/// # tauri-plugin-holochain
/// `tauri-plugin-holochain` is part of the [`p2p-shipyard`](https://github.com/darksoil-studio/p2p-shipyard), by [darksoil.studio](https://darksoil.studio).
/// The `p2p-shipyard` is raising funds to be Open-Source. You can read more about it in [the documentation page](https://darksoil.studio/p2p-shipyard).
/// This crate is just a placeholder [until the crowdfunding succeeds](https://opencollective.com/darksoil/projects/p2pshipyard). When it does, the real `tauri-plugin-holochain` crate will be published in its place, with a permissive Open Source license.
/// If you want to use it now, please reach out to us! You can read more about [how to use the plugin now here](https://darksoil.studio/p2p-shipyard/license/license).
pub mod placeholder {}