Trait teloxide_core::requests::Requester[][src]

pub trait Requester {
    type Err: Error + Send;
    type GetUpdates: Request<Payload = GetUpdates, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetWebhook: Request<Payload = SetWebhook, Err = Self::Err>;
    type DeleteWebhook: Request<Payload = DeleteWebhook, Err = Self::Err>;
    type GetWebhookInfo: Request<Payload = GetWebhookInfo, Err = Self::Err>;
    type GetMe: Request<Payload = GetMe, Err = Self::Err>;
    type LogOut: Request<Payload = LogOut, Err = Self::Err>;
    type Close: Request<Payload = Close, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendMessage: Request<Payload = SendMessage, Err = Self::Err>;
    type ForwardMessage: Request<Payload = ForwardMessage, Err = Self::Err>;
    type CopyMessage: Request<Payload = CopyMessage, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendPhoto: Request<Payload = SendPhoto, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendAudio: Request<Payload = SendAudio, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendDocument: Request<Payload = SendDocument, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendVideo: Request<Payload = SendVideo, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendAnimation: Request<Payload = SendAnimation, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendVoice: Request<Payload = SendVoice, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendVideoNote: Request<Payload = SendVideoNote, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendMediaGroup: Request<Payload = SendMediaGroup, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendLocation: Request<Payload = SendLocation, Err = Self::Err>;
    type EditMessageLiveLocation: Request<Payload = EditMessageLiveLocation, Err = Self::Err>;
    type EditMessageLiveLocationInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageLiveLocationInline, Err = Self::Err>;
    type StopMessageLiveLocation: Request<Payload = StopMessageLiveLocation, Err = Self::Err>;
    type StopMessageLiveLocationInline: Request<Payload = StopMessageLiveLocationInline, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendVenue: Request<Payload = SendVenue, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendContact: Request<Payload = SendContact, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendPoll: Request<Payload = SendPoll, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendDice: Request<Payload = SendDice, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendChatAction: Request<Payload = SendChatAction, Err = Self::Err>;
    type GetUserProfilePhotos: Request<Payload = GetUserProfilePhotos, Err = Self::Err>;
    type GetFile: Request<Payload = GetFile, Err = Self::Err>;
    type KickChatMember: Request<Payload = KickChatMember, Err = Self::Err>;
    type UnbanChatMember: Request<Payload = UnbanChatMember, Err = Self::Err>;
    type RestrictChatMember: Request<Payload = RestrictChatMember, Err = Self::Err>;
    type PromoteChatMember: Request<Payload = PromoteChatMember, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle: Request<Payload = SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetChatPermissions: Request<Payload = SetChatPermissions, Err = Self::Err>;
    type ExportChatInviteLink: Request<Payload = ExportChatInviteLink, Err = Self::Err>;
    type CreateChatInviteLink: Request<Payload = CreateChatInviteLink, Err = Self::Err>;
    type EditChatInviteLink: Request<Payload = EditChatInviteLink, Err = Self::Err>;
    type RevokeChatInviteLink: Request<Payload = RevokeChatInviteLink, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetChatPhoto: Request<Payload = SetChatPhoto, Err = Self::Err>;
    type DeleteChatPhoto: Request<Payload = DeleteChatPhoto, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetChatTitle: Request<Payload = SetChatTitle, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetChatDescription: Request<Payload = SetChatDescription, Err = Self::Err>;
    type PinChatMessage: Request<Payload = PinChatMessage, Err = Self::Err>;
    type UnpinChatMessage: Request<Payload = UnpinChatMessage, Err = Self::Err>;
    type UnpinAllChatMessages: Request<Payload = UnpinAllChatMessages, Err = Self::Err>;
    type LeaveChat: Request<Payload = LeaveChat, Err = Self::Err>;
    type GetChat: Request<Payload = GetChat, Err = Self::Err>;
    type GetChatAdministrators: Request<Payload = GetChatAdministrators, Err = Self::Err>;
    type GetChatMembersCount: Request<Payload = GetChatMembersCount, Err = Self::Err>;
    type GetChatMember: Request<Payload = GetChatMember, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetChatStickerSet: Request<Payload = SetChatStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>;
    type DeleteChatStickerSet: Request<Payload = DeleteChatStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>;
    type AnswerCallbackQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerCallbackQuery, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetMyCommands: Request<Payload = SetMyCommands, Err = Self::Err>;
    type GetMyCommands: Request<Payload = GetMyCommands, Err = Self::Err>;
    type AnswerInlineQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerInlineQuery, Err = Self::Err>;
    type EditMessageText: Request<Payload = EditMessageText, Err = Self::Err>;
    type EditMessageTextInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageTextInline, Err = Self::Err>;
    type EditMessageCaption: Request<Payload = EditMessageCaption, Err = Self::Err>;
    type EditMessageCaptionInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageCaptionInline, Err = Self::Err>;
    type EditMessageMedia: Request<Payload = EditMessageMedia, Err = Self::Err>;
    type EditMessageMediaInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageMediaInline, Err = Self::Err>;
    type EditMessageReplyMarkup: Request<Payload = EditMessageReplyMarkup, Err = Self::Err>;
    type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageReplyMarkupInline, Err = Self::Err>;
    type StopPoll: Request<Payload = StopPoll, Err = Self::Err>;
    type DeleteMessage: Request<Payload = DeleteMessage, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendSticker: Request<Payload = SendSticker, Err = Self::Err>;
    type GetStickerSet: Request<Payload = GetStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>;
    type UploadStickerFile: Request<Payload = UploadStickerFile, Err = Self::Err>;
    type CreateNewStickerSet: Request<Payload = CreateNewStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>;
    type AddStickerToSet: Request<Payload = AddStickerToSet, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetStickerPositionInSet: Request<Payload = SetStickerPositionInSet, Err = Self::Err>;
    type DeleteStickerFromSet: Request<Payload = DeleteStickerFromSet, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetStickerSetThumb: Request<Payload = SetStickerSetThumb, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendInvoice: Request<Payload = SendInvoice, Err = Self::Err>;
    type AnswerShippingQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerShippingQuery, Err = Self::Err>;
    type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerPreCheckoutQuery, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetPassportDataErrors: Request<Payload = SetPassportDataErrors, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SendGame: Request<Payload = SendGame, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetGameScore: Request<Payload = SetGameScore, Err = Self::Err>;
    type SetGameScoreInline: Request<Payload = SetGameScoreInline, Err = Self::Err>;
    type GetGameHighScores: Request<Payload = GetGameHighScores, Err = Self::Err>;
    type GetUpdatesFaultTolerant: Request<Payload = GetUpdatesFaultTolerant, Err = Self::Err>;
    fn get_updates(&self) -> Self::GetUpdates;
fn set_webhook<U>(&self, url: U) -> Self::SetWebhook
        U: Into<String>
fn delete_webhook(&self) -> Self::DeleteWebhook;
fn get_webhook_info(&self) -> Self::GetWebhookInfo;
fn get_me(&self) -> Self::GetMe;
fn log_out(&self) -> Self::LogOut;
fn close(&self) -> Self::Close;
fn send_message<C, T>(&self, chat_id: C, text: T) -> Self::SendMessage
        C: Into<ChatId>,
        T: Into<String>
fn forward_message<C, F>(
        chat_id: C,
        from_chat_id: F,
        message_id: i32
    ) -> Self::ForwardMessage
        C: Into<ChatId>,
        F: Into<ChatId>
fn copy_message<C, F>(
        chat_id: C,
        from_chat_id: F,
        message_id: i32
    ) -> Self::CopyMessage
        C: Into<ChatId>,
        F: Into<ChatId>
fn send_photo<C>(&self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile) -> Self::SendPhoto
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn send_audio<C>(&self, chat_id: C, audio: InputFile) -> Self::SendAudio
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn send_document<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        document: InputFile
    ) -> Self::SendDocument
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn send_video<C>(&self, chat_id: C, video: InputFile) -> Self::SendVideo
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn send_animation<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        animation: InputFile
    ) -> Self::SendAnimation
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn send_voice<C>(&self, chat_id: C, voice: InputFile) -> Self::SendVoice
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn send_video_note<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        video_note: InputFile
    ) -> Self::SendVideoNote
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn send_media_group<C, M>(
        chat_id: C,
        media: M
    ) -> Self::SendMediaGroup
        C: Into<ChatId>,
        M: IntoIterator<Item = InputMedia>
fn send_location<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        latitude: f64,
        longitude: f64
    ) -> Self::SendLocation
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn edit_message_live_location<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        message_id: i32,
        latitude: f64,
        longitude: f64
    ) -> Self::EditMessageLiveLocation
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn edit_message_live_location_inline<I>(
