<'a, UnpinAllForumTopicMessages, Err>


type EditGeneralForumTopic = ErasedRequest<'a, EditGeneralForumTopic, Err>


type CloseGeneralForumTopic = ErasedRequest<'a, CloseGeneralForumTopic, Err>


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic = ErasedRequest<'a, ReopenGeneralForumTopic, Err>


type HideGeneralForumTopic = ErasedRequest<'a, HideGeneralForumTopic, Err>


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic = ErasedRequest<'a, UnhideGeneralForumTopic, Err>


type AnswerCallbackQuery = ErasedRequest<'a, AnswerCallbackQuery, Err>


type SetMyCommands = ErasedRequest<'a, SetMyCommands, Err>


type GetMyCommands = ErasedRequest<'a, GetMyCommands, Err>


type SetChatMenuButton = ErasedRequest<'a, SetChatMenuButton, Err>


type GetChatMenuButton = ErasedRequest<'a, GetChatMenuButton, Err>


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = ErasedRequest<'a, SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights, Err>


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = ErasedRequest<'a, GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights, Err>


type DeleteMyCommands = ErasedRequest<'a, DeleteMyCommands, Err>


type AnswerInlineQuery = ErasedRequest<'a, AnswerInlineQuery, Err>


type AnswerWebAppQuery = ErasedRequest<'a, AnswerWebAppQuery, Err>


type EditMessageText = ErasedRequest<'a, EditMessageText, Err>


type EditMessageTextInline = ErasedRequest<'a, EditMessageTextInline, Err>


type EditMessageCaption = ErasedRequest<'a, EditMessageCaption, Err>


type EditMessageCaptionInline = ErasedRequest<'a, EditMessageCaptionInline, Err>


type EditMessageMedia = ErasedRequest<'a, EditMessageMedia, Err>


type EditMessageMediaInline = ErasedRequest<'a, EditMessageMediaInline, Err>


type EditMessageReplyMarkup = ErasedRequest<'a, EditMessageReplyMarkup, Err>


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = ErasedRequest<'a, EditMessageReplyMarkupInline, Err>


type StopPoll = ErasedRequest<'a, StopPoll, Err>


type DeleteMessage = ErasedRequest<'a, DeleteMessage, Err>


type SendSticker = ErasedRequest<'a, SendSticker, Err>


type GetStickerSet = ErasedRequest<'a, GetStickerSet, Err>


type GetCustomEmojiStickers = ErasedRequest<'a, GetCustomEmojiStickers, Err>


type UploadStickerFile = ErasedRequest<'a, UploadStickerFile, Err>


type CreateNewStickerSet = ErasedRequest<'a, CreateNewStickerSet, Err>


type AddStickerToSet = ErasedRequest<'a, AddStickerToSet, Err>


type SetStickerPositionInSet = ErasedRequest<'a, SetStickerPositionInSet, Err>


type DeleteStickerFromSet = ErasedRequest<'a, DeleteStickerFromSet, Err>


type SetStickerSetThumb = ErasedRequest<'a, SetStickerSetThumb, Err>


type SendInvoice = ErasedRequest<'a, SendInvoice, Err>


type AnswerShippingQuery = ErasedRequest<'a, AnswerShippingQuery, Err>


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = ErasedRequest<'a, AnswerPreCheckoutQuery, Err>


type SetPassportDataErrors = ErasedRequest<'a, SetPassportDataErrors, Err>


type SendGame = ErasedRequest<'a, SendGame, Err>


type SetGameScore = ErasedRequest<'a, SetGameScore, Err>


type SetGameScoreInline = ErasedRequest<'a, SetGameScoreInline, Err>


type GetGameHighScores = ErasedRequest<'a, GetGameHighScores, Err>


type ApproveChatJoinRequest = ErasedRequest<'a, ApproveChatJoinRequest, Err>


type DeclineChatJoinRequest = ErasedRequest<'a, DeclineChatJoinRequest, Err>


impl<B> Requester for AutoSend<B>where B: Requester,


type Err = <B as Requester>::Err


type GetMe = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetMe>


type LogOut = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::LogOut>


type Close = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::Close>


type GetUpdates = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetUpdates>


type SetWebhook = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetWebhook>


type DeleteWebhook = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteWebhook>


