macro_rules! stateless_dsp_node_type {
    ($node_type: ident =>
     $func_name: ident $jit_name: literal $signature: literal
     doc $doc: literal
     inputs $($idx: literal $inp: literal)*
     outputs $($idxo: literal $out: literal)*) => { ... };
Expand description

This macro can help you defining new stateless DSP nodes.

 use synfx_dsp_jit::*;

 extern "C" fn process_mul2(v: f64) -> f64 {
     v * 2.0

 synfx_dsp_jit::stateless_dsp_node_type! {
     Mul2NodeType => process_mul2 "mul2" "vr"
     "A simple multiplication by 2.0. Using '*' is simpler thought..."
     0 ""
     0 ""

 // Then use the type by adding it:
 fn make_library() -> DSPNodeTypeLibrary {
     let mut lib = DSPNodeTypeLibrary::new();

The "vr" is a string that specifies the signature of the function. Following characters are available:

  • “v” - A floating point value
  • “D” - The global crate::DSPState pointer
  • “M” - A pointer to the multi return value array, of type *mut [f64; 5]. These can be accessed by the variables “%1” to “%5” after the call.
  • “r” - Must be specified as last one, defines that this function returns something.