        inline_message_id: I,
        latitude: f64,
        longitude: f64
    ) -> Self::EditMessageLiveLocationInline
        I: Into<String>
fn stop_message_live_location<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        message_id: i32,
        latitude: f64,
        longitude: f64
    ) -> Self::StopMessageLiveLocation
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn stop_message_live_location_inline<I>(
        inline_message_id: I,
        latitude: f64,
        longitude: f64
    ) -> Self::StopMessageLiveLocationInline
        I: Into<String>
fn send_venue<C, T, A>(
        chat_id: C,
        latitude: f64,
        longitude: f64,
        title: T,
        address: A
    ) -> Self::SendVenue
        C: Into<ChatId>,
        T: Into<String>,
        A: Into<String>
fn send_contact<C, P, F>(
        chat_id: C,
        phone_number: P,
        first_name: F
    ) -> Self::SendContact
        C: Into<ChatId>,
        P: Into<String>,
        F: Into<String>
fn send_poll<C, Q, O>(
        chat_id: C,
        question: Q,
        options: O,
        type_: PollType
    ) -> Self::SendPoll
        C: Into<ChatId>,
        Q: Into<String>,
        O: IntoIterator<Item = String>
fn send_dice<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::SendDice
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn send_chat_action<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        action: ChatAction
    ) -> Self::SendChatAction
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn get_user_profile_photos(
        user_id: i64
    ) -> Self::GetUserProfilePhotos;
fn get_file<F>(&self, file_id: F) -> Self::GetFile
        F: Into<String>
fn kick_chat_member<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        user_id: i64
    ) -> Self::KickChatMember
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn unban_chat_member<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        user_id: i64
    ) -> Self::UnbanChatMember
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn restrict_chat_member<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        user_id: i64,
        permissions: ChatPermissions
    ) -> Self::RestrictChatMember
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn promote_chat_member<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        user_id: i64
    ) -> Self::PromoteChatMember
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title<Ch, Cu>(
        chat_id: Ch,
        user_id: i64,
        custom_title: Cu
    ) -> Self::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle
        Ch: Into<ChatId>,
        Cu: Into<String>
fn set_chat_permissions<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        permissions: ChatPermissions
    ) -> Self::SetChatPermissions
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn export_chat_invite_link<C>(
        chat_id: C
    ) -> Self::ExportChatInviteLink
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn create_chat_invite_link<C>(
        chat_id: C
    ) -> Self::CreateChatInviteLink
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn edit_chat_invite_link<C, I>(
        chat_id: C,
        invite_link: I
    ) -> Self::EditChatInviteLink
        C: Into<ChatId>,
        I: Into<String>
fn revoke_chat_invite_link<C, I>(
        chat_id: C,
        invite_link: I
    ) -> Self::RevokeChatInviteLink
        C: Into<ChatId>,
        I: Into<String>
fn set_chat_photo<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        photo: InputFile
    ) -> Self::SetChatPhoto
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn delete_chat_photo<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::DeleteChatPhoto
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn set_chat_title<C, T>(&self, chat_id: C, title: T) -> Self::SetChatTitle
        C: Into<ChatId>,
        T: Into<String>
fn set_chat_description<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::SetChatDescription
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn pin_chat_message<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        message_id: i32
    ) -> Self::PinChatMessage
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn unpin_chat_message<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::UnpinChatMessage
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn unpin_all_chat_messages<C>(
        chat_id: C
    ) -> Self::UnpinAllChatMessages
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn leave_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::LeaveChat
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn get_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChat
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn get_chat_administrators<C>(
        chat_id: C
    ) -> Self::GetChatAdministrators
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn get_chat_members_count<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChatMembersCount
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn get_chat_member<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        user_id: i64
    ) -> Self::GetChatMember
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn set_chat_sticker_set<C, S>(
        chat_id: C,
        sticker_set_name: S
    ) -> Self::SetChatStickerSet
        C: Into<ChatId>,
        S: Into<String>
fn delete_chat_sticker_set<C>(
        chat_id: C
    ) -> Self::DeleteChatStickerSet
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn answer_callback_query<C>(
        callback_query_id: C
    ) -> Self::AnswerCallbackQuery
        C: Into<String>
fn set_my_commands<C>(&self, commands: C) -> Self::SetMyCommands
        C: IntoIterator<Item = BotCommand>
fn get_my_commands(&self) -> Self::GetMyCommands;
fn answer_inline_query<I, R>(
        inline_query_id: I,
        results: R
    ) -> Self::AnswerInlineQuery
        I: Into<String>,
        R: IntoIterator<Item = InlineQueryResult>
fn edit_message_text<C, T>(
        chat_id: C,
        message_id: i32,
        text: T
    ) -> Self::EditMessageText
        C: Into<ChatId>,
        T: Into<String>
fn edit_message_text_inline<I, T>(
        inline_message_id: I,
        text: T
    ) -> Self::EditMessageTextInline
        I: Into<String>,
        T: Into<String>
fn edit_message_caption<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        message_id: i32
    ) -> Self::EditMessageCaption
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn edit_message_caption_inline<I>(
        inline_message_id: I
    ) -> Self::EditMessageCaptionInline
        I: Into<String>
fn edit_message_media<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        message_id: i32,
        media: InputMedia
    ) -> Self::EditMessageMedia
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn edit_message_media_inline<I>(
        inline_message_id: I,
        media: InputMedia
    ) -> Self::EditMessageMediaInline
        I: Into<String>
fn edit_message_reply_markup<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        message_id: i32
    ) -> Self::EditMessageReplyMarkup
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn edit_message_reply_markup_inline<I>(
        inline_message_id: I
    ) -> Self::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline
        I: Into<String>
fn stop_poll<C>(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: i32) -> Self::StopPoll
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn delete_message<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        message_id: i32
    ) -> Self::DeleteMessage
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn send_sticker<C>(
        chat_id: C,
        sticker: InputFile
    ) -> Self::SendSticker
        C: Into<ChatId>
fn get_sticker_set<N>(&self, name: N) -> Self::GetStickerSet
        N: Into<String>
fn upload_sticker_file(
        user_id: i64,
        png_sticker: InputFile
    ) -> Self::UploadStickerFile;
fn create_new_sticker_set<N, T, E>(
        user_id: i64,
        name: N,
        title: T,
        sticker: InputSticker,
        emojis: E
    ) -> Self::CreateNewStickerSet
        N: Into<String>,
        T: Into<String>,
        E: Into<String>
fn add_sticker_to_set<N, E>(
        user_id: i64,
        name: N,
        sticker: InputSticker,
        emojis: E
    ) -> Self::AddStickerToSet
        N: Into<String>,
        E: Into<String>
fn set_sticker_position_in_set<S>(
        sticker: S,
        position: u32
    ) -> Self::SetStickerPositionInSet
        S: Into<String>
fn delete_sticker_from_set<S>(
        sticker: S
    ) -> Self::DeleteStickerFromSet
        S: Into<String>
fn set_sticker_set_thumb<N>(
        name: N,
        user_id: i64
    ) -> Self::SetStickerSetThumb
        N: Into<String>
fn send_invoice<T, D, Pa, P, S, C, Pri>(
        chat_id: i32,
        title: T,
        description: D,
        payload: Pa,
        provider_token: P,
        start_parameter: S,
        currency: C,
        prices: Pri
    ) -> Self::SendInvoice
        T: Into<String>,
        D: Into<String>,
        Pa: Into<String>,
        P: Into<String>,
        S: Into<String>,
        C: Into<String>,
        Pri: IntoIterator<Item = LabeledPrice>
fn answer_shipping_query<S>(
        shipping_query_id: S,
        ok: bool
    ) -> Self::AnswerShippingQuery
        S: Into<String>
fn answer_pre_checkout_query<P>(
        pre_checkout_query_id: P,
        ok: bool
    ) -> Self::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery
        P: Into<String>
fn set_passport_data_errors<E>(
        user_id: i64,
        errors: E
    ) -> Self::SetPassportDataErrors
        E: IntoIterator<Item = PassportElementError>
fn send_game<G>(&self, chat_id: u32, game_short_name: G) -> Self::SendGame
        G: Into<String>
fn set_game_score(
        user_id: i64,
        score: u64,
        chat_id: u32,
        message_id: i64
    ) -> Self::SetGameScore;
fn set_game_score_inline<I>(
        user_id: i64,
        score: u64,
        inline_message_id: I
    ) -> Self::SetGameScoreInline
        I: Into<String>
fn get_game_high_scores<T>(
        user_id: i64,
        target: T
    ) -> Self::GetGameHighScores
        T: Into<TargetMessage>
fn get_updates_fault_tolerant(&self) -> Self::GetUpdatesFaultTolerant; }

Methods for building requests.