type GetWebhookInfo = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo>


type ForwardMessage = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::ForwardMessage>


type CopyMessage = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::CopyMessage>


type SendMessage = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendMessage>


type SendPhoto = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendPhoto>


type SendAudio = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendAudio>


type SendDocument = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendDocument>


type SendVideo = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendVideo>


type SendAnimation = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendAnimation>


type SendVoice = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendVoice>


type SendVideoNote = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendVideoNote>


type SendMediaGroup = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendMediaGroup>


type SendLocation = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendLocation>


type EditMessageLiveLocation = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocation>


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInline>


type StopMessageLiveLocation = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocation>


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInline>


type SendVenue = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendVenue>


type SendContact = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendContact>


type SendPoll = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendPoll>


type SendDice = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendDice>


type SendChatAction = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendChatAction>


type GetUserProfilePhotos = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos>


type GetFile = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetFile>


type KickChatMember = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::KickChatMember>


type BanChatMember = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::BanChatMember>


type UnbanChatMember = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::UnbanChatMember>


type RestrictChatMember = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::RestrictChatMember>


type PromoteChatMember = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::PromoteChatMember>


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle>


type BanChatSenderChat = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::BanChatSenderChat>


type UnbanChatSenderChat = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChat>


type SetChatPermissions = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatPermissions>


type SetChatPhoto = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatPhoto>


type DeleteChatPhoto = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteChatPhoto>


type SetChatTitle = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatTitle>


type SetChatDescription = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatDescription>


type PinChatMessage = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::PinChatMessage>


type UnpinChatMessage = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::UnpinChatMessage>


type UnpinAllChatMessages = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessages>


type LeaveChat = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::LeaveChat>


type GetChat = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetChat>


type GetChatAdministrators = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetChatAdministrators>


type GetChatMembersCount = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetChatMembersCount>


type GetChatMemberCount = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetChatMemberCount>


type GetChatMember = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetChatMember>


type SetChatStickerSet = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatStickerSet>


type DeleteChatStickerSet = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSet>


type GetForumTopicIconStickers = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers>


type CreateForumTopic = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::CreateForumTopic>


type EditForumTopic = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::EditForumTopic>


type CloseForumTopic = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::CloseForumTopic>


type ReopenForumTopic = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::ReopenForumTopic>


type DeleteForumTopic = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteForumTopic>


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages>


type EditGeneralForumTopic = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopic>


type CloseGeneralForumTopic = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopic>


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopic>


type HideGeneralForumTopic = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopic>


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopic>


type AnswerCallbackQuery = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuery>


type SetMyCommands = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetMyCommands>


type GetMyCommands = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetMyCommands>


type SetChatMenuButton = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton>


type GetChatMenuButton = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton>


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights>


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights>


type DeleteMyCommands = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands>


type AnswerInlineQuery = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuery>


type AnswerWebAppQuery = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuery>


type EditMessageText = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageText>


type EditMessageTextInline = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageTextInline>


type EditMessageCaption = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageCaption>


type EditMessageCaptionInline = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInline>


type EditMessageMedia = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageMedia>


type EditMessageMediaInline = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInline>


type EditMessageReplyMarkup = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkup>


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline>


type StopPoll = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::StopPoll>


type DeleteMessage = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteMessage>


type SendSticker = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendSticker>


type GetStickerSet = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetStickerSet>


type GetCustomEmojiStickers = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickers>


type UploadStickerFile = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::UploadStickerFile>


type CreateNewStickerSet = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSet>


type AddStickerToSet = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::AddStickerToSet>


type SetStickerPositionInSet = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSet>


type DeleteStickerFromSet = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSet>


type SetStickerSetThumb = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumb>


type SendInvoice = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendInvoice>


type AnswerShippingQuery = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuery>


