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Peripheral API generator from CMSIS-SVD files
An SVD file is an XML file that describes the hardware features of a microcontroller. In particular, it lists all the peripherals available to the device, where the registers associated to each device are located in memory, and what’s the function of each register.
is a command line tool that transforms SVD files into crates that
expose a type safe API to access the peripherals of the device.
$ cargo install svd2rust
supports Cortex-M, MSP430, RISCV and Xtensa LX6 microcontrollers. The generated crate can
be tailored for either architecture using the --target
flag. The flag accepts “cortex-m”,
“msp430”, “riscv”, “xtensa-lx” and “none” as values. “none” can be used to generate a crate that’s
architecture agnostic and that should work for architectures that svd2rust
doesn’t currently
know about like the Cortex-A architecture.
If the --target
flag is omitted svd2rust
assumes the target is the Cortex-M architecture.
If using the --generic_mod
option, the emitted generic.rs
needs to be moved to src
, and
commit fcb397a or newer is required for splitting
the emitted lib.rs
§target = cortex-m
When targeting the Cortex-M architecture, svd2rust
will generate three files in the current
, build script that placesdevice.x
somewhere the linker can find.device.x
, linker script that weakly aliases all the interrupt handlers to the default exception handler (DefaultHandler
, the generated code.
All these files must be included in the same device crate. The lib.rs
file contains several
inlined modules and its not formatted. It’s recommended to split it out using the form
and then format the output using rustfmt
/ cargo fmt
$ svd2rust -i STM32F30x.svd
$ rm -rf src
$ form -i lib.rs -o src/ && rm lib.rs
$ cargo fmt
The resulting crate must provide an opt-in rt
feature and depend on these crates:
Furthermore, the “device” feature of cortex-m-rt
must be enabled when the rt
is enabled. The Cargo.toml
of the device crate will look like this:
critical-section = { version = "1.0", optional = true }
cortex-m = "0.7.6"
cortex-m-rt = { version = "0.6.13", optional = true }
vcell = "0.1.2"
rt = ["cortex-m-rt/device"]
§the --reexport-core-peripherals
With --reexport-core-peripherals
flag enabled peripherals from cortex-m
be reexported by peripheral access crate.
§target = msp430
MSP430 does not natively use the SVD format. However, SVD files can be generated using the
application. Most header and DSLite
files provided by TI are mirrored in the repository of msp430_svd
. The application does
not need to be installed; the msp430gen
command below can be substituted by
cargo run -- msp430g2553 > msp430g2553.svd
from the msp430_svd
crate root.
When targeting the MSP430 architecture svd2rust
will also generate three files in the
current directory:
, build script that placesdevice.x
somewhere the linker can find.device.x
, linker script that weakly aliases all the interrupt handlers to the default exception handler (DefaultHandler
, the generated code.
All these files must be included in the same device crate. The lib.rs
file contains several
inlined modules and its not formatted. It’s recommend to split it out using the form
and then format the output using rustfmt
/ cargo fmt
$ msp430gen msp430g2553 > msp430g2553.svd
$ xmllint -format msp430g2553.svd --output msp430g2553.svd
$ svd2rust -g --target=msp430 -i msp430g2553.svd
$ rm -rf src
$ form -i lib.rs -o src/ && rm lib.rs
$ mv generic.rs src/
$ cargo fmt
The resulting crate must provide opt-in rt
feature and depend on these crates:
The “device” feature of msp430-rt
must be enabled when the rt
feature is
enabled. The Cargo.toml
of the device crate will look like this:
critical-section = { version = "1.0", optional = true }
msp430 = "0.4.0"
msp430-rt = { version = "0.4.0", optional = true }
vcell = "0.1.0"
rt = ["msp430-rt/device"]
§Other targets
When the target is riscv or none svd2rust
will emit only the lib.rs
file. Like in
the cortex-m
case, we recommend you use form
and rustfmt
on the output.
The resulting crate must provide an opt-in rt
feature and depend on these crates:
v0.12.x (if target is RISC-V)riscv-peripheral
v0.2.x (if target is RISC-V and has standard peripherals)riscv-rt
v0.13.x (if target is RISC-V)vcell
The *-rt
dependencies must be optional only enabled when the rt
feature is enabled.