This trait is implemented by all bots & bot adaptors.


Calling TBA methods:

use teloxide_core::{prelude::*, types::ParseMode};

// Bot implements `Requester`
let bot = Bot::new("TOKEN");

// Required parameters are supplied to the `Requester` methods:
bot.send_message(0, "<b>Text</b>")
    // Optional parameters can be supplied by calling setters
    // To send request to telegram you need to call `.send()` and await the resulting future

Using Requester in a generic context:

use teloxide_core::{prelude::*, types::Message};

async fn send_hi<R>(bot: R, chat: i64) -> Message
    R: Requester,
    bot.send_message(chat, "hi").send().await.expect("error")

Associated Types

type Err: Error + Send[src]

Error type returned by all requests.

type GetUpdates: Request<Payload = GetUpdates, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetWebhook: Request<Payload = SetWebhook, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type DeleteWebhook: Request<Payload = DeleteWebhook, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type GetWebhookInfo: Request<Payload = GetWebhookInfo, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type GetMe: Request<Payload = GetMe, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type LogOut: Request<Payload = LogOut, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type Close: Request<Payload = Close, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendMessage: Request<Payload = SendMessage, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type ForwardMessage: Request<Payload = ForwardMessage, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type CopyMessage: Request<Payload = CopyMessage, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendPhoto: Request<Payload = SendPhoto, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendAudio: Request<Payload = SendAudio, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendDocument: Request<Payload = SendDocument, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendVideo: Request<Payload = SendVideo, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendAnimation: Request<Payload = SendAnimation, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendVoice: Request<Payload = SendVoice, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendVideoNote: Request<Payload = SendVideoNote, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendMediaGroup: Request<Payload = SendMediaGroup, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendLocation: Request<Payload = SendLocation, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type EditMessageLiveLocation: Request<Payload = EditMessageLiveLocation, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type EditMessageLiveLocationInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageLiveLocationInline, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type StopMessageLiveLocation: Request<Payload = StopMessageLiveLocation, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type StopMessageLiveLocationInline: Request<Payload = StopMessageLiveLocationInline, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendVenue: Request<Payload = SendVenue, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendContact: Request<Payload = SendContact, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendPoll: Request<Payload = SendPoll, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendDice: Request<Payload = SendDice, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendChatAction: Request<Payload = SendChatAction, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type GetUserProfilePhotos: Request<Payload = GetUserProfilePhotos, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type GetFile: Request<Payload = GetFile, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type KickChatMember: Request<Payload = KickChatMember, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type UnbanChatMember: Request<Payload = UnbanChatMember, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type RestrictChatMember: Request<Payload = RestrictChatMember, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type PromoteChatMember: Request<Payload = PromoteChatMember, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle: Request<Payload = SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetChatPermissions: Request<Payload = SetChatPermissions, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetChatPhoto: Request<Payload = SetChatPhoto, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type DeleteChatPhoto: Request<Payload = DeleteChatPhoto, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetChatTitle: Request<Payload = SetChatTitle, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetChatDescription: Request<Payload = SetChatDescription, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type PinChatMessage: Request<Payload = PinChatMessage, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type UnpinChatMessage: Request<Payload = UnpinChatMessage, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type UnpinAllChatMessages: Request<Payload = UnpinAllChatMessages, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type LeaveChat: Request<Payload = LeaveChat, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type GetChat: Request<Payload = GetChat, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type GetChatAdministrators: Request<Payload = GetChatAdministrators, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type GetChatMembersCount: Request<Payload = GetChatMembersCount, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type GetChatMember: Request<Payload = GetChatMember, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetChatStickerSet: Request<Payload = SetChatStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type DeleteChatStickerSet: Request<Payload = DeleteChatStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type AnswerCallbackQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerCallbackQuery, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetMyCommands: Request<Payload = SetMyCommands, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type GetMyCommands: Request<Payload = GetMyCommands, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type AnswerInlineQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerInlineQuery, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type EditMessageText: Request<Payload = EditMessageText, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type EditMessageTextInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageTextInline, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type EditMessageCaption: Request<Payload = EditMessageCaption, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type EditMessageCaptionInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageCaptionInline, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type EditMessageMedia: Request<Payload = EditMessageMedia, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type EditMessageMediaInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageMediaInline, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type EditMessageReplyMarkup: Request<Payload = EditMessageReplyMarkup, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline: Request<Payload = EditMessageReplyMarkupInline, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type StopPoll: Request<Payload = StopPoll, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type DeleteMessage: Request<Payload = DeleteMessage, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendSticker: Request<Payload = SendSticker, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type GetStickerSet: Request<Payload = GetStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type UploadStickerFile: Request<Payload = UploadStickerFile, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type CreateNewStickerSet: Request<Payload = CreateNewStickerSet, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type AddStickerToSet: Request<Payload = AddStickerToSet, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetStickerPositionInSet: Request<Payload = SetStickerPositionInSet, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type DeleteStickerFromSet: Request<Payload = DeleteStickerFromSet, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetStickerSetThumb: Request<Payload = SetStickerSetThumb, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendInvoice: Request<Payload = SendInvoice, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type AnswerShippingQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerShippingQuery, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery: Request<Payload = AnswerPreCheckoutQuery, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetPassportDataErrors: Request<Payload = SetPassportDataErrors, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SendGame: Request<Payload = SendGame, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetGameScore: Request<Payload = SetGameScore, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type SetGameScoreInline: Request<Payload = SetGameScoreInline, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type GetGameHighScores: Request<Payload = GetGameHighScores, Err = Self::Err>[src]

type GetUpdatesFaultTolerant: Request<Payload = GetUpdatesFaultTolerant, Err = Self::Err>[src]

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Required methods

fn get_updates(&self) -> Self::GetUpdates[src]

For Telegram documentation see GetUpdates.

fn set_webhook<U>(&self, url: U) -> Self::SetWebhook where
    U: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see SetWebhook.

fn delete_webhook(&self) -> Self::DeleteWebhook[src]

For Telegram documentation see DeleteWebhook.

fn get_webhook_info(&self) -> Self::GetWebhookInfo[src]

For Telegram documentation see GetWebhookInfo.

fn get_me(&self) -> Self::GetMe[src]

For Telegram documentation see GetMe.

fn log_out(&self) -> Self::LogOut[src]

For Telegram documentation see LogOut.

fn close(&self) -> Self::Close[src]

For Telegram documentation see Close.

fn send_message<C, T>(&self, chat_id: C, text: T) -> Self::SendMessage where
    C: Into<ChatId>,
    T: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendMessage.

fn forward_message<C, F>(
    chat_id: C,
    from_chat_id: F,
    message_id: i32
) -> Self::ForwardMessage where
    C: Into<ChatId>,
    F: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see ForwardMessage.

fn copy_message<C, F>(
    chat_id: C,
    from_chat_id: F,
    message_id: i32
) -> Self::CopyMessage where
    C: Into<ChatId>,
    F: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see CopyMessage.