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery>


type SetPassportDataErrors = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrors>


type SendGame = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SendGame>


type SetGameScore = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetGameScore>


type SetGameScoreInline = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::SetGameScoreInline>


type GetGameHighScores = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::GetGameHighScores>


type ApproveChatJoinRequest = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequest>


type DeclineChatJoinRequest = AutoRequest<<B as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequest>


impl<B> Requester for CacheMe<B>where B: Requester,


type Err = <B as Requester>::Err


type GetMe = CachedMeRequest<<B as Requester>::GetMe>


type LogOut = <B as Requester>::LogOut


type Close = <B as Requester>::Close


type GetUpdates = <B as Requester>::GetUpdates


type SetWebhook = <B as Requester>::SetWebhook


type DeleteWebhook = <B as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


type GetWebhookInfo = <B as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


type ForwardMessage = <B as Requester>::ForwardMessage


type CopyMessage = <B as Requester>::CopyMessage


type SendMessage = <B as Requester>::SendMessage


type SendPhoto = <B as Requester>::SendPhoto


type SendAudio = <B as Requester>::SendAudio


type SendDocument = <B as Requester>::SendDocument


type SendVideo = <B as Requester>::SendVideo


type SendAnimation = <B as Requester>::SendAnimation


type SendVoice = <B as Requester>::SendVoice


type SendVideoNote = <B as Requester>::SendVideoNote


type SendMediaGroup = <B as Requester>::SendMediaGroup


type SendLocation = <B as Requester>::SendLocation


type EditMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocation


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInline


type StopMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocation


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInline


type SendVenue = <B as Requester>::SendVenue


type SendContact = <B as Requester>::SendContact


type SendPoll = <B as Requester>::SendPoll


type SendDice = <B as Requester>::SendDice


type SendChatAction = <B as Requester>::SendChatAction


type GetUserProfilePhotos = <B as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


type GetFile = <B as Requester>::GetFile


type KickChatMember = <B as Requester>::KickChatMember


type BanChatMember = <B as Requester>::BanChatMember


type UnbanChatMember = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatMember


type RestrictChatMember = <B as Requester>::RestrictChatMember


type PromoteChatMember = <B as Requester>::PromoteChatMember


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle


type BanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::BanChatSenderChat


type UnbanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChat


type SetChatPermissions = <B as Requester>::SetChatPermissions


type SetChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::SetChatPhoto


type DeleteChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatPhoto


type SetChatTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatTitle


type SetChatDescription = <B as Requester>::SetChatDescription


type PinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::PinChatMessage


type UnpinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::UnpinChatMessage


type UnpinAllChatMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessages


type LeaveChat = <B as Requester>::LeaveChat


type GetChat = <B as Requester>::GetChat


type GetChatAdministrators = <B as Requester>::GetChatAdministrators


type GetChatMembersCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMembersCount


type GetChatMemberCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMemberCount


type GetChatMember = <B as Requester>::GetChatMember


type SetChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::SetChatStickerSet


type DeleteChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSet


type GetForumTopicIconStickers = <B as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


type CreateForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CreateForumTopic


type EditForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditForumTopic


type CloseForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseForumTopic


type ReopenForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenForumTopic


type DeleteForumTopic = <B as Requester>::DeleteForumTopic


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages


type EditGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopic


type CloseGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopic


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopic


type HideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopic


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopic


type AnswerCallbackQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuery


type SetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::SetMyCommands


type GetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::GetMyCommands


type SetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


type GetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type DeleteMyCommands = <B as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


type AnswerInlineQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuery


type AnswerWebAppQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuery


type EditMessageText = <B as Requester>::EditMessageText


type EditMessageTextInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageTextInline


type EditMessageCaption = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaption


type EditMessageCaptionInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInline


type EditMessageMedia = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMedia


type EditMessageMediaInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInline


type EditMessageReplyMarkup = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkup


