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A buffering MPSC queue.

This library is intended to be a (better, I hope) alternative to traditional MPSC queues in the context of a buffering consumer, by moving the buffering part directly into the queue.

It is especially well suited for IO writing workflow, see write and write_vectored.

The crate is no_std (some buffer implementations may require std).

In addition to the low level Queue implementation, a higher level SynchronizedQueue is provided with both blocking and asynchronous methods.


// Initialize the queue with a capacity
let queue: Queue<VecBuffer<usize>> = Queue::with_capacity(42);
// Enqueue some value
// Multiple values can be enqueued at the same time
// (optimized compared to multiple enqueuing)
queue.try_enqueue([1, 2]).unwrap();
let mut values = vec![3, 4];
// Dequeue a slice to the enqueued values
let slice = queue.try_dequeue().unwrap();
assert_eq!(slice.deref(), &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
// Enqueued values can also be retrieved
assert_eq!(slice.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);



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