Crate table_extract

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Utility for extracting data from HTML tables.

This library allows you to parse tables from HTML documents and iterate over their rows. There are three entry points:

Each of these returns an Option<Table>, since there might not be any matching table in the HTML. Once you have a table, you can iterate over it and access the contents of each Row.


Here is a simple example that uses Table::find_first to print the cells in each row of a table:

let html = r#"
let table = table_extract::Table::find_first(html).unwrap();
for row in &table {
        "{} is {} years old",
        row.get("Name").unwrap_or("<name missing>"),
        row.get("Age").unwrap_or("<age missing>")

If the document has multiple tables, we can use Table::find_by_headers to identify the one we want:

let html = r#"
let table = table_extract::Table::find_by_headers(html, &["Age"]).unwrap();
for row in &table {
    for cell in row {
        println!("Table cell: {}", cell);


Type Definitions

  • A map from <th> table headers to their zero-based positions.