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline


type StopPoll = <B as Requester>::StopPoll


type DeleteMessage = <B as Requester>::DeleteMessage


type SendSticker = <B as Requester>::SendSticker


type GetStickerSet = <B as Requester>::GetStickerSet


type GetCustomEmojiStickers = <B as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickers


type UploadStickerFile = <B as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


type CreateNewStickerSet = <B as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSet


type AddStickerToSet = <B as Requester>::AddStickerToSet


type SetStickerPositionInSet = <B as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSet


type DeleteStickerFromSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSet


type SetStickerSetThumb = <B as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumb


type SendInvoice = <B as Requester>::SendInvoice


type AnswerShippingQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuery


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery


type SetPassportDataErrors = <B as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrors


type SendGame = <B as Requester>::SendGame


type SetGameScore = <B as Requester>::SetGameScore


type SetGameScoreInline = <B as Requester>::SetGameScoreInline


type GetGameHighScores = <B as Requester>::GetGameHighScores


type ApproveChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequest


type DeclineChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequest


impl<B> Requester for DefaultParseMode<B>where B: Requester,


type Err = <B as Requester>::Err


type SendMessage = <B as Requester>::SendMessage


type SendPhoto = <B as Requester>::SendPhoto


type SendVideo = <B as Requester>::SendVideo


type SendAudio = <B as Requester>::SendAudio


type SendDocument = <B as Requester>::SendDocument


type SendAnimation = <B as Requester>::SendAnimation


type SendVoice = <B as Requester>::SendVoice


type EditMessageText = <B as Requester>::EditMessageText


type EditMessageTextInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageTextInline


type EditMessageCaption = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaption


type EditMessageCaptionInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInline


type SendPoll = <B as Requester>::SendPoll


type GetMe = <B as Requester>::GetMe


type LogOut = <B as Requester>::LogOut


type Close = <B as Requester>::Close


type GetUpdates = <B as Requester>::GetUpdates


type SetWebhook = <B as Requester>::SetWebhook


type DeleteWebhook = <B as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


type GetWebhookInfo = <B as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


type ForwardMessage = <B as Requester>::ForwardMessage


type CopyMessage = <B as Requester>::CopyMessage


type SendVideoNote = <B as Requester>::SendVideoNote


type SendMediaGroup = <B as Requester>::SendMediaGroup


type SendLocation = <B as Requester>::SendLocation


type EditMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocation


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInline


type StopMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocation


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInline


type SendVenue = <B as Requester>::SendVenue


type SendContact = <B as Requester>::SendContact


type SendDice = <B as Requester>::SendDice


type SendChatAction = <B as Requester>::SendChatAction


type GetUserProfilePhotos = <B as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


type GetFile = <B as Requester>::GetFile


type KickChatMember = <B as Requester>::KickChatMember


type BanChatMember = <B as Requester>::BanChatMember


type UnbanChatMember = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatMember


type RestrictChatMember = <B as Requester>::RestrictChatMember


type PromoteChatMember = <B as Requester>::PromoteChatMember


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle


type BanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::BanChatSenderChat


type UnbanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChat


type SetChatPermissions = <B as Requester>::SetChatPermissions


type SetChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::SetChatPhoto


type DeleteChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatPhoto


type SetChatTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatTitle


type SetChatDescription = <B as Requester>::SetChatDescription


type PinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::PinChatMessage


type UnpinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::UnpinChatMessage


type UnpinAllChatMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessages


type LeaveChat = <B as Requester>::LeaveChat


type GetChat = <B as Requester>::GetChat


type GetChatAdministrators = <B as Requester>::GetChatAdministrators


type GetChatMembersCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMembersCount


type GetChatMemberCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMemberCount


type GetChatMember = <B as Requester>::GetChatMember


type SetChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::SetChatStickerSet


type DeleteChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSet


type GetForumTopicIconStickers = <B as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


type CreateForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CreateForumTopic


type EditForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditForumTopic


type CloseForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseForumTopic


type ReopenForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenForumTopic


type DeleteForumTopic = <B as Requester>::DeleteForumTopic


type EditGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopic


type CloseGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopic


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopic


type HideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopic


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopic


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages


type AnswerCallbackQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuery


type SetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::SetMyCommands


type GetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::GetMyCommands


type SetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


type GetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type DeleteMyCommands = <B as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


type AnswerInlineQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuery


type AnswerWebAppQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuery


type EditMessageMedia = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMedia


type EditMessageMediaInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInline


type EditMessageReplyMarkup = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkup


