Trait tauri::Manager

source ·
pub trait Manager<R: Runtime>: ManagerBase<R> {
Show 18 methods // Provided methods fn app_handle(&self) -> AppHandle<R> { ... } fn config(&self) -> Arc<Config> { ... } fn emit_all<S: Serialize + Clone>( &self, event: &str, payload: S ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn emit_to<S: Serialize + Clone>( &self, label: &str, event: &str, payload: S ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn listen_global<F>( &self, event: impl Into<String>, handler: F ) -> EventHandler where F: Fn(Event) + Send + 'static { ... } fn once_global<F>( &self, event: impl Into<String>, handler: F ) -> EventHandler where F: FnOnce(Event) + Send + 'static { ... } fn trigger_global(&self, event: &str, data: Option<String>) { ... } fn unlisten(&self, handler_id: EventHandler) { ... } fn get_window(&self, label: &str) -> Option<Window<R>> { ... } fn windows(&self) -> HashMap<String, Window<R>> { ... } fn manage<T>(&self, state: T) -> bool where T: Send + Sync + 'static { ... } fn state<T>(&self) -> State<'_, T> where T: Send + Sync + 'static { ... } fn try_state<T>(&self) -> Option<State<'_, T>> where T: Send + Sync + 'static { ... } fn env(&self) -> Env { ... } fn fs_scope(&self) -> FsScope { ... } fn ipc_scope(&self) -> IpcScope { ... } fn asset_protocol_scope(&self) -> FsScope { ... } fn shell_scope(&self) -> ShellScope { ... }
Expand description

Manages a running application.

Provided Methods§


fn app_handle(&self) -> AppHandle<R>

The application handle associated with this manager.


fn config(&self) -> Arc<Config>

The Config the manager was created with.


fn emit_all<S: Serialize + Clone>(&self, event: &str, payload: S) -> Result<()>

Emits a event to all windows.


fn emit_to<S: Serialize + Clone>( &self, label: &str, event: &str, payload: S ) -> Result<()>

Emits an event to a window with the specified label.


fn listen_global<F>(&self, event: impl Into<String>, handler: F) -> EventHandlerwhere F: Fn(Event) + Send + 'static,

Listen to a global event.


fn once_global<F>(&self, event: impl Into<String>, handler: F) -> EventHandlerwhere F: FnOnce(Event) + Send + 'static,

Listen to a global event only once.


fn trigger_global(&self, event: &str, data: Option<String>)

Trigger a global event.


fn unlisten(&self, handler_id: EventHandler)

Remove an event listener.


fn get_window(&self, label: &str) -> Option<Window<R>>

Fetch a single window from the manager.


fn windows(&self) -> HashMap<String, Window<R>>

Fetch all managed windows.


fn manage<T>(&self, state: T) -> boolwhere T: Send + Sync + 'static,

Add state to the state managed by the application.

This method can be called any number of times as long as each call refers to a different T. If a state for T is already managed, the function returns false and the value is ignored.

Managed state can be retrieved by any command handler via the State guard. In particular, if a value of type T is managed by Tauri, adding State<T> to the list of arguments in a command handler instructs Tauri to retrieve the managed value.


Panics if state of type T is already being managed.


Since the managed state is global and must be Send + Sync, mutations can only happen through interior mutability:

use std::{collections::HashMap, sync::Mutex};
use tauri::State;
// here we use Mutex to achieve interior mutability
struct Storage {
  store: Mutex<HashMap<u64, String>>,
struct Connection;
struct DbConnection {
  db: Mutex<Option<Connection>>,

fn connect(connection: State<DbConnection>) {
  // initialize the connection, mutating the state with interior mutability
  *connection.db.lock().unwrap() = Some(Connection {});

fn storage_insert(key: u64, value: String, storage: State<Storage>) {
  // mutate the storage behind the Mutex, value);

  .manage(Storage { store: Default::default() })
  .manage(DbConnection { db: Default::default() })
  .invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![connect, storage_insert])
  // on an actual app, remove the string argument
  .expect("error while running tauri application");
use tauri::{Manager, State};

struct MyInt(isize);
struct MyString(String);

fn int_command(state: State<MyInt>) -> String {
    format!("The stateful int is: {}", state.0)

fn string_command<'r>(state: State<'r, MyString>) {
    println!("state: {}", state.inner().0);

  .setup(|app| {
    // `MyInt` is already managed, so `manage()` returns false
    // read the `MyInt` managed state with the turbofish syntax
    let int = app.state::<MyInt>();
    assert_eq!(int.0, 0);
    // read the `MyString` managed state with the `State` guard
    let val: State<MyString> = app.state();
    assert_eq!(val.0, "tauri");
  .invoke_handler(tauri::generate_handler![int_command, string_command])
  // on an actual app, remove the string argument
  .expect("error while running tauri application");

fn state<T>(&self) -> State<'_, T>where T: Send + Sync + 'static,

Retrieves the managed state for the type T.


Panics if the state for the type T has not been previously managed. Use try_state for a non-panicking version.


fn try_state<T>(&self) -> Option<State<'_, T>>where T: Send + Sync + 'static,

Attempts to retrieve the managed state for the type T.

Returns Some if the state has previously been managed. Otherwise returns None.


fn env(&self) -> Env

Gets the managed Env.


fn fs_scope(&self) -> FsScope

Gets the scope for the filesystem APIs.


fn ipc_scope(&self) -> IpcScope

Gets the scope for the IPC.


fn asset_protocol_scope(&self) -> FsScope

Gets the scope for the asset protocol.


fn shell_scope(&self) -> ShellScope

Gets the scope for the shell execute APIs.



impl<R: Runtime> Manager<R> for App<R>


impl<R: Runtime> Manager<R> for AppHandle<R>


impl<R: Runtime> Manager<R> for Window<R>