If target is RISC-V and supports vectored mode, you must include a feature v-trap
to activate riscv-rt/v-trap
The Cargo.toml
of the device crate will look like this for a RISC-V target:
critical-section = { version = "1.0", optional = true }
riscv = "0.12.1"
riscv-peripheral = "0.2.0"
riscv-rt = { version = "0.13.0", optional = true }
vcell = "0.1.0"
rt = ["riscv-rt"]
v-trap = ["rt", "riscv-rt/v-trap"]
§Peripheral API
To use a peripheral first you must get an instance of the peripheral. All the device
peripherals are modeled as singletons (there can only ever be, at most, one instance of any
one of them) and the only way to get an instance of them is through the Peripherals::take
method, enabled via the critical-section
feature on the generated crate.
let mut peripherals = stm32f30x::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
peripherals.GPIOA.odr().write(|w| w.bits(1));
This method can only be successfully called once – that’s why the method returns an Option
Subsequent calls to the method will result in a None
value being returned.
let ok = stm32f30x::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let panics = stm32f30x::Peripherals::take().unwrap();
This method needs an implementation of critical-section
. You can implement it yourself or
use the implementation provided by the target crate like cortex-m
, riscv
and *-hal
See more details in the critical-section
crate documentation.
The singleton property can be unsafely bypassed using the ptr
or steal
static methods
which are available on all the peripheral types. This method is useful for implementing safe
higher level abstractions.
struct PA0 { _0: () }
impl PA0 {
fn is_high(&self) -> bool {
// NOTE(unsafe) actually safe because this is an atomic read with no side effects
unsafe { (*GPIOA::ptr()).idr().read().bits() & 1 != 0 }
fn is_low(&self) -> bool {
struct PA1 { _0: () }
// ..
fn configure(gpioa: GPIOA) -> (PA0, PA1, ..) {
// configure all the PAx pins as inputs
// the GPIOA proxy is destroyed here now the GPIOA register block can't be modified
// thus the configuration of the PAx pins is now frozen
(PA0 { _0: () }, PA1 { _0: () }, ..)
Each peripheral proxy deref
s to a RegisterBlock
struct that represents a piece of device
memory. Each field in this struct
represents one register in the register block associated to
the peripheral.
/// Inter-integrated circuit
pub mod i2c1 {
/// Register block
pub struct RegisterBlock {
cr1: CR1,
cr2: CR2,
oar1: OAR1,
oar2: OAR2,
dr: DR,
impl RegisterBlock {
/// 0x00 - Control register 1
pub const fn cr1(&self) -> &CR1 {
/// 0x04 - Control register 2
pub const fn cr2(&self) -> &CR2 {
/// 0x08 - Own address register 1
pub const fn oar1(&self) -> &OAR1 {
#[doc = "0x0c - Own address register 2"]
pub const fn oar2(&self) -> &OAR2 {
#[doc = "0x10 - Data register"]
pub const fn dr(&self) -> &DR {
/ modify
/ write
Each register in the register block, e.g. the cr1
field in the I2C
struct, exposes a
combination of the read
, modify
, and write
methods. Which method exposes each register
depends on whether the register is read-only, read-write or write-only:
- read-only registers only expose the
method. - write-only registers only expose the
method. - read-write registers expose all the methods:
, andwrite
Below shows signatures of each of these methods:
(using I2C
’s CR2
register as an example)
impl CR2 {
/// Modifies the contents of the register
pub fn modify<F>(&self, f: F)
for<'w> F: FnOnce(&R, &'w mut W) -> &'w mut W
/// Reads the contents of the register
pub fn read(&self) -> R { .. }
/// Writes to the register
pub fn write<F>(&self, f: F)
F: FnOnce(&mut W) -> &mut W,
impl crate::ResetValue for CR2 {
type Type = u32;
fn reset_value() -> Self::Type { 0 }
The read
method “reads” the register using a single, volatile LDR
instruction and
returns a proxy R
struct that allows access to only the readable bits (i.e. not to the
reserved or write-only bits) of the CR2
/// Value read from the register
impl R {
/// Bit 0 - Slave address bit 0 (master mode)
pub fn sadd0(&self) -> SADD0_R { .. }
/// Bits 1:7 - Slave address bit 7:1 (master mode)
pub fn sadd1(&self) -> SADD1_R { .. }
Usage looks like this:
// is the SADD0 bit of the CR2 register set?