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline


type StopPoll = <B as Requester>::StopPoll


type DeleteMessage = <B as Requester>::DeleteMessage


type SendSticker = <B as Requester>::SendSticker


type GetStickerSet = <B as Requester>::GetStickerSet


type GetCustomEmojiStickers = <B as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickers


type UploadStickerFile = <B as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


type CreateNewStickerSet = <B as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSet


type AddStickerToSet = <B as Requester>::AddStickerToSet


type SetStickerPositionInSet = <B as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSet


type DeleteStickerFromSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSet


type SetStickerSetThumb = <B as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumb


type SendInvoice = <B as Requester>::SendInvoice


type AnswerShippingQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuery


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery


type SetPassportDataErrors = <B as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrors


type SendGame = <B as Requester>::SendGame


type SetGameScore = <B as Requester>::SetGameScore


type SetGameScoreInline = <B as Requester>::SetGameScoreInline


type GetGameHighScores = <B as Requester>::GetGameHighScores


type ApproveChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequest


type DeclineChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequest


impl<B> Requester for Throttle<B>where B: Requester, <B as Requester>::Err: AsResponseParameters, <B as Requester>::SendMessage: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::ForwardMessage: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::CopyMessage: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendPhoto: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendAudio: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendDocument: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendVideo: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendAnimation: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendVoice: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendVideoNote: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendMediaGroup: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendLocation: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendVenue: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendContact: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendPoll: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendDice: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendSticker: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static, <B as Requester>::SendInvoice: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static,


type Err = <B as Requester>::Err


type SendMessage = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendMessage>


type ForwardMessage = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::ForwardMessage>


type CopyMessage = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::CopyMessage>


type SendPhoto = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendPhoto>


type SendAudio = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendAudio>


type SendDocument = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendDocument>


type SendVideo = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendVideo>


type SendAnimation = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendAnimation>


type SendVoice = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendVoice>


type SendVideoNote = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendVideoNote>


type SendMediaGroup = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendMediaGroup>


type SendLocation = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendLocation>


type SendVenue = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendVenue>


type SendContact = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendContact>


type SendPoll = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendPoll>


type SendDice = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendDice>


type SendSticker = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendSticker>


type SendInvoice = ThrottlingRequest<<B as Requester>::SendInvoice>


type GetMe = <B as Requester>::GetMe


type LogOut = <B as Requester>::LogOut


type Close = <B as Requester>::Close


type GetUpdates = <B as Requester>::GetUpdates


type SetWebhook = <B as Requester>::SetWebhook


type DeleteWebhook = <B as Requester>::DeleteWebhook


type GetWebhookInfo = <B as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo


type EditMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocation


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInline


type StopMessageLiveLocation = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocation


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = <B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInline


type SendChatAction = <B as Requester>::SendChatAction


type GetUserProfilePhotos = <B as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos


type GetFile = <B as Requester>::GetFile


type KickChatMember = <B as Requester>::KickChatMember


type BanChatMember = <B as Requester>::BanChatMember


type UnbanChatMember = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatMember


type RestrictChatMember = <B as Requester>::RestrictChatMember


type PromoteChatMember = <B as Requester>::PromoteChatMember


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle


type BanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::BanChatSenderChat


type UnbanChatSenderChat = <B as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChat


type SetChatPermissions = <B as Requester>::SetChatPermissions


type SetChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::SetChatPhoto


type DeleteChatPhoto = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatPhoto


