

The simplest buffer. This is maps which char belong to which cell skipping the whitespaces

4x8 - 32 subcells

Contains a group of fragments that are touching each other The purpose of Contacts is to group fragments together

Fragment buffer contains the drawing fragments for each cell Svg can be converted to fragment buffer then from the fragment we can match which characters is best suited for a particular set of fragment contained in a cell and then create a stringbuffer. The stringbuffer becomes the ascii diagrams SVG -> FragmentBuffer -> StringBuffer -> Ascii Diagrams

PropertyBuffer is a buffer which contains the property of each cell This will be used in the first phase of converting ascii diagrams into fragment buffer The properties are generated once and will be repeatedly used for the second phase where testing the neighboring charaters to determine the fragment to be drawn for that cell.

A describes where a char came from relative to the source ascii text The primary purpose of span is to group adjacent cell together

A 2D string buffer where you can insert a character to any cell on the 2D grid each cell can be assigned with a string taking into account utf8 code which can not be char including but not limited to multi-width chars
