Expand description

SPI_I2S configuration register


SPI_I2S configuration register

Register I2SCFGR reader

Register I2SCFGR writer


Asynchronous start enable. When the I2S is enabled in slave mode, the hardware starts the transfer when the I2S clock is received and an appropriate transition is detected on the WS signal. When the I2S is enabled in slave mode, the hardware starts the transfer when the I2S clock is received and the appropriate level is detected on the WS signal. Note: The appropriate transition is a falling edge on WS signal when I2S Philips Standard is used, or a rising edge for other standards. The appropriate level is a low level on WS signal when I2S Philips Standard is used, or a high level for other standards. Please refer to for additional information.

Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) The bit write operation has a meaning only if DATLEN = 00 otherwise the channel length is fixed to 32-bit by hardware whatever the value filled in. Note: For correct operation, this bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. It is not used in SPI mode.

Inactive state clock polarity Note: For correct operation, this bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. It is not used in SPI mode. The bit CKPOL does not affect the CK edge sensitivity used to receive or transmit the SD and WS signals.

Data length to be transferred Note: For correct operation, these bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. They are not used in SPI mode.

I2S configuration mode Note: These bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. They are not used in SPI mode.

I2S enable Note: This bit is not used in SPI mode.

I2S mode selection Note: This bit should be configured when the SPI is disabled.

I2S standard selection For more details on I2S standards, refer to Note: For correct operation, these bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. They are not used in SPI mode.

PCM frame synchronization Note: This bit has a meaning only if I2SSTD = 11 (PCM standard is used). It is not used in SPI mode.

Type Definitions

Field ASTRTEN reader - Asynchronous start enable. When the I2S is enabled in slave mode, the hardware starts the transfer when the I2S clock is received and an appropriate transition is detected on the WS signal. When the I2S is enabled in slave mode, the hardware starts the transfer when the I2S clock is received and the appropriate level is detected on the WS signal. Note: The appropriate transition is a falling edge on WS signal when I2S Philips Standard is used, or a rising edge for other standards. The appropriate level is a low level on WS signal when I2S Philips Standard is used, or a high level for other standards. Please refer to for additional information.

Field ASTRTEN writer - Asynchronous start enable. When the I2S is enabled in slave mode, the hardware starts the transfer when the I2S clock is received and an appropriate transition is detected on the WS signal. When the I2S is enabled in slave mode, the hardware starts the transfer when the I2S clock is received and the appropriate level is detected on the WS signal. Note: The appropriate transition is a falling edge on WS signal when I2S Philips Standard is used, or a rising edge for other standards. The appropriate level is a low level on WS signal when I2S Philips Standard is used, or a high level for other standards. Please refer to for additional information.

Field CHLEN reader - Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) The bit write operation has a meaning only if DATLEN = 00 otherwise the channel length is fixed to 32-bit by hardware whatever the value filled in. Note: For correct operation, this bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. It is not used in SPI mode.

Field CHLEN writer - Channel length (number of bits per audio channel) The bit write operation has a meaning only if DATLEN = 00 otherwise the channel length is fixed to 32-bit by hardware whatever the value filled in. Note: For correct operation, this bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. It is not used in SPI mode.

Field CKPOL reader - Inactive state clock polarity Note: For correct operation, this bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. It is not used in SPI mode. The bit CKPOL does not affect the CK edge sensitivity used to receive or transmit the SD and WS signals.

Field CKPOL writer - Inactive state clock polarity Note: For correct operation, this bit should be configured when the I2S is disabled. It is not used in SPI mode. The bit CKPOL does not affect the CK edge sensitivity used to receive or transmit the SD and WS signals.

Field DATLEN reader - Data length to be transferred Note: For correct operation, these bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. They are not used in SPI mode.

Field DATLEN writer - Data length to be transferred Note: For correct operation, these bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. They are not used in SPI mode.

Field I2SCFG reader - I2S configuration mode Note: These bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. They are not used in SPI mode.

Field I2SCFG writer - I2S configuration mode Note: These bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. They are not used in SPI mode.

Field I2SE reader - I2S enable Note: This bit is not used in SPI mode.

Field I2SE writer - I2S enable Note: This bit is not used in SPI mode.

Field I2SMOD reader - I2S mode selection Note: This bit should be configured when the SPI is disabled.

Field I2SMOD writer - I2S mode selection Note: This bit should be configured when the SPI is disabled.

Field I2SSTD reader - I2S standard selection For more details on I2S standards, refer to Note: For correct operation, these bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. They are not used in SPI mode.

Field I2SSTD writer - I2S standard selection For more details on I2S standards, refer to Note: For correct operation, these bits should be configured when the I2S is disabled. They are not used in SPI mode.

Field PCMSYNC reader - PCM frame synchronization Note: This bit has a meaning only if I2SSTD = 11 (PCM standard is used). It is not used in SPI mode.

Field PCMSYNC writer - PCM frame synchronization Note: This bit has a meaning only if I2SSTD = 11 (PCM standard is used). It is not used in SPI mode.