swc_common 0.29.17

Common utilities for the swc project.
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Utilities for the swc project # Cargo features ## `tty-emitter` Adds default implementation of Emitter. Enabling this feature will add tty-related dependencies. ## `sourcemap` Adds methods to generate web sourcemap. ## `plugin-base` Base mode for plugins, which can be enabled by `plugin-mode` or `plugin-rt`. This mode creates a trait which can be used to override `swc_common` itself. ## `plugin-rt` Creates an implementation for the plugin trait. This implements simply invokes thread-locals declared in `swc_common`. ## `plugin-mode` Allows replacing operations related to thread-local variables with a trait. ## `perf` Use `fxhash` instead of `ahash` for `AHashMap` and `AHashSet`.