Expand description

Flash option register


Flash option register

Register OPTR reader

Register OPTR writer

Type Definitions

Field BOREN reader - BOR reset Level

Field BOREN writer - BOR reset Level

Field BORF_LEV reader - These bits contain the VDD supply level threshold that activates the reset

Field BORF_LEV writer - These bits contain the VDD supply level threshold that activates the reset

Field BORR_LEV reader - These bits contain the VDD supply level threshold that releases the reset.

Field BORR_LEV writer - These bits contain the VDD supply level threshold that releases the reset.

Field IDWG_SW reader - Independent watchdog selection

Field IDWG_SW writer - Independent watchdog selection

Field IRHEN reader - Internal reset holder enable bit

Field IRHEN writer - Internal reset holder enable bit

Field IWDG_STDBY reader - Independent watchdog counter freeze in Standby mode

Field IWDG_STDBY writer - Independent watchdog counter freeze in Standby mode

Field IWDG_STOP reader - Independent watchdog counter freeze in Stop mode

Field IWDG_STOP writer - Independent watchdog counter freeze in Stop mode

Field nBOOT0 reader - nBOOT0 option bit

Field nBOOT0 writer - nBOOT0 option bit

Field nBOOT1 reader - Boot configuration

Field nBOOT1 writer - Boot configuration

Field nBOOT_SEL reader - nBOOT_SEL

Field nBOOT_SEL writer - nBOOT_SEL

Field nRSTS_HDW reader - nRSTS_HDW

Field nRSTS_HDW writer - nRSTS_HDW

Field NRST_MODE reader - NRST_MODE

Field NRST_MODE writer - NRST_MODE

Field nRST_STDBY reader - nRST_STDBY

Field nRST_STDBY writer - nRST_STDBY

Field nRST_STOP reader - nRST_STOP

Field nRST_STOP writer - nRST_STOP

Field RAM_PARITY_CHECK reader - SRAM parity check control

Field RAM_PARITY_CHECK writer - SRAM parity check control

Field RDP reader - Read protection level

Field RDP writer - Read protection level

Field WWDG_SW reader - Window watchdog selection

Field WWDG_SW writer - Window watchdog selection