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Macros for stubr


Starts a Stubr mock server and creates a stubr variable which can be used to call the server e.g. stubr.uri(). It supports both standard and async test functions.

use isahc;
use asserhttp::*; // optional

#[stubr::mock] // <- takes stubs under crate's "tests/stubs" by default
fn simple_test() {


Can also be used for recording with #[stubr::record]. It will spawn a standalone proxy which will record all http exchanges.
A recorder variable is created so that you can interact with the proxy. You then need to configure your http client to use this proxy. With record-isahc or record-reqwest features you can get an http client configured to hit the recorder proxy. It supports both standard and async test functions.

use isahc;
use asserhttp::*; // optional

#[stubr::record] // <- takes stubs under crate's "tests/stubs" by default
fn simple_test() {
    // a recorded stub has been created under 'target/stubs'


Starts a Stubr server for each remote app name supplied.
Those remote apps’ stubs are imported by stubr-build and will help you test your app’s dependencies over other apps/microservices using http.

use isahc;
use asserhttp::*; // optional

#[stubr::apps("producer-a", "producer-b")] // <- start a server for each app
fn using_producers() {
    // a binding is created for each app supplied with the name of the app

Attribute Macros

Starts a Stubr server for each remote app name supplied.

Starts a Stubr mock server and creates a stubr variable which can be used to call the server e.g. stubr.uri(). It supports both standard and async test functions.

Starts a Stubr recorder server and creates a recorder variable which can be used to call the server e.g. stubr.isahc_client().