type SetChatTitle = <B as Requester>::SetChatTitle


type SetChatDescription = <B as Requester>::SetChatDescription


type PinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::PinChatMessage


type UnpinChatMessage = <B as Requester>::UnpinChatMessage


type UnpinAllChatMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessages


type LeaveChat = <B as Requester>::LeaveChat


type GetChat = <B as Requester>::GetChat


type GetChatAdministrators = <B as Requester>::GetChatAdministrators


type GetChatMembersCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMembersCount


type GetChatMemberCount = <B as Requester>::GetChatMemberCount


type GetChatMember = <B as Requester>::GetChatMember


type SetChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::SetChatStickerSet


type DeleteChatStickerSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSet


type GetForumTopicIconStickers = <B as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers


type CreateForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CreateForumTopic


type EditForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditForumTopic


type CloseForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseForumTopic


type ReopenForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenForumTopic


type DeleteForumTopic = <B as Requester>::DeleteForumTopic


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages = <B as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages


type EditGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopic


type CloseGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopic


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopic


type HideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopic


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic = <B as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopic


type AnswerCallbackQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuery


type SetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::SetMyCommands


type GetMyCommands = <B as Requester>::GetMyCommands


type SetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton


type GetChatMenuButton = <B as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = <B as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights


type DeleteMyCommands = <B as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands


type AnswerInlineQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuery


type AnswerWebAppQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuery


type EditMessageText = <B as Requester>::EditMessageText


type EditMessageTextInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageTextInline


type EditMessageCaption = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaption


type EditMessageCaptionInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInline


type EditMessageMedia = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMedia


type EditMessageMediaInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInline


type EditMessageReplyMarkup = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkup


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = <B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline


type StopPoll = <B as Requester>::StopPoll


type DeleteMessage = <B as Requester>::DeleteMessage


type GetStickerSet = <B as Requester>::GetStickerSet


type GetCustomEmojiStickers = <B as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickers


type UploadStickerFile = <B as Requester>::UploadStickerFile


type CreateNewStickerSet = <B as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSet


type AddStickerToSet = <B as Requester>::AddStickerToSet


type SetStickerPositionInSet = <B as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSet


type DeleteStickerFromSet = <B as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSet


type SetStickerSetThumb = <B as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumb


type AnswerShippingQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuery


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = <B as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery


type SetPassportDataErrors = <B as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrors


type SendGame = <B as Requester>::SendGame


type SetGameScore = <B as Requester>::SetGameScore


type SetGameScoreInline = <B as Requester>::SetGameScoreInline


type ApproveChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequest


type DeclineChatJoinRequest = <B as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequest


type GetGameHighScores = <B as Requester>::GetGameHighScores


impl<B> Requester for Trace<B>where B: Requester,


type Err = <B as Requester>::Err


type GetMe = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetMe>


type LogOut = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::LogOut>


type Close = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::Close>


type GetUpdates = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetUpdates>


type SetWebhook = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetWebhook>


type DeleteWebhook = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteWebhook>


type GetWebhookInfo = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetWebhookInfo>


type ForwardMessage = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::ForwardMessage>


type CopyMessage = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::CopyMessage>


type SendMessage = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendMessage>


type SendPhoto = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendPhoto>


type SendAudio = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendAudio>


type SendDocument = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendDocument>


type SendVideo = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendVideo>


type SendAnimation = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendAnimation>


type SendVoice = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendVoice>


type SendVideoNote = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendVideoNote>


type SendMediaGroup = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendMediaGroup>


type SendLocation = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendLocation>


type EditMessageLiveLocation = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocation>


type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageLiveLocationInline>


type StopMessageLiveLocation = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocation>


type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::StopMessageLiveLocationInline>


type SendVenue = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendVenue>


type SendContact = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendContact>


type SendPoll = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendPoll>


type SendDice = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendDice>


type SendChatAction = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendChatAction>


type GetUserProfilePhotos = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetUserProfilePhotos>


type GetFile = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetFile>


type KickChatMember = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::KickChatMember>


