Expand description

SPI control register 2


SPI control register 2

Register CR2 reader

Register CR2 writer


Data size These bits configure the data length for SPI transfers. If software attempts to write one of the “Not used” values, they are forced to the value “0111” (8-bit) Note: These bits are not used in I2S mode.

Error interrupt enable This bit controls the generation of an interrupt when an error condition occurs (CRCERR, OVR, MODF in SPI mode, FRE at TI mode and UDR, OVR, and FRE in I2S mode).

Frame format 1 SPI TI mode Note: This bit must be written only when the SPI is disabled (SPE=0). This bit is not used in I2S mode.

FIFO reception threshold This bit is used to set the threshold of the RXFIFO that triggers an RXNE event Note: This bit is not used in I2S mode.

Last DMA transfer for reception This bit is used in data packing mode, to define if the total number of data to receive by DMA is odd or even. It has significance only if the RXDMAEN bit in the SPI_CR2 register is set and if packing mode is used (data length =< 8-bit and write access to SPI_DR is 16-bit wide). It has to be written when the SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 in the SPI_CR1 register). Note: Refer to if the CRCEN bit is set. This bit is not used in I²S mode.

Last DMA transfer for transmission This bit is used in data packing mode, to define if the total number of data to transmit by DMA is odd or even. It has significance only if the TXDMAEN bit in the SPI_CR2 register is set and if packing mode is used (data length =< 8-bit and write access to SPI_DR is 16-bit wide). It has to be written when the SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 in the SPI_CR1 register). Note: Refer to if the CRCEN bit is set. This bit is not used in I²S mode.

NSS pulse management This bit is used in master mode only. it allows the SPI to generate an NSS pulse between two consecutive data when doing continuous transfers. In the case of a single data transfer, it forces the NSS pin high level after the transfer. It has no meaning if CPHA = ’1’, or FRF = ’1’. Note: 1. This bit must be written only when the SPI is disabled (SPE=0). 2. This bit is not used in I2S mode and SPI TI mode.

Rx buffer DMA enable When this bit is set, a DMA request is generated whenever the RXNE flag is set.

RX buffer not empty interrupt enable

SS output enable Note: This bit is not used in I2S mode and SPI TI mode.

Tx buffer DMA enable When this bit is set, a DMA request is generated whenever the TXE flag is set.

Tx buffer empty interrupt enable

Type Definitions

Field DS reader - Data size These bits configure the data length for SPI transfers. If software attempts to write one of the “Not used” values, they are forced to the value “0111” (8-bit) Note: These bits are not used in I2S mode.

Field DS writer - Data size These bits configure the data length for SPI transfers. If software attempts to write one of the “Not used” values, they are forced to the value “0111” (8-bit) Note: These bits are not used in I2S mode.

Field ERRIE reader - Error interrupt enable This bit controls the generation of an interrupt when an error condition occurs (CRCERR, OVR, MODF in SPI mode, FRE at TI mode and UDR, OVR, and FRE in I2S mode).

Field ERRIE writer - Error interrupt enable This bit controls the generation of an interrupt when an error condition occurs (CRCERR, OVR, MODF in SPI mode, FRE at TI mode and UDR, OVR, and FRE in I2S mode).

Field FRF reader - Frame format 1 SPI TI mode Note: This bit must be written only when the SPI is disabled (SPE=0). This bit is not used in I2S mode.

Field FRF writer - Frame format 1 SPI TI mode Note: This bit must be written only when the SPI is disabled (SPE=0). This bit is not used in I2S mode.

Field FRXTH reader - FIFO reception threshold This bit is used to set the threshold of the RXFIFO that triggers an RXNE event Note: This bit is not used in I2S mode.

Field FRXTH writer - FIFO reception threshold This bit is used to set the threshold of the RXFIFO that triggers an RXNE event Note: This bit is not used in I2S mode.

Field LDMA_RX reader - Last DMA transfer for reception This bit is used in data packing mode, to define if the total number of data to receive by DMA is odd or even. It has significance only if the RXDMAEN bit in the SPI_CR2 register is set and if packing mode is used (data length =< 8-bit and write access to SPI_DR is 16-bit wide). It has to be written when the SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 in the SPI_CR1 register). Note: Refer to if the CRCEN bit is set. This bit is not used in I²S mode.

Field LDMA_RX writer - Last DMA transfer for reception This bit is used in data packing mode, to define if the total number of data to receive by DMA is odd or even. It has significance only if the RXDMAEN bit in the SPI_CR2 register is set and if packing mode is used (data length =< 8-bit and write access to SPI_DR is 16-bit wide). It has to be written when the SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 in the SPI_CR1 register). Note: Refer to if the CRCEN bit is set. This bit is not used in I²S mode.

Field LDMA_TX reader - Last DMA transfer for transmission This bit is used in data packing mode, to define if the total number of data to transmit by DMA is odd or even. It has significance only if the TXDMAEN bit in the SPI_CR2 register is set and if packing mode is used (data length =< 8-bit and write access to SPI_DR is 16-bit wide). It has to be written when the SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 in the SPI_CR1 register). Note: Refer to if the CRCEN bit is set. This bit is not used in I²S mode.

Field LDMA_TX writer - Last DMA transfer for transmission This bit is used in data packing mode, to define if the total number of data to transmit by DMA is odd or even. It has significance only if the TXDMAEN bit in the SPI_CR2 register is set and if packing mode is used (data length =< 8-bit and write access to SPI_DR is 16-bit wide). It has to be written when the SPI is disabled (SPE = 0 in the SPI_CR1 register). Note: Refer to if the CRCEN bit is set. This bit is not used in I²S mode.

Field NSSP reader - NSS pulse management This bit is used in master mode only. it allows the SPI to generate an NSS pulse between two consecutive data when doing continuous transfers. In the case of a single data transfer, it forces the NSS pin high level after the transfer. It has no meaning if CPHA = ’1’, or FRF = ’1’. Note: 1. This bit must be written only when the SPI is disabled (SPE=0). 2. This bit is not used in I2S mode and SPI TI mode.

Field NSSP writer - NSS pulse management This bit is used in master mode only. it allows the SPI to generate an NSS pulse between two consecutive data when doing continuous transfers. In the case of a single data transfer, it forces the NSS pin high level after the transfer. It has no meaning if CPHA = ’1’, or FRF = ’1’. Note: 1. This bit must be written only when the SPI is disabled (SPE=0). 2. This bit is not used in I2S mode and SPI TI mode.

Field RXDMAEN reader - Rx buffer DMA enable When this bit is set, a DMA request is generated whenever the RXNE flag is set.

Field RXDMAEN writer - Rx buffer DMA enable When this bit is set, a DMA request is generated whenever the RXNE flag is set.

Field RXNEIE reader - RX buffer not empty interrupt enable

Field RXNEIE writer - RX buffer not empty interrupt enable

Field SSOE reader - SS output enable Note: This bit is not used in I2S mode and SPI TI mode.

Field SSOE writer - SS output enable Note: This bit is not used in I2S mode and SPI TI mode.

Field TXDMAEN reader - Tx buffer DMA enable When this bit is set, a DMA request is generated whenever the TXE flag is set.

Field TXDMAEN writer - Tx buffer DMA enable When this bit is set, a DMA request is generated whenever the TXE flag is set.

Field TXEIE reader - Tx buffer empty interrupt enable

Field TXEIE writer - Tx buffer empty interrupt enable