Expand description

Symoxide provides an Intermediate Representation for Scalar Expressions and abstract visitors (called as mappers) for traversing and transforming these expressions.

  • primitives contains the supported expression types.
  • builders contains routines to build these expressions.
  • parse contains a parser implementation for these expressions.
  • operations provides routines for performing common arithmetic operations on these expressions.
  • mappers provides abstract visitor for common traversal patters over scalar expressions.
  • mapper_impls uses mappers to provide helpful analysis tools over the expressions.
  • design_doc goes over the key design decisions that were baked into Symoxide’s architecture.


pub use builders::var;
pub use mapper_impls::deduplicator::deduplicate_nodes;
pub use mapper_impls::dependency::get_dependencies;
pub use mapper_impls::equality::are_structurally_equal;
pub use mapper_impls::graphvizifier::show_dot;
pub use mapper_impls::hasher::get_hasher;
pub use mapper_impls::node_counter::get_num_nodes;
pub use parse::parse_expr as parse;
pub use primitives::BinaryOpType;
pub use primitives::Expression;
pub use primitives::LiteralT;
pub use primitives::SmallVecExprT;
pub use primitives::UnaryOpType;


  • TODO: Decisions taken to ensure that the traversal costs are low/transparent to the mapper writer.
  • TODO: Contribution guidelines, cargo-fmt, adding a new expression type.
  • Macros

    Converts an i32 or f64 literal into an instance of symoxide::Expression::Scalar.
    Converts a space-delimited string to a tuple of symoxide::var calls on individual words.


    Wrap a reference of an expression as a raw pointer to get trivialize comparison and hashing. Tries to reproduce the effect of id(x) from Python world.

    Derive Macros

    Implements the trait symoxide::mappers::CachedMapper for a struct. Requires that struct contains a field named cache of type std::collections::HashMap.