fn send_photo<C>(&self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile) -> Self::SendPhoto where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendPhoto.

fn send_audio<C>(&self, chat_id: C, audio: InputFile) -> Self::SendAudio where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendAudio.

fn send_document<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    document: InputFile
) -> Self::SendDocument where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendDocument.

fn send_video<C>(&self, chat_id: C, video: InputFile) -> Self::SendVideo where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendVideo.

fn send_animation<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    animation: InputFile
) -> Self::SendAnimation where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendAnimation.

fn send_voice<C>(&self, chat_id: C, voice: InputFile) -> Self::SendVoice where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendVoice.

fn send_video_note<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    video_note: InputFile
) -> Self::SendVideoNote where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendVideoNote.

fn send_media_group<C, M>(&self, chat_id: C, media: M) -> Self::SendMediaGroup where
    C: Into<ChatId>,
    M: IntoIterator<Item = InputMedia>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendMediaGroup.

fn send_location<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    latitude: f64,
    longitude: f64
) -> Self::SendLocation where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendLocation.

fn edit_message_live_location<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    message_id: i32,
    latitude: f64,
    longitude: f64
) -> Self::EditMessageLiveLocation where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageLiveLocation.

fn edit_message_live_location_inline<I>(
    inline_message_id: I,
    latitude: f64,
    longitude: f64
) -> Self::EditMessageLiveLocationInline where
    I: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageLiveLocationInline.

fn stop_message_live_location<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    message_id: i32,
    latitude: f64,
    longitude: f64
) -> Self::StopMessageLiveLocation where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see StopMessageLiveLocation.

fn stop_message_live_location_inline<I>(
    inline_message_id: I,
    latitude: f64,
    longitude: f64
) -> Self::StopMessageLiveLocationInline where
    I: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see StopMessageLiveLocationInline.

fn send_venue<C, T, A>(
    chat_id: C,
    latitude: f64,
    longitude: f64,
    title: T,
    address: A
) -> Self::SendVenue where
    C: Into<ChatId>,
    T: Into<String>,
    A: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendVenue.

fn send_contact<C, P, F>(
    chat_id: C,
    phone_number: P,
    first_name: F
) -> Self::SendContact where
    C: Into<ChatId>,
    P: Into<String>,
    F: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendContact.

fn send_poll<C, Q, O>(
    chat_id: C,
    question: Q,
    options: O,
    type_: PollType
) -> Self::SendPoll where
    C: Into<ChatId>,
    Q: Into<String>,
    O: IntoIterator<Item = String>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendPoll.

fn send_dice<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::SendDice where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendDice.

fn send_chat_action<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    action: ChatAction
) -> Self::SendChatAction where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendChatAction.

fn get_user_profile_photos(&self, user_id: i64) -> Self::GetUserProfilePhotos[src]

For Telegram documentation see GetUserProfilePhotos.

fn get_file<F>(&self, file_id: F) -> Self::GetFile where
    F: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see GetFile.

fn kick_chat_member<C>(&self, chat_id: C, user_id: i64) -> Self::KickChatMember where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see KickChatMember.

fn unban_chat_member<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    user_id: i64
) -> Self::UnbanChatMember where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see UnbanChatMember.

fn restrict_chat_member<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    user_id: i64,
    permissions: ChatPermissions
) -> Self::RestrictChatMember where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see RestrictChatMember.

fn promote_chat_member<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    user_id: i64
) -> Self::PromoteChatMember where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see PromoteChatMember.

fn set_chat_administrator_custom_title<Ch, Cu>(
    chat_id: Ch,
    user_id: i64,
    custom_title: Cu
) -> Self::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle where
    Ch: Into<ChatId>,
    Cu: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle.

fn set_chat_permissions<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    permissions: ChatPermissions
) -> Self::SetChatPermissions where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SetChatPermissions.

For Telegram documentation see ExportChatInviteLink.

For Telegram documentation see CreateChatInviteLink.

For Telegram documentation see EditChatInviteLink.

For Telegram documentation see RevokeChatInviteLink.

fn set_chat_photo<C>(&self, chat_id: C, photo: InputFile) -> Self::SetChatPhoto where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SetChatPhoto.

fn delete_chat_photo<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::DeleteChatPhoto where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see DeleteChatPhoto.

fn set_chat_title<C, T>(&self, chat_id: C, title: T) -> Self::SetChatTitle where
    C: Into<ChatId>,
    T: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see SetChatTitle.

fn set_chat_description<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::SetChatDescription where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SetChatDescription.

fn pin_chat_message<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    message_id: i32
) -> Self::PinChatMessage where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see PinChatMessage.

fn unpin_chat_message<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::UnpinChatMessage where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see UnpinChatMessage.

fn unpin_all_chat_messages<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::UnpinAllChatMessages where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see UnpinAllChatMessages.

fn leave_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::LeaveChat where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see LeaveChat.

fn get_chat<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChat where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see GetChat.

fn get_chat_administrators<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChatAdministrators where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see GetChatAdministrators.

fn get_chat_members_count<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::GetChatMembersCount where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see GetChatMembersCount.

fn get_chat_member<C>(&self, chat_id: C, user_id: i64) -> Self::GetChatMember where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see GetChatMember.

fn set_chat_sticker_set<C, S>(
    chat_id: C,
    sticker_set_name: S
) -> Self::SetChatStickerSet where
    C: Into<ChatId>,
    S: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see SetChatStickerSet.

fn delete_chat_sticker_set<C>(&self, chat_id: C) -> Self::DeleteChatStickerSet where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see DeleteChatStickerSet.

fn answer_callback_query<C>(
    callback_query_id: C
) -> Self::AnswerCallbackQuery where
    C: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see AnswerCallbackQuery.

fn set_my_commands<C>(&self, commands: C) -> Self::SetMyCommands where
    C: IntoIterator<Item = BotCommand>, 

For Telegram documentation see SetMyCommands.

fn get_my_commands(&self) -> Self::GetMyCommands[src]

For Telegram documentation see GetMyCommands.

fn answer_inline_query<I, R>(
    inline_query_id: I,
    results: R
) -> Self::AnswerInlineQuery where
    I: Into<String>,
    R: IntoIterator<Item = InlineQueryResult>, 

For Telegram documentation see AnswerInlineQuery.

fn edit_message_text<C, T>(
    chat_id: C,
    message_id: i32,
    text: T
) -> Self::EditMessageText where
    C: Into<ChatId>,
    T: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageText.

fn edit_message_text_inline<I, T>(
    inline_message_id: I,
    text: T
) -> Self::EditMessageTextInline where
    I: Into<String>,
    T: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageTextInline.

fn edit_message_caption<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    message_id: i32
) -> Self::EditMessageCaption where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageCaption.

fn edit_message_caption_inline<I>(
    inline_message_id: I
) -> Self::EditMessageCaptionInline where
    I: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageCaptionInline.

fn edit_message_media<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    message_id: i32,
    media: InputMedia
) -> Self::EditMessageMedia where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageMedia.

fn edit_message_media_inline<I>(
    inline_message_id: I,
    media: InputMedia
) -> Self::EditMessageMediaInline where
    I: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageMediaInline.

fn edit_message_reply_markup<C>(
    chat_id: C,
    message_id: i32
) -> Self::EditMessageReplyMarkup where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageReplyMarkup.

fn edit_message_reply_markup_inline<I>(
    inline_message_id: I
) -> Self::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline where
    I: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see EditMessageReplyMarkupInline.

fn stop_poll<C>(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: i32) -> Self::StopPoll where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see StopPoll.

fn delete_message<C>(&self, chat_id: C, message_id: i32) -> Self::DeleteMessage where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see DeleteMessage.

fn send_sticker<C>(&self, chat_id: C, sticker: InputFile) -> Self::SendSticker where
    C: Into<ChatId>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendSticker.

fn get_sticker_set<N>(&self, name: N) -> Self::GetStickerSet where
    N: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see GetStickerSet.

fn upload_sticker_file(
    user_id: i64,
    png_sticker: InputFile
) -> Self::UploadStickerFile

For Telegram documentation see UploadStickerFile.

