Expand description

slave mode control register


Register SMCR reader

slave mode control register

Register SMCR writer

Type Definitions

Field ECE reader - External clock enable This bit enables External clock mode 2. Note: Setting the ECE bit has the same effect as selecting external clock mode 1 with TRGI connected to ETRF (SMS=111 and TS=00111). It is possible to simultaneously use external clock mode 2 with the following slave modes: reset mode, gated mode and trigger mode. Nevertheless, TRGI must not be connected to ETRF in this case (TS bits must not be 00111). If external clock mode 1 and external clock mode 2 are enabled at the same time, the external clock input is ETRF.

Field ECE writer - External clock enable This bit enables External clock mode 2. Note: Setting the ECE bit has the same effect as selecting external clock mode 1 with TRGI connected to ETRF (SMS=111 and TS=00111). It is possible to simultaneously use external clock mode 2 with the following slave modes: reset mode, gated mode and trigger mode. Nevertheless, TRGI must not be connected to ETRF in this case (TS bits must not be 00111). If external clock mode 1 and external clock mode 2 are enabled at the same time, the external clock input is ETRF.

Field ETF reader - External trigger filter This bit-field then defines the frequency used to sample ETRP signal and the length of the digital filter applied to ETRP. The digital filter is made of an event counter in which N consecutive events are needed to validate a transition on the output:

Field ETF writer - External trigger filter This bit-field then defines the frequency used to sample ETRP signal and the length of the digital filter applied to ETRP. The digital filter is made of an event counter in which N consecutive events are needed to validate a transition on the output:

Field ETPS reader - External trigger prescaler External trigger signal ETRP frequency must be at most 1/4 of fCK_INT frequency. A prescaler can be enabled to reduce ETRP frequency. It is useful when inputting fast external clocks.

Field ETPS writer - External trigger prescaler External trigger signal ETRP frequency must be at most 1/4 of fCK_INT frequency. A prescaler can be enabled to reduce ETRP frequency. It is useful when inputting fast external clocks.

Field ETP reader - External trigger polarity This bit selects whether ETR or ETR is used for trigger operations

Field ETP writer - External trigger polarity This bit selects whether ETR or ETR is used for trigger operations

Field MSM reader - Master/slave mode

Field MSM writer - Master/slave mode

Field OCCS reader - OCREF clear selection This bit is used to select the OCREF clear source.

Field OCCS writer - OCREF clear selection This bit is used to select the OCREF clear source.

Field SMS1 reader - Slave mode selection When external signals are selected the active edge of the trigger signal (TRGI) is linked to the polarity selected on the external input (see Input Control register and Control Register description. Note: The gated mode must not be used if TI1F_ED is selected as the trigger input (TS=00100). Indeed, TI1F_ED outputs 1 pulse for each transition on TI1F, whereas the gated mode checks the level of the trigger signal. Note: The clock of the slave peripherals (timer, ADC, …) receiving the TRGO or the TRGO2 signals must be enabled prior to receive events from the master timer, and the clock frequency (prescaler) must not be changed on-the-fly while triggers are received from the master timer.

Field SMS1 writer - Slave mode selection When external signals are selected the active edge of the trigger signal (TRGI) is linked to the polarity selected on the external input (see Input Control register and Control Register description. Note: The gated mode must not be used if TI1F_ED is selected as the trigger input (TS=00100). Indeed, TI1F_ED outputs 1 pulse for each transition on TI1F, whereas the gated mode checks the level of the trigger signal. Note: The clock of the slave peripherals (timer, ADC, …) receiving the TRGO or the TRGO2 signals must be enabled prior to receive events from the master timer, and the clock frequency (prescaler) must not be changed on-the-fly while triggers are received from the master timer.

Field SMS2 reader - Slave mode selection When external signals are selected the active edge of the trigger signal (TRGI) is linked to the polarity selected on the external input (see Input Control register and Control Register description. Note: The gated mode must not be used if TI1F_ED is selected as the trigger input (TS=00100). Indeed, TI1F_ED outputs 1 pulse for each transition on TI1F, whereas the gated mode checks the level of the trigger signal. Note: The clock of the slave peripherals (timer, ADC, …) receiving the TRGO or the TRGO2 signals must be enabled prior to receive events from the master timer, and the clock frequency (prescaler) must not be changed on-the-fly while triggers are received from the master timer.

Field SMS2 writer - Slave mode selection When external signals are selected the active edge of the trigger signal (TRGI) is linked to the polarity selected on the external input (see Input Control register and Control Register description. Note: The gated mode must not be used if TI1F_ED is selected as the trigger input (TS=00100). Indeed, TI1F_ED outputs 1 pulse for each transition on TI1F, whereas the gated mode checks the level of the trigger signal. Note: The clock of the slave peripherals (timer, ADC, …) receiving the TRGO or the TRGO2 signals must be enabled prior to receive events from the master timer, and the clock frequency (prescaler) must not be changed on-the-fly while triggers are received from the master timer.

Field TS1 reader - Trigger selection This bit-field selects the trigger input to be used to synchronize the counter. Others: Reserved See for more details on ITRx meaning for each Timer. Note: These bits must be changed only when they are not used (e.g. when SMS=000) to avoid wrong edge detections at the transition.

Field TS1 writer - Trigger selection This bit-field selects the trigger input to be used to synchronize the counter. Others: Reserved See for more details on ITRx meaning for each Timer. Note: These bits must be changed only when they are not used (e.g. when SMS=000) to avoid wrong edge detections at the transition.

Field TS2 reader - Trigger selection This bit-field selects the trigger input to be used to synchronize the counter. Others: Reserved See for more details on ITRx meaning for each Timer. Note: These bits must be changed only when they are not used (e.g. when SMS=000) to avoid wrong edge detections at the transition.

Field TS2 writer - Trigger selection This bit-field selects the trigger input to be used to synchronize the counter. Others: Reserved See for more details on ITRx meaning for each Timer. Note: These bits must be changed only when they are not used (e.g. when SMS=000) to avoid wrong edge detections at the transition.