

  • Get a datastore client using the provided service registry channel. Will return a tonic::NotFound error if the datastore is not registered in the service registry. Will return a tonic::Internal error if the service registry returns an unexpected error. Will return a tonic::Unavailable error if the datastore cannot be reached.
  • Get a message broker client using the provided service registry channel. Will return a tonic::NotFound error if the message broker is not registered in the service registry. Will return a tonic::Internal error if the service registry returns an unexpected error. Will return a tonic::Unavailable error if the message broker cannot be reached.
  • Quick helper function to verify that a ULID is valid. We need this because the ULID type does not implement the JsonSchema trait that would allow us to validate the ULID in the request directly. We don’t need to return the ULID itself since Redis just uses the string representation.