fn create_new_sticker_set<N, T, E>(
    user_id: i64,
    name: N,
    title: T,
    sticker: InputSticker,
    emojis: E
) -> Self::CreateNewStickerSet where
    N: Into<String>,
    T: Into<String>,
    E: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see CreateNewStickerSet.

fn add_sticker_to_set<N, E>(
    user_id: i64,
    name: N,
    sticker: InputSticker,
    emojis: E
) -> Self::AddStickerToSet where
    N: Into<String>,
    E: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see AddStickerToSet.

fn set_sticker_position_in_set<S>(
    sticker: S,
    position: u32
) -> Self::SetStickerPositionInSet where
    S: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see SetStickerPositionInSet.

fn delete_sticker_from_set<S>(&self, sticker: S) -> Self::DeleteStickerFromSet where
    S: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see DeleteStickerFromSet.

fn set_sticker_set_thumb<N>(
    name: N,
    user_id: i64
) -> Self::SetStickerSetThumb where
    N: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see SetStickerSetThumb.

fn send_invoice<T, D, Pa, P, S, C, Pri>(
    chat_id: i32,
    title: T,
    description: D,
    payload: Pa,
    provider_token: P,
    start_parameter: S,
    currency: C,
    prices: Pri
) -> Self::SendInvoice where
    T: Into<String>,
    D: Into<String>,
    Pa: Into<String>,
    P: Into<String>,
    S: Into<String>,
    C: Into<String>,
    Pri: IntoIterator<Item = LabeledPrice>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendInvoice.

fn answer_shipping_query<S>(
    shipping_query_id: S,
    ok: bool
) -> Self::AnswerShippingQuery where
    S: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see AnswerShippingQuery.

fn answer_pre_checkout_query<P>(
    pre_checkout_query_id: P,
    ok: bool
) -> Self::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery where
    P: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see AnswerPreCheckoutQuery.

fn set_passport_data_errors<E>(
    user_id: i64,
    errors: E
) -> Self::SetPassportDataErrors where
    E: IntoIterator<Item = PassportElementError>, 

For Telegram documentation see SetPassportDataErrors.

fn send_game<G>(&self, chat_id: u32, game_short_name: G) -> Self::SendGame where
    G: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see SendGame.

fn set_game_score(
    user_id: i64,
    score: u64,
    chat_id: u32,
    message_id: i64
) -> Self::SetGameScore

For Telegram documentation see SetGameScore.

fn set_game_score_inline<I>(
    user_id: i64,
    score: u64,
    inline_message_id: I
) -> Self::SetGameScoreInline where
    I: Into<String>, 

For Telegram documentation see SetGameScoreInline.

fn get_game_high_scores<T>(
    user_id: i64,
    target: T
) -> Self::GetGameHighScores where
    T: Into<TargetMessage>, 

For Telegram documentation see GetGameHighScores.

fn get_updates_fault_tolerant(&self) -> Self::GetUpdatesFaultTolerant[src]

For Telegram documentation see GetUpdatesFaultTolerant.

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Implementations on Foreign Types

impl<B> Requester for &B where
    B: Requester

type Err = B::Err

type GetMe = B::GetMe

type LogOut = B::LogOut

type Close = B::Close

type GetUpdates = B::GetUpdates

type SetWebhook = B::SetWebhook

type DeleteWebhook = B::DeleteWebhook

type GetWebhookInfo = B::GetWebhookInfo

type ForwardMessage = B::ForwardMessage

type CopyMessage = B::CopyMessage

type SendMessage = B::SendMessage

type SendPhoto = B::SendPhoto

type SendAudio = B::SendAudio

type SendDocument = B::SendDocument

type SendVideo = B::SendVideo

type SendAnimation = B::SendAnimation

type SendVoice = B::SendVoice

type SendVideoNote = B::SendVideoNote

type SendMediaGroup = B::SendMediaGroup

type SendLocation = B::SendLocation

type EditMessageLiveLocation = B::EditMessageLiveLocation

type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = B::EditMessageLiveLocationInline

type StopMessageLiveLocation = B::StopMessageLiveLocation

type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = B::StopMessageLiveLocationInline

type SendVenue = B::SendVenue

type SendContact = B::SendContact

type SendPoll = B::SendPoll

type SendDice = B::SendDice

type SendChatAction = B::SendChatAction

type GetUserProfilePhotos = B::GetUserProfilePhotos

type GetFile = B::GetFile

type KickChatMember = B::KickChatMember

type UnbanChatMember = B::UnbanChatMember

type RestrictChatMember = B::RestrictChatMember

type PromoteChatMember = B::PromoteChatMember

type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = B::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle

type SetChatPermissions = B::SetChatPermissions

type SetChatPhoto = B::SetChatPhoto

type DeleteChatPhoto = B::DeleteChatPhoto

type SetChatTitle = B::SetChatTitle

type SetChatDescription = B::SetChatDescription

type PinChatMessage = B::PinChatMessage

type UnpinChatMessage = B::UnpinChatMessage

type UnpinAllChatMessages = B::UnpinAllChatMessages

type LeaveChat = B::LeaveChat

type GetChat = B::GetChat

type GetChatAdministrators = B::GetChatAdministrators

type GetChatMembersCount = B::GetChatMembersCount

type GetChatMember = B::GetChatMember

type SetChatStickerSet = B::SetChatStickerSet

type DeleteChatStickerSet = B::DeleteChatStickerSet

type AnswerCallbackQuery = B::AnswerCallbackQuery

type SetMyCommands = B::SetMyCommands

type GetMyCommands = B::GetMyCommands

type AnswerInlineQuery = B::AnswerInlineQuery

type EditMessageText = B::EditMessageText

type EditMessageTextInline = B::EditMessageTextInline

type EditMessageCaption = B::EditMessageCaption

type EditMessageCaptionInline = B::EditMessageCaptionInline

type EditMessageMedia = B::EditMessageMedia

type EditMessageMediaInline = B::EditMessageMediaInline

type EditMessageReplyMarkup = B::EditMessageReplyMarkup

type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = B::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline

type StopPoll = B::StopPoll

type DeleteMessage = B::DeleteMessage

type SendSticker = B::SendSticker

type GetStickerSet = B::GetStickerSet

type UploadStickerFile = B::UploadStickerFile

type CreateNewStickerSet = B::CreateNewStickerSet

type AddStickerToSet = B::AddStickerToSet

type SetStickerPositionInSet = B::SetStickerPositionInSet

type DeleteStickerFromSet = B::DeleteStickerFromSet

type SetStickerSetThumb = B::SetStickerSetThumb

type SendInvoice = B::SendInvoice

type AnswerShippingQuery = B::AnswerShippingQuery

type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = B::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery

type SetPassportDataErrors = B::SetPassportDataErrors

type SendGame = B::SendGame

type SetGameScore = B::SetGameScore

type SetGameScoreInline = B::SetGameScoreInline

type GetGameHighScores = B::GetGameHighScores

type GetUpdatesFaultTolerant = B::GetUpdatesFaultTolerant

impl<B> Requester for &mut B where
    B: Requester

type Err = B::Err

type GetMe = B::GetMe

type LogOut = B::LogOut

type Close = B::Close

type GetUpdates = B::GetUpdates

type SetWebhook = B::SetWebhook

type DeleteWebhook = B::DeleteWebhook

type GetWebhookInfo = B::GetWebhookInfo

type ForwardMessage = B::ForwardMessage

type CopyMessage = B::CopyMessage

type SendMessage = B::SendMessage

type SendPhoto = B::SendPhoto

type SendAudio = B::SendAudio

type SendDocument = B::SendDocument

type SendVideo = B::SendVideo

type SendAnimation = B::SendAnimation

type SendVoice = B::SendVoice

type SendVideoNote = B::SendVideoNote

type SendMediaGroup = B::SendMediaGroup

type SendLocation = B::SendLocation

type EditMessageLiveLocation = B::EditMessageLiveLocation

type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = B::EditMessageLiveLocationInline

type StopMessageLiveLocation = B::StopMessageLiveLocation

type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = B::StopMessageLiveLocationInline

