Macro tear::tear_if[][src]

macro_rules! tear_if {
    ( $c:expr $( , $($b:tt)* )? ) => { ... };
    ( let $p:pat = $e:expr $( , $($b:tt)* )? ) => { ... };

Explicit if statement with early return


tear_if! { cond,  // <- NB: it's a comma
    v             // Return value

If cond is true, it executes the statements in its body and returns its value (v here). It’s basically an early return without the return statement at the end.

tear_if! { let pat = expr,

You can also use the pattern matching if let.


Early return a value: recursively computing the length of a slice.

fn len (v: &[i32]) -> usize {
    // Base case
    tear_if! { v.is_empty(), 0 as usize }
    // Recursion
    1 + len(&v[1..])

Handle simple cases: printing help in a command line utility

use std::env;

fn main() {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    tear_if! { args.contains(&String::from("--help")),
        println!("No help available.")
    println!("Greetings, human!");

Use patterns like if let

fn add_five(x: Option<i32>) -> i32 {
    tear_if! { let None = x, 0 }
    x.unwrap() + 5

assert_eq![ add_five(Some(2)), 7 ];
assert_eq![ add_five(None), 0 ];