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RTC initialization control and status register


RTC initialization control and status register

Register ICSR reader

Register ICSR writer

Type Definitions

Field ALRAWF reader - Alarm A write flag This bit is set by hardware when alarm A values can be changed, after the ALRAE bit has been set to 0 in RTC_CR. It is cleared by hardware in initialization mode.

Field ALRBWF reader - Alarm B write flag This bit is set by hardware when alarm B values can be changed, after the ALRBE bit has been set to 0 in RTC_CR. It is cleared by hardware in initialization mode.

Field INITF reader - Initialization flag When this bit is set to 1, the RTC is in initialization state, and the time, date and prescaler registers can be updated.

Field INITS reader - Initialization status flag This bit is set by hardware when the calendar year field is different from 0 (RTC domain reset state).

Field INIT reader - Initialization mode

Field INIT writer - Initialization mode

Field RECALPF reader - Recalibration pending Flag The RECALPF status flag is automatically set to 1 when software writes to the RTC_CALR register, indicating that the RTC_CALR register is blocked. When the new calibration settings are taken into account, this bit returns to 0. Refer to .

Field RSF reader - Registers synchronization flag This bit is set by hardware each time the calendar registers are copied into the shadow registers (RTC_SSRx, RTC_TRx and RTC_DRx). This bit is cleared by hardware in initialization mode, while a shift operation is pending (SHPF = 1), or when in bypass shadow register mode (BYPSHAD = 1). This bit can also be cleared by software. It is cleared either by software or by hardware in initialization mode.

Field RSF writer - Registers synchronization flag This bit is set by hardware each time the calendar registers are copied into the shadow registers (RTC_SSRx, RTC_TRx and RTC_DRx). This bit is cleared by hardware in initialization mode, while a shift operation is pending (SHPF = 1), or when in bypass shadow register mode (BYPSHAD = 1). This bit can also be cleared by software. It is cleared either by software or by hardware in initialization mode.

Field SHPF reader - Shift operation pending This flag is set by hardware as soon as a shift operation is initiated by a write to the RTC_SHIFTR register. It is cleared by hardware when the corresponding shift operation has been executed. Writing to the SHPF bit has no effect.

Field WUTWF reader - Wakeup timer write flag This bit is set by hardware when WUT value can be changed, after the WUTE bit has been set to 0 in RTC_CR. It is cleared by hardware in initialization mode.