type SendVenue = B::SendVenue

type SendContact = B::SendContact

type SendPoll = B::SendPoll

type SendDice = B::SendDice

type SendChatAction = B::SendChatAction

type GetUserProfilePhotos = B::GetUserProfilePhotos

type GetFile = B::GetFile

type KickChatMember = B::KickChatMember

type UnbanChatMember = B::UnbanChatMember

type RestrictChatMember = B::RestrictChatMember

type PromoteChatMember = B::PromoteChatMember

type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = B::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle

type SetChatPermissions = B::SetChatPermissions

type SetChatPhoto = B::SetChatPhoto

type DeleteChatPhoto = B::DeleteChatPhoto

type SetChatTitle = B::SetChatTitle

type SetChatDescription = B::SetChatDescription

type PinChatMessage = B::PinChatMessage

type UnpinChatMessage = B::UnpinChatMessage

type UnpinAllChatMessages = B::UnpinAllChatMessages

type LeaveChat = B::LeaveChat

type GetChat = B::GetChat

type GetChatAdministrators = B::GetChatAdministrators

type GetChatMembersCount = B::GetChatMembersCount

type GetChatMember = B::GetChatMember

type SetChatStickerSet = B::SetChatStickerSet

type DeleteChatStickerSet = B::DeleteChatStickerSet

type AnswerCallbackQuery = B::AnswerCallbackQuery

type SetMyCommands = B::SetMyCommands

type GetMyCommands = B::GetMyCommands

type AnswerInlineQuery = B::AnswerInlineQuery

type EditMessageText = B::EditMessageText

type EditMessageTextInline = B::EditMessageTextInline

type EditMessageCaption = B::EditMessageCaption

type EditMessageCaptionInline = B::EditMessageCaptionInline

type EditMessageMedia = B::EditMessageMedia

type EditMessageMediaInline = B::EditMessageMediaInline

type EditMessageReplyMarkup = B::EditMessageReplyMarkup

type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = B::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline

type StopPoll = B::StopPoll

type DeleteMessage = B::DeleteMessage

type SendSticker = B::SendSticker

type GetStickerSet = B::GetStickerSet

type UploadStickerFile = B::UploadStickerFile

type CreateNewStickerSet = B::CreateNewStickerSet

type AddStickerToSet = B::AddStickerToSet

type SetStickerPositionInSet = B::SetStickerPositionInSet

type DeleteStickerFromSet = B::DeleteStickerFromSet

type SetStickerSetThumb = B::SetStickerSetThumb

type SendInvoice = B::SendInvoice

type AnswerShippingQuery = B::AnswerShippingQuery

type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = B::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery

type SetPassportDataErrors = B::SetPassportDataErrors

type SendGame = B::SendGame

type SetGameScore = B::SetGameScore

type SetGameScoreInline = B::SetGameScoreInline

type GetGameHighScores = B::GetGameHighScores

type GetUpdatesFaultTolerant = B::GetUpdatesFaultTolerant

impl<B> Requester for Box<B> where
    B: Requester

type Err = B::Err

type GetMe = B::GetMe

type LogOut = B::LogOut

type Close = B::Close

type GetUpdates = B::GetUpdates

type SetWebhook = B::SetWebhook

type DeleteWebhook = B::DeleteWebhook

type GetWebhookInfo = B::GetWebhookInfo

type ForwardMessage = B::ForwardMessage

type CopyMessage = B::CopyMessage

type SendMessage = B::SendMessage

type SendPhoto = B::SendPhoto

type SendAudio = B::SendAudio

type SendDocument = B::SendDocument

type SendVideo = B::SendVideo

type SendAnimation = B::SendAnimation

type SendVoice = B::SendVoice

type SendVideoNote = B::SendVideoNote

type SendMediaGroup = B::SendMediaGroup

type SendLocation = B::SendLocation

type EditMessageLiveLocation = B::EditMessageLiveLocation

type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = B::EditMessageLiveLocationInline

type StopMessageLiveLocation = B::StopMessageLiveLocation

type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = B::StopMessageLiveLocationInline

type SendVenue = B::SendVenue

type SendContact = B::SendContact

type SendPoll = B::SendPoll

type SendDice = B::SendDice

type SendChatAction = B::SendChatAction

type GetUserProfilePhotos = B::GetUserProfilePhotos

type GetFile = B::GetFile

type KickChatMember = B::KickChatMember

type UnbanChatMember = B::UnbanChatMember

type RestrictChatMember = B::RestrictChatMember

type PromoteChatMember = B::PromoteChatMember

type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = B::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle

type SetChatPermissions = B::SetChatPermissions

type SetChatPhoto = B::SetChatPhoto

type DeleteChatPhoto = B::DeleteChatPhoto

type SetChatTitle = B::SetChatTitle

type SetChatDescription = B::SetChatDescription

type PinChatMessage = B::PinChatMessage

type UnpinChatMessage = B::UnpinChatMessage

type UnpinAllChatMessages = B::UnpinAllChatMessages

type LeaveChat = B::LeaveChat

type GetChat = B::GetChat

type GetChatAdministrators = B::GetChatAdministrators

type GetChatMembersCount = B::GetChatMembersCount

type GetChatMember = B::GetChatMember

type SetChatStickerSet = B::SetChatStickerSet

type DeleteChatStickerSet = B::DeleteChatStickerSet

type AnswerCallbackQuery = B::AnswerCallbackQuery

type SetMyCommands = B::SetMyCommands

type GetMyCommands = B::GetMyCommands

type AnswerInlineQuery = B::AnswerInlineQuery

type EditMessageText = B::EditMessageText

type EditMessageTextInline = B::EditMessageTextInline

type EditMessageCaption = B::EditMessageCaption

type EditMessageCaptionInline = B::EditMessageCaptionInline

type EditMessageMedia = B::EditMessageMedia

type EditMessageMediaInline = B::EditMessageMediaInline

type EditMessageReplyMarkup = B::EditMessageReplyMarkup

type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = B::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline

type StopPoll = B::StopPoll

type DeleteMessage = B::DeleteMessage

type SendSticker = B::SendSticker

type GetStickerSet = B::GetStickerSet

type UploadStickerFile = B::UploadStickerFile

type CreateNewStickerSet = B::CreateNewStickerSet

type AddStickerToSet = B::AddStickerToSet

type SetStickerPositionInSet = B::SetStickerPositionInSet

type DeleteStickerFromSet = B::DeleteStickerFromSet

type SetStickerSetThumb = B::SetStickerSetThumb

type SendInvoice = B::SendInvoice

type AnswerShippingQuery = B::AnswerShippingQuery

type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = B::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery

type SetPassportDataErrors = B::SetPassportDataErrors

type SendGame = B::SendGame

type SetGameScore = B::SetGameScore

type SetGameScoreInline = B::SetGameScoreInline

type GetGameHighScores = B::GetGameHighScores

type GetUpdatesFaultTolerant = B::GetUpdatesFaultTolerant

impl<B> Requester for Arc<B> where
    B: Requester

type Err = B::Err

type GetMe = B::GetMe

type LogOut = B::LogOut

type Close = B::Close

type GetUpdates = B::GetUpdates

type SetWebhook = B::SetWebhook

type DeleteWebhook = B::DeleteWebhook

type GetWebhookInfo = B::GetWebhookInfo

type ForwardMessage = B::ForwardMessage

type CopyMessage = B::CopyMessage

type SendMessage = B::SendMessage

type SendPhoto = B::SendPhoto

type SendAudio = B::SendAudio

type SendDocument = B::SendDocument

type SendVideo = B::SendVideo

type SendAnimation = B::SendAnimation

type SendVoice = B::SendVoice

type SendVideoNote = B::SendVideoNote

type SendMediaGroup = B::SendMediaGroup

type SendLocation = B::SendLocation

type EditMessageLiveLocation = B::EditMessageLiveLocation

type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = B::EditMessageLiveLocationInline

type StopMessageLiveLocation = B::StopMessageLiveLocation

type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = B::StopMessageLiveLocationInline

