
A CompletedPoint is a point \(((X:Z), (Y:T))\) on the \(\mathbb P^1 \times \mathbb P^1 \) model of the curve. A point (x,y) in the affine model corresponds to \( ((x:1),(y:1)) \).

An EdwardsPoint represents a point on the Edwards form of Curve25519.

A FieldElement51 represents an element of the field \( \mathbb Z / (2^{255} - 19)\).

A ProjectivePoint is a point \((X:Y:Z)\) on the \(\mathbb P^2\) model of the curve. A point \((x,y)\) in the affine model corresponds to \((x:y:1)\).

The Scalar struct holds an integer \(s < 2^{255} \) which represents an element of \(\mathbb Z / \ell\).
