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Core APIs for bridging the C and Rust portions of Tectonic’s processing backends.

This crate is used by the Tectonic “engines”, which are predominantly C/C++ code derived from the original TeX codebase. It provides a framework so that the C/C++ code can invoke the support services provided by Tectonic, such as its pluggable I/O backends. The interfaces exposed to the C/C++ layers are created by cbindgen.

If you change the interfaces here, rerun cbindgen as described in the README!

In order to provide access to a C/C++ engine in Rust, you should create some kind of interface that expects to be given a reference to a CoreBridgeLauncher struct. You should use that struct’s with_global_lock method to obtain a CoreBridgeState reference, and then pass that reference across the FFI layer. On the other side of the FFI divide, your code must call the functions ttbc_global_engine_enter() and ttbc_global_engine_exit() according to the pattern described in tectonic_bridge_core.h. If an abort is detected, the callback function must return Err(EngineAbortedError::new_abort_indicator().into()). Unfortunately, this is the cleanest and most reliable API that we can provide because our abort handling uses setjmp/longjmp and those can’t cross FFI boundaries.

In order to use a C/C++ engine, you need to provide something that implements the DriverHooks trait. The MinimalDriver struct provides a minimal implementation that only requires you to provide an IoProvider implementation.


  • A mechanism for launching bridged FFI code.
  • The CoreBridgeState structure is a handle to Rust state that can be used by C/C++ engine code to perform basic I/O functions.
  • A buffer for diagnostic messages. Rust code does not need to use this type.
  • An error type indicating the the FFI code aborted.
  • This type provides a minimal DriverHooks implementation.
  • A type for storing settings about potentially insecure engine features.



  • The DriverHooks trait allows engines to interact with the higher-level code that is driving the TeX processing.