type SendVenue = B::SendVenue

type SendContact = B::SendContact

type SendPoll = B::SendPoll

type SendDice = B::SendDice

type SendChatAction = B::SendChatAction

type GetUserProfilePhotos = B::GetUserProfilePhotos

type GetFile = B::GetFile

type KickChatMember = B::KickChatMember

type UnbanChatMember = B::UnbanChatMember

type RestrictChatMember = B::RestrictChatMember

type PromoteChatMember = B::PromoteChatMember

type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = B::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle

type SetChatPermissions = B::SetChatPermissions

type SetChatPhoto = B::SetChatPhoto

type DeleteChatPhoto = B::DeleteChatPhoto

type SetChatTitle = B::SetChatTitle

type SetChatDescription = B::SetChatDescription

type PinChatMessage = B::PinChatMessage

type UnpinChatMessage = B::UnpinChatMessage

type UnpinAllChatMessages = B::UnpinAllChatMessages

type LeaveChat = B::LeaveChat

type GetChat = B::GetChat

type GetChatAdministrators = B::GetChatAdministrators

type GetChatMembersCount = B::GetChatMembersCount

type GetChatMember = B::GetChatMember

type SetChatStickerSet = B::SetChatStickerSet

type DeleteChatStickerSet = B::DeleteChatStickerSet

type AnswerCallbackQuery = B::AnswerCallbackQuery

type SetMyCommands = B::SetMyCommands

type GetMyCommands = B::GetMyCommands

type AnswerInlineQuery = B::AnswerInlineQuery

type EditMessageText = B::EditMessageText

type EditMessageTextInline = B::EditMessageTextInline

type EditMessageCaption = B::EditMessageCaption

type EditMessageCaptionInline = B::EditMessageCaptionInline

type EditMessageMedia = B::EditMessageMedia

type EditMessageMediaInline = B::EditMessageMediaInline

type EditMessageReplyMarkup = B::EditMessageReplyMarkup

type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = B::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline

type StopPoll = B::StopPoll

type DeleteMessage = B::DeleteMessage

type SendSticker = B::SendSticker

type GetStickerSet = B::GetStickerSet

type UploadStickerFile = B::UploadStickerFile

type CreateNewStickerSet = B::CreateNewStickerSet

type AddStickerToSet = B::AddStickerToSet

type SetStickerPositionInSet = B::SetStickerPositionInSet

type DeleteStickerFromSet = B::DeleteStickerFromSet

type SetStickerSetThumb = B::SetStickerSetThumb

type SendInvoice = B::SendInvoice

type AnswerShippingQuery = B::AnswerShippingQuery

type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = B::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery

type SetPassportDataErrors = B::SetPassportDataErrors

type SendGame = B::SendGame

type SetGameScore = B::SetGameScore

type SetGameScoreInline = B::SetGameScoreInline

type GetGameHighScores = B::GetGameHighScores

type GetUpdatesFaultTolerant = B::GetUpdatesFaultTolerant

impl<B> Requester for Rc<B> where
    B: Requester

type Err = B::Err

type GetMe = B::GetMe

type LogOut = B::LogOut

type Close = B::Close

type GetUpdates = B::GetUpdates

type SetWebhook = B::SetWebhook

type DeleteWebhook = B::DeleteWebhook

type GetWebhookInfo = B::GetWebhookInfo

type ForwardMessage = B::ForwardMessage

type CopyMessage = B::CopyMessage

type SendMessage = B::SendMessage

type SendPhoto = B::SendPhoto

type SendAudio = B::SendAudio

type SendDocument = B::SendDocument

type SendVideo = B::SendVideo

type SendAnimation = B::SendAnimation

type SendVoice = B::SendVoice

type SendVideoNote = B::SendVideoNote

type SendMediaGroup = B::SendMediaGroup

type SendLocation = B::SendLocation

type EditMessageLiveLocation = B::EditMessageLiveLocation

type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = B::EditMessageLiveLocationInline

type StopMessageLiveLocation = B::StopMessageLiveLocation

type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = B::StopMessageLiveLocationInline

type SendVenue = B::SendVenue

type SendContact = B::SendContact

type SendPoll = B::SendPoll

type SendDice = B::SendDice

type SendChatAction = B::SendChatAction

type GetUserProfilePhotos = B::GetUserProfilePhotos

type GetFile = B::GetFile

type KickChatMember = B::KickChatMember

type UnbanChatMember = B::UnbanChatMember

type RestrictChatMember = B::RestrictChatMember

type PromoteChatMember = B::PromoteChatMember

type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = B::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle

type SetChatPermissions = B::SetChatPermissions

type SetChatPhoto = B::SetChatPhoto

type DeleteChatPhoto = B::DeleteChatPhoto

type SetChatTitle = B::SetChatTitle

type SetChatDescription = B::SetChatDescription

type PinChatMessage = B::PinChatMessage

type UnpinChatMessage = B::UnpinChatMessage

type UnpinAllChatMessages = B::UnpinAllChatMessages

type LeaveChat = B::LeaveChat

type GetChat = B::GetChat

type GetChatAdministrators = B::GetChatAdministrators

type GetChatMembersCount = B::GetChatMembersCount

type GetChatMember = B::GetChatMember

type SetChatStickerSet = B::SetChatStickerSet

type DeleteChatStickerSet = B::DeleteChatStickerSet

type AnswerCallbackQuery = B::AnswerCallbackQuery

type SetMyCommands = B::SetMyCommands

type GetMyCommands = B::GetMyCommands

type AnswerInlineQuery = B::AnswerInlineQuery

type EditMessageText = B::EditMessageText

type EditMessageTextInline = B::EditMessageTextInline

type EditMessageCaption = B::EditMessageCaption

type EditMessageCaptionInline = B::EditMessageCaptionInline

type EditMessageMedia = B::EditMessageMedia

type EditMessageMediaInline = B::EditMessageMediaInline

type EditMessageReplyMarkup = B::EditMessageReplyMarkup

type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = B::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline

type StopPoll = B::StopPoll

type DeleteMessage = B::DeleteMessage

type SendSticker = B::SendSticker

type GetStickerSet = B::GetStickerSet

type UploadStickerFile = B::UploadStickerFile

type CreateNewStickerSet = B::CreateNewStickerSet

type AddStickerToSet = B::AddStickerToSet

type SetStickerPositionInSet = B::SetStickerPositionInSet

type DeleteStickerFromSet = B::DeleteStickerFromSet

type SetStickerSetThumb = B::SetStickerSetThumb

type SendInvoice = B::SendInvoice

type AnswerShippingQuery = B::AnswerShippingQuery

type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = B::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery

type SetPassportDataErrors = B::SetPassportDataErrors

type SendGame = B::SendGame

type SetGameScore = B::SetGameScore

type SetGameScoreInline = B::SetGameScoreInline

type GetGameHighScores = B::GetGameHighScores

type GetUpdatesFaultTolerant = B::GetUpdatesFaultTolerant

Loading content...


impl Requester for Bot[src]

type Err = RequestError

type GetUpdates = JsonRequest<GetUpdates>

type SetWebhook = JsonRequest<SetWebhook>

type DeleteWebhook = JsonRequest<DeleteWebhook>

type GetWebhookInfo = JsonRequest<GetWebhookInfo>

type GetMe = JsonRequest<GetMe>

type SendMessage = JsonRequest<SendMessage>

type ForwardMessage = JsonRequest<ForwardMessage>

type SendPhoto = MultipartRequest<SendPhoto>

type SendAudio = MultipartRequest<SendAudio>

type SendDocument = MultipartRequest<SendDocument>

type SendVideo = MultipartRequest<SendVideo>

type SendAnimation = MultipartRequest<SendAnimation>

type SendVoice = MultipartRequest<SendVoice>

type SendVideoNote = MultipartRequest<SendVideoNote>

type SendMediaGroup = MultipartRequest<SendMediaGroup>

type SendLocation = JsonRequest<SendLocation>

type EditMessageLiveLocation = JsonRequest<EditMessageLiveLocation>

type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = JsonRequest<EditMessageLiveLocationInline>

type StopMessageLiveLocation = JsonRequest<StopMessageLiveLocation>

type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = JsonRequest<StopMessageLiveLocationInline>