if i2c1.c2r().read().sadd0().bit() {
// yes
} else {
// no
The ResetValue
trait provides reset_value
which returns the value of the CR2
register after a reset. This value can be used to modify the
writable bitfields of the CR2
register or reset it to its initial state.
Usage looks like this:
if i2c1.c2r().reset()
On the other hand, the write
method writes some value to the register using a single,
volatile STR
instruction. This method involves a W
struct that only allows constructing
valid states of the CR2
impl W {
/// Bits 1:7 - Slave address bit 7:1 (master mode)
pub fn sadd1(&mut self) -> SADD1_W { .. }
/// Bit 0 - Slave address bit 0 (master mode)
pub fn sadd0(&mut self) -> SADD0_W { .. }
The write
method takes a closure with signature (&mut W) -> &mut W
. If the “identity
closure”, |w| w
, is passed then the write
method will set the CR2
register to its reset
value. Otherwise, the closure specifies how the reset value will be modified before it’s
written to CR2
Usage looks like this:
// Starting from the reset value, `0x0000_0000`, change the bitfields SADD0
// and SADD1 to `1` and `0b0011110` respectively and write that to the
// register CR2.
i2c1.cr2().write(|w| unsafe { w.sadd0().bit(true).sadd1().bits(0b0011110) });
// NOTE ^ unsafe because you could be writing a reserved bit pattern into
// the register. In this case, the SVD doesn't provide enough information to
// check whether that's the case.
// NOTE The argument to `bits` will be *masked* before writing it to the
// bitfield. This makes it impossible to write, for example, `6` to a 2-bit
// field; instead, `6 & 3` (i.e. `2`) will be written to the bitfield.
Finally, the modify
method performs a single read-modify-write
operation that involves one read (LDR
) to the register, modifying the
value and then a single write (STR
) of the modified value to the
register. This method accepts a closure that specifies how the CR2 register
will be modified (the w
argument) and also provides access to the state of
the register before it’s modified (the r
Usage looks like this:
// Set the START bit to 1 while KEEPING the state of the other bits intact
i2c1.cr2().modify(|_, w| unsafe { w.start().bit(true) });
// TOGGLE the STOP bit, all the other bits will remain untouched
i2c1.cr2().modify(|r, w| w.stop().bit(!r.stop().bit()));
If your SVD uses the <enumeratedValues>
feature, then the API will be extended to provide
even more type safety. This extension is backward compatible with the original version so you
could “upgrade” your SVD by adding, yourself, <enumeratedValues>
to it and then use svd2rust
to re-generate a better API that doesn’t break the existing code that uses that API.
The new read
API returns an enum that you can match:
match gpioa.dir().read().pin0().variant() {
gpioa::dir::PIN0_A::Input => { .. },
gpioa::dir::PIN0_A::Output => { .. },
or test for equality
if gpioa.dir().read().pin0().variant() == gpio::dir::PIN0_A::Input {
It also provides convenience methods to check for a specific variant without having to import the enum:
if gpioa.dir().read().pin0().is_input() {
if gpioa.dir().read().pin0().is_output() {
The original bits
method is available as well:
if gpioa.dir().read().pin0().bits() == 0 {
And the new write
API provides similar additions as well: variant
lets you pick the value to
write from an enum
eration of the possible ones:
// enum PIN0_A { Input, Output }
gpioa.dir().write(|w| w.pin0().variant(gpio::dir::PIN0_A::Output));
There are convenience methods to pick one of the variants without having to import the enum:
gpioa.dir().write(|w| w.pin0().output());
The bits
(or bit
) method is still available but will become safe if it’s
impossible to write a reserved bit pattern into the register:
// safe because there are only two options: `0` or `1`
gpioa.dir().write(|w| w.pin0().bit(true));
§Interrupt API
SVD files also describe the device interrupts. svd2rust generated crates expose an enumeration
of the device interrupts as an Interrupt
in the root of the crate. This enum
can be
used with the cortex-m
crate NVIC
use cortex_m::peripheral::Peripherals;
use stm32f30x::Interrupt;
let p = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
let mut nvic = p.NVIC;
§the rt
If the rt
Cargo feature of the svd2rust generated crate is enabled, the crate will populate the
part of the vector table that contains the interrupt vectors and provide an
macro (non Cortex-M/MSP430 targets) or interrupt
(Cortex-M or MSP430)
that can be used to register interrupt handlers.
