pub trait ToStylishString {
    fn to_stylish_string(&self) -> String;
Available on crate features alloc and macros only.
Expand description

A trait for converting a value to a stylish::String.

This trait is automatically implemented for any type which implements the stylish::Display trait. As such, ToString shouldn’t be implemented directly: stylish::Display should be implemented instead, and you get the ToString implementation for free.

Required Methods

Converts the given value to a stylish::String.

struct Warning(&'static str);

impl stylish::Display for Warning {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut stylish::Formatter<'_>) -> stylish::Result {

use stylish::ToStylishString;

let s: stylish::String = Warning("FIRE").to_stylish_string();
    stylish::html::format!("{:s}", Warning("FIRE")),
    stylish::html::format!("{:s}", s),
