switchboard-v2 0.1.10

A Rust library to interact with Switchboard V2 data feeds.


A Rust library to interact with Switchboard V2's hosted data feeds.


This package can be used to manage Switchboard data feed account parsing.

Specifically, this package will return the most recent confirmed round result from a provided data feed AccountInfo.



use switchboard_v2::AggregatorAccountData;
use std::convert::TryInto;

let feed_result = AggregatorAccountData::new(feed_account_info)?.get_result()?;

let decimal: f64 = feed_result.try_into()?;

Aggregator History

use switchboard_v2::AggregatorHistoryBuffer;
use std::convert::TryInto;

let history_buffer = AggregatorHistoryBuffer::new(history_account_info)?;
let current_timestamp = Clock::get()?.unix_timestamp;
let one_hour_ago: f64 = history_buffer.lower_bound(current_timestamp - 3600).unwrap().try_into()?;

VRF Account

use switchboard_v2::VrfAccountData;

let vrf = VrfAccountData::new(vrf_account_info)?;
let result_buffer = vrf.get_result()?;
let value: &[u128] = bytemuck::cast_slice(&result_buffer[..]);
let result = value[0] % 256000 as u128;