type BanChatMember = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::BanChatMember>


type UnbanChatMember = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::UnbanChatMember>


type RestrictChatMember = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::RestrictChatMember>


type PromoteChatMember = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::PromoteChatMember>


type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle>


type BanChatSenderChat = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::BanChatSenderChat>


type UnbanChatSenderChat = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::UnbanChatSenderChat>


type SetChatPermissions = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatPermissions>


type SetChatPhoto = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatPhoto>


type DeleteChatPhoto = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteChatPhoto>


type SetChatTitle = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatTitle>


type SetChatDescription = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatDescription>


type PinChatMessage = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::PinChatMessage>


type UnpinChatMessage = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::UnpinChatMessage>


type UnpinAllChatMessages = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::UnpinAllChatMessages>


type LeaveChat = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::LeaveChat>


type GetChat = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetChat>


type GetChatAdministrators = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetChatAdministrators>


type GetChatMembersCount = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetChatMembersCount>


type GetChatMemberCount = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetChatMemberCount>


type GetChatMember = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetChatMember>


type SetChatStickerSet = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatStickerSet>


type DeleteChatStickerSet = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteChatStickerSet>


type GetForumTopicIconStickers = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetForumTopicIconStickers>


type CreateForumTopic = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::CreateForumTopic>


type EditForumTopic = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::EditForumTopic>


type CloseForumTopic = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::CloseForumTopic>


type ReopenForumTopic = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::ReopenForumTopic>


type DeleteForumTopic = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteForumTopic>


type UnpinAllForumTopicMessages = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::UnpinAllForumTopicMessages>


type EditGeneralForumTopic = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::EditGeneralForumTopic>


type CloseGeneralForumTopic = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::CloseGeneralForumTopic>


type ReopenGeneralForumTopic = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::ReopenGeneralForumTopic>


type HideGeneralForumTopic = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::HideGeneralForumTopic>


type UnhideGeneralForumTopic = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::UnhideGeneralForumTopic>


type AnswerCallbackQuery = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::AnswerCallbackQuery>


type SetMyCommands = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetMyCommands>


type GetMyCommands = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetMyCommands>


type SetChatMenuButton = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetChatMenuButton>


type GetChatMenuButton = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetChatMenuButton>


type SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetMyDefaultAdministratorRights>


type GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetMyDefaultAdministratorRights>


type DeleteMyCommands = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteMyCommands>


type AnswerInlineQuery = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::AnswerInlineQuery>


type AnswerWebAppQuery = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::AnswerWebAppQuery>


type EditMessageText = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageText>


type EditMessageTextInline = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageTextInline>


type EditMessageCaption = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageCaption>


type EditMessageCaptionInline = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageCaptionInline>


type EditMessageMedia = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageMedia>


type EditMessageMediaInline = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageMediaInline>


type EditMessageReplyMarkup = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkup>


type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline>


type StopPoll = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::StopPoll>


type DeleteMessage = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteMessage>


type SendSticker = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendSticker>


type GetStickerSet = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetStickerSet>


type GetCustomEmojiStickers = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetCustomEmojiStickers>


type UploadStickerFile = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::UploadStickerFile>


type CreateNewStickerSet = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::CreateNewStickerSet>


type AddStickerToSet = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::AddStickerToSet>


type SetStickerPositionInSet = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetStickerPositionInSet>


type DeleteStickerFromSet = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::DeleteStickerFromSet>


type SetStickerSetThumb = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetStickerSetThumb>


type SendInvoice = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendInvoice>


type AnswerShippingQuery = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::AnswerShippingQuery>


type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery>


type SetPassportDataErrors = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetPassportDataErrors>


type SendGame = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SendGame>


type SetGameScore = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetGameScore>


type SetGameScoreInline = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::SetGameScoreInline>


type GetGameHighScores = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::GetGameHighScores>


type ApproveChatJoinRequest = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::ApproveChatJoinRequest>


type DeclineChatJoinRequest = TraceRequest<<B as Requester>::DeclineChatJoinRequest>