Crate suppaftp

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SuppaFTP is an FTP client library written in Rust with optional FTPS support. You can choose whether to use sync or async version of this library using cargo.toml features. SuppaFTP is a library derived from rust-ftp, which has many additional features though, such as:

  • New methods to work with streams when transferring files, to give you complete freedom when you work with file transfers
  • Method to retrieve the welcome message
  • Supports for both sync and async rust
  • Some extra features, such as the parser for the LIST command output
  • Replaced openssl with rustls or native-tls as you prefer
  • All the old statements have been replaced with modern rust
  • Better error handling and possibility to retrieve error codes
  • Test units and high code coverage to provide the community with a reliable library

Get started

To get started, first add suppaftp to your dependencies:

suppaftp = "^5.0.0"


SSL/TLS Support

If you want to enable support for FTPS, you must enable the native-tls or rustls feature in your cargo dependencies, based on the TLS provider you prefer.

suppaftp = { version = "^5.0.0", features = ["native-tls"] }
# or
suppaftp = { version = "^5.0.0", features = ["rustls"] }

💡 If you don’t know what to choose, native-tls should be preferred for compatibility reasons.

Async support

If you want to enable async support, you must enable async feature in your cargo dependencies.

suppaftp = { version = "^5.0.0", features = ["async"] }

⚠️ If you want to enable both native-tls and async you must use the async-native-tls feature ⚠️ ⚠️ If you want to enable both rustls and async you must use the async-rustls feature ⚠️

Deprecated methods

If you want to enable deprecated methods of FTPS, please enable the deprecated feature in your cargo dependencies.

This feature enables these methods:

  • connect_secure_implicit(): used to connect via implicit FTPS


Here is a basic usage example:

use suppaftp::FtpStream;
let mut ftp_stream = FtpStream::connect("").unwrap_or_else(|err|
    panic!("{}", err)
assert!(ftp_stream.login("test", "test").is_ok());

// Disconnect from server


The client supports FTPS on demand. To enable it the client should be compiled with feature secure enabled which requires rust-native-tls.

The client uses explicit mode for connecting FTPS what means you should connect the server as usually and then switch to the secure mode (TLS is used). For better security it’s the good practice to switch to the secure mode before authentication.

FTPS Usage

use suppaftp::{NativeTlsFtpStream, NativeTlsConnector};
use suppaftp::native_tls::{TlsConnector, TlsStream};

let ftp_stream = NativeTlsFtpStream::connect("").unwrap();
// Switch to the secure mode
let mut ftp_stream = ftp_stream.into_secure(NativeTlsConnector::from(TlsConnector::new().unwrap()), "").unwrap();
ftp_stream.login("demo", "password").unwrap();
// Do other secret stuff

Going async

SuppaFTP also supports async execution as said before, through the async feature. Basically there’s no difference in the function you can use when using the async version of suppaftp. Let’s quickly see in the example how it works

use suppaftp::{AsyncFtpStream, AsyncNativeTlsConnector};
use suppaftp::async_native_tls::{TlsConnector, TlsStream};

let ftp_stream = AsyncFtpStream::connect("").await.unwrap();
// Switch to the secure mode
let mut ftp_stream = ftp_stream.into_secure(AsyncNativeTlsConnector::from(TlsConnector::new()), "").await.unwrap();
ftp_stream.login("demo", "password").await.unwrap();
// Do other secret stuff




  • Ftp status returned after command execution

Type Definitions