type SendVenue = JsonRequest<SendVenue>

type SendContact = JsonRequest<SendContact>

type SendPoll = JsonRequest<SendPoll>

type SendDice = JsonRequest<SendDice>

type SendChatAction = JsonRequest<SendChatAction>

type GetUserProfilePhotos = JsonRequest<GetUserProfilePhotos>

type GetFile = JsonRequest<GetFile>

type KickChatMember = JsonRequest<KickChatMember>

type UnbanChatMember = JsonRequest<UnbanChatMember>

type RestrictChatMember = JsonRequest<RestrictChatMember>

type PromoteChatMember = JsonRequest<PromoteChatMember>

type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = JsonRequest<SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle>

type SetChatPermissions = JsonRequest<SetChatPermissions>

type SetChatPhoto = MultipartRequest<SetChatPhoto>

type DeleteChatPhoto = JsonRequest<DeleteChatPhoto>

type SetChatTitle = JsonRequest<SetChatTitle>

type SetChatDescription = JsonRequest<SetChatDescription>

type PinChatMessage = JsonRequest<PinChatMessage>

type UnpinChatMessage = JsonRequest<UnpinChatMessage>

type LeaveChat = JsonRequest<LeaveChat>

type GetChat = JsonRequest<GetChat>

type GetChatAdministrators = JsonRequest<GetChatAdministrators>

type GetChatMembersCount = JsonRequest<GetChatMembersCount>

type GetChatMember = JsonRequest<GetChatMember>

type SetChatStickerSet = JsonRequest<SetChatStickerSet>

type DeleteChatStickerSet = JsonRequest<DeleteChatStickerSet>

type AnswerCallbackQuery = JsonRequest<AnswerCallbackQuery>

type SetMyCommands = JsonRequest<SetMyCommands>

type GetMyCommands = JsonRequest<GetMyCommands>

type AnswerInlineQuery = JsonRequest<AnswerInlineQuery>

type EditMessageText = JsonRequest<EditMessageText>

type EditMessageTextInline = JsonRequest<EditMessageTextInline>

type EditMessageCaption = JsonRequest<EditMessageCaption>

type EditMessageCaptionInline = JsonRequest<EditMessageCaptionInline>

type EditMessageMedia = MultipartRequest<EditMessageMedia>

type EditMessageMediaInline = MultipartRequest<EditMessageMediaInline>

type EditMessageReplyMarkup = JsonRequest<EditMessageReplyMarkup>

type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = JsonRequest<EditMessageReplyMarkupInline>

type StopPoll = JsonRequest<StopPoll>

type DeleteMessage = JsonRequest<DeleteMessage>

type SendSticker = MultipartRequest<SendSticker>

type GetStickerSet = JsonRequest<GetStickerSet>

type UploadStickerFile = MultipartRequest<UploadStickerFile>

type CreateNewStickerSet = MultipartRequest<CreateNewStickerSet>

type AddStickerToSet = MultipartRequest<AddStickerToSet>

type SetStickerPositionInSet = JsonRequest<SetStickerPositionInSet>

type DeleteStickerFromSet = JsonRequest<DeleteStickerFromSet>

type SetStickerSetThumb = MultipartRequest<SetStickerSetThumb>

type SendInvoice = JsonRequest<SendInvoice>

type AnswerShippingQuery = JsonRequest<AnswerShippingQuery>

type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = JsonRequest<AnswerPreCheckoutQuery>

type SetPassportDataErrors = JsonRequest<SetPassportDataErrors>

type SendGame = JsonRequest<SendGame>

type SetGameScore = JsonRequest<SetGameScore>

type SetGameScoreInline = JsonRequest<SetGameScoreInline>

type GetGameHighScores = JsonRequest<GetGameHighScores>

type LogOut = JsonRequest<LogOut>

type Close = JsonRequest<Close>

type CopyMessage = JsonRequest<CopyMessage>

type UnpinAllChatMessages = JsonRequest<UnpinAllChatMessages>

type GetUpdatesFaultTolerant = JsonRequest<GetUpdatesFaultTolerant>

impl<B: Requester> Requester for DefaultParseMode<B>[src]

type Err = B::Err

type SendMessage = B::SendMessage

type SendPhoto = B::SendPhoto

type SendVideo = B::SendVideo

type SendAudio = B::SendAudio

type SendDocument = B::SendDocument

type SendAnimation = B::SendAnimation

type SendVoice = B::SendVoice

type EditMessageText = B::EditMessageText

type EditMessageTextInline = B::EditMessageTextInline

type EditMessageCaption = B::EditMessageCaption

type EditMessageCaptionInline = B::EditMessageCaptionInline

type SendPoll = B::SendPoll

type GetMe = B::GetMe

type LogOut = B::LogOut

type Close = B::Close

type GetUpdates = B::GetUpdates

type SetWebhook = B::SetWebhook

type DeleteWebhook = B::DeleteWebhook

type GetWebhookInfo = B::GetWebhookInfo

type ForwardMessage = B::ForwardMessage

type CopyMessage = B::CopyMessage

type SendVideoNote = B::SendVideoNote

type SendMediaGroup = B::SendMediaGroup

type SendLocation = B::SendLocation

type EditMessageLiveLocation = B::EditMessageLiveLocation

type EditMessageLiveLocationInline = B::EditMessageLiveLocationInline

type StopMessageLiveLocation = B::StopMessageLiveLocation

type StopMessageLiveLocationInline = B::StopMessageLiveLocationInline

type SendVenue = B::SendVenue

type SendContact = B::SendContact

type SendDice = B::SendDice

type SendChatAction = B::SendChatAction

type GetUserProfilePhotos = B::GetUserProfilePhotos

type GetFile = B::GetFile

type KickChatMember = B::KickChatMember

type UnbanChatMember = B::UnbanChatMember

type RestrictChatMember = B::RestrictChatMember

type PromoteChatMember = B::PromoteChatMember

type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle = B::SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle

type SetChatPermissions = B::SetChatPermissions

type SetChatPhoto = B::SetChatPhoto

type DeleteChatPhoto = B::DeleteChatPhoto

type SetChatTitle = B::SetChatTitle

type SetChatDescription = B::SetChatDescription

type PinChatMessage = B::PinChatMessage

type UnpinChatMessage = B::UnpinChatMessage

type UnpinAllChatMessages = B::UnpinAllChatMessages

type LeaveChat = B::LeaveChat

type GetChat = B::GetChat

type GetChatAdministrators = B::GetChatAdministrators

type GetChatMembersCount = B::GetChatMembersCount

type GetChatMember = B::GetChatMember

type SetChatStickerSet = B::SetChatStickerSet

type DeleteChatStickerSet = B::DeleteChatStickerSet

type AnswerCallbackQuery = B::AnswerCallbackQuery

type SetMyCommands = B::SetMyCommands

type GetMyCommands = B::GetMyCommands

type AnswerInlineQuery = B::AnswerInlineQuery

type EditMessageMedia = B::EditMessageMedia

type EditMessageMediaInline = B::EditMessageMediaInline

type EditMessageReplyMarkup = B::EditMessageReplyMarkup

type EditMessageReplyMarkupInline = B::EditMessageReplyMarkupInline

type StopPoll = B::StopPoll

type DeleteMessage = B::DeleteMessage

type SendSticker = B::SendSticker

type GetStickerSet = B::GetStickerSet

type UploadStickerFile = B::UploadStickerFile

type CreateNewStickerSet = B::CreateNewStickerSet

type AddStickerToSet = B::AddStickerToSet

type SetStickerPositionInSet = B::SetStickerPositionInSet

type DeleteStickerFromSet = B::DeleteStickerFromSet

type SetStickerSetThumb = B::SetStickerSetThumb

type SendInvoice = B::SendInvoice

type AnswerShippingQuery = B::AnswerShippingQuery

type AnswerPreCheckoutQuery = B::AnswerPreCheckoutQuery

type SetPassportDataErrors = B::SetPassportDataErrors

type SendGame = B::SendGame

type SetGameScore = B::SetGameScore

type SetGameScoreInline = B::SetGameScoreInline

type GetGameHighScores = B::GetGameHighScores

type GetUpdatesFaultTolerant = B::GetUpdatesFaultTolerant

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