Crate tauriless_macro

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The proc-macro crate for tauriless.


use tao::{
   event::{Event, StartCause, WindowEvent},
   event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop},
use wry::WebViewBuilder;
use tauriless::{command, commands, WebViewBuilderExt};

fn argsless_sync_command() {}

async fn async_command_with_args(n: i32) -> i32 {
  // some async code
  n * 2

fn main() -> wry::Result<()>     {
  let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread()
  // This allows us to use tokio::spawn inside wry asynchronous custom protocol handlers.
  // Since wry doesn't allow us to pass a runtime to the WebViewBuilder, we have to use a global runtime.
  let _rt_guard = rt.enter();

  let event_loop = EventLoop::new();
  let window = WindowBuilder::new()
      .with_title("My Tauriless App")

   // ...
   let _webview = WebViewBuilder::new(&window)
       // ...
       .with_tauriless_commands(commands!(argsless_sync_command, async_command_with_args))
       .build()?; |event, _, control_flow| {
       *control_flow = ControlFlow::Wait;

       match event {
           Event::NewEvents(StartCause::Init) => (),
           Event::WindowEvent {
               event: WindowEvent::CloseRequested,
           } => *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit,
           _ => (),


  • Creates an object that can be accepted by tauriless::WebViewBuilderExt::with_tauriless_commands.

Attribute Macros§