§the --reexport-interrupt
flag (deprecated)
With --reexport-interrupt
flag passed interrupt
macro from cortex-m-rt
or riscv-rt
be reexported by peripheral access crate.
§the --atomics
The --atomics
flag can be passed to svd2rust
to extends the register API with operations to
atomically set, clear, and toggle specific bits. The atomic operations allow limited
modification of register bits without read-modify-write sequences. As such, they can be
concurrently called on different bits in the same register without data races. This flag won’t
work for RISCV chips without the atomic extension.
The --atomics-feature
flag can also be specified to include atomics implementations conditionally
behind the supplied feature name.
v0.3.16 must be added to the dependencies, with default features off to
disable the fallback
§the --impl-debug
The --impl_debug
option will cause svd2rust to generate core::fmt::Debug
implementations for
all registers and blocks. If a register is readable and has fields defined then each field value
will be printed - if no fields are defined then the value of the register will be printed. Any
register that has read actions will not be read and printed as (not read/has read action!)
Registers that are not readable will have (write only register)
printed as the value.
The --impl-debug-feature
flag can also be specified to include debug implementations conditionally
behind the supplied feature name.
Usage examples:
// These can be called from different contexts even though they are modifying the same register
P1.p1out().set_bits(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1 << 1) });
P1.p1out().clear_bits(|w| unsafe { w.bits(!(1 << 2)) });
P1.p1out().toggle_bits(|w| unsafe { w.bits(1 << 4) });
// if impl_debug was used one can print Registers or RegisterBlocks
// print single register
println!("RTC_CNT {:#?}", unsafe { &*esp32s3::RTC_CNTL::ptr() }.options0);
// print all registers for peripheral
println!("RTC_CNT {:#?}", unsafe { &*esp32s3::RTC_CNTL::ptr() });
§the --impl-defmt
The --impl-defmt
flag can also be specified to include defmt::Format
implementations conditionally
behind the supplied feature name.
§the --ident-format
and --ident-formats-theme
The --ident-format type:prefix:case:suffix
) flag can also be specified if you want to change
default behavior of formatting rust structure and enum names, register access methods, etc.
Passingle multiple flags is supported.
Supported cases are snake_case
(pass snake
or s
), PascalCase
(pass pascal
or p
(pass constant
or c
) and leave_CASE_as_in_SVD
(pass unchanged
or ``).
There are identificator formats by default in the table.
Since svd2rust
0.32 defaults have been changed.
IdentifierType | Prefix | Case | Case 0.31 | Suffix | Suffix 0.31 |
field_reader | pascal | constant | R | _R | |
field_writer | pascal | constant | W | _W | |
enum_name enum_read_name | pascal | constant | _A | ||
enum_write_name | pascal | constant | WO | _AW | |
enum_value | pascal | constant | |||
interrupt | unchanged | constant | |||
peripheral_singleton | snake | constant | |||
peripheral register cluster | pascal | constant | |||
register_spec | pascal | constant | Spec | _SPEC | |
cluster_accessor register_accessor field_accessor enum_value_accessor | snake | snake | |||
cluster_mod register_mod peripheral_mod peripheral_feature | snake | snake |
To revert old behavior for field_reader
you need to pass flag -f field_reader::c:_R
Also you can do the same in config file:
case = constant
suffix = "_R"
To revert old behavior for all identifiers you may pass --ident-formats-theme legacy
- interrupt
- Assigns a handler to an interrupt