Module syntect::html[][src]

Rendering highlighted code as HTML+CSS



Only one style for now, I may add more class styles later. Just here so I don't have to change the API


Determines how background color attributes are generated



Like styled_line_to_highlighted_html but appends to a String for increased efficiency. In fact styled_line_to_highlighted_html is just a wrapper around this function.


Convenience method that combines start_highlighted_html_snippet, styled_line_to_highlighted_html and HighlightFile from syntect::easy to create a full highlighted HTML snippet for a file.


Convenience method that combines start_highlighted_html_snippet, styled_line_to_highlighted_html and HighlightLines from syntect::easy to create a full highlighted HTML snippet for a string (which can contain many lines).


Returns a <pre style="...">\n tag with the correct background color for the given theme. This is for if you want to roll your own HTML output, you probably just want to use highlighted_html_for_string.


Output HTML for a line of code with <span> elements using inline style attributes to set the correct font attributes. The bg attribute determines if the spans will have the background-color attribute set. See the IncludeBackground enum's docs.


Output HTML for a line of code with <span> elements specifying classes for each token. The span elements are nested like the scope stack and the scopes are mapped to classes based on the ClassStyle (see it's docs).