Expand description

std::net::TCP stream on steroids

tcp-stream is a library aiming at providing TLS support to std::net::TcpStream


To connect to a remote server:

use tcp_stream::{HandshakeError, TcpStream, TLSConfig};

use std::io::{self, Read, Write};

fn main() {
    let mut stream = TcpStream::connect("google.com:443").unwrap();

    while !stream.is_connected() {
        if stream.try_connect().unwrap() {

    let mut stream = stream.into_tls("google.com", TLSConfig::default());

    while let Err(HandshakeError::WouldBlock(mid_handshake)) = stream {
        stream = mid_handshake.handshake();

    let mut stream = stream.unwrap();

    while let Err(err) = stream.write_all(b"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n") {
        if err.kind() != io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock {
            panic!("error: {:?}", err);
    let mut res = vec![];
    while let Err(err) = stream.read_to_end(&mut res) {
        if err.kind() != io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock {
            panic!("stream error: {:?}", err);
    println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&res));


Holds PKCS#12 DER-encoded identity and decryption password

Reexport native-tls’s TlsConnector A builder for client-side TLS connections.

Reexport openssl’s TlsConnector A type which wraps client-side streams in a TLS session.

Reexport openssl’s TlsConnector A type specifying the kind of protocol an SslContext will speak.

Holds PKCS#12 DER-encoded identity and decryption password

Holds extra TLS configuration

Reexport rustls-connector’s TlsConnector The connector

Reexport rustls-connector’s TlsConnector Configuration helper for RustlsConnector

Holds extra TLS configuration


An error returned while performing the handshake

A TLS stream which has been interrupted during the handshake

Wrapper around plain or TLS TCP streams

Type Definitions

Holds either the TLS TcpStream result or the current handshake state

A HandshakeError from native-tls

A MidHandshakeTlsStream from native-tls

A TcpStream wrapped by native-tls

An ErrorStack from openssl

A HandshakeError from openssl

A MidHandshakeTlsStream from openssl

A TcpStream wrapped by openssl

A HandshakeError from rustls-connector

A MidHandshakeTlsStream from rustls-connector

A TcpStream wrapped by rustls