Expand description

Peripherals independent clock configuration register


Peripherals independent clock configuration register

Register CCIPR reader

Register CCIPR writer

Type Definitions

Field ADCSEL reader - ADCs clock source selection

Field ADCSEL writer - ADCs clock source selection

Field I2C1SEL reader - I2C1 clock source selection

Field I2C1SEL writer - I2C1 clock source selection

Field I2S2SEL reader - I2S1 clock source selection

Field I2S2SEL writer - I2S1 clock source selection

Field LPTIM1SEL reader - LPTIM1 clock source selection

Field LPTIM1SEL writer - LPTIM1 clock source selection

Field LPTIM2SEL reader - LPTIM2 clock source selection

Field LPTIM2SEL writer - LPTIM2 clock source selection

Field LPUART1SEL reader - LPUART1 clock source selection

Field LPUART1SEL writer - LPUART1 clock source selection

Field RNGDIV reader - Division factor of RNG clock divider

Field RNGDIV writer - Division factor of RNG clock divider

Field RNGSEL reader - RNG clock source selection

Field RNGSEL writer - RNG clock source selection

Field TIM1SEL reader - TIM1 clock source selection

Field TIM1SEL writer - TIM1 clock source selection

Field USART1SEL reader - USART1 clock source selection

Field USART1SEL writer - USART1 clock source selection