Module stm32_hal2::pac::fmc::bcr2

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This register contains the control information of each memory bank, used for SRAMs, PSRAM and NOR Flash memories.


  • This register contains the control information of each memory bank, used for SRAMs, PSRAM and NOR Flash memories.
  • Register BCR2 reader
  • Register BCR2 writer

Type Aliases§

  • Field ASYNCWAIT reader - Wait signal during asynchronous transfers This bit enables/disables the FMC to use the wait signal even during an asynchronous protocol.
  • Field ASYNCWAIT writer - Wait signal during asynchronous transfers This bit enables/disables the FMC to use the wait signal even during an asynchronous protocol.
  • Field BMAP reader - FMC bank mapping These bits allows different to remap SDRAM bank2 or swap the FMC NOR/PSRAM and SDRAM banks.Refer to Table 10 for Note: The BMAP bits of the FMC_BCR2..4 registers are dont care. It is only enabled through the FMC_BCR1 register.
  • Field BMAP writer - FMC bank mapping These bits allows different to remap SDRAM bank2 or swap the FMC NOR/PSRAM and SDRAM banks.Refer to Table 10 for Note: The BMAP bits of the FMC_BCR2..4 registers are dont care. It is only enabled through the FMC_BCR1 register.
  • Field BURSTEN reader - Burst enable bit This bit enables/disables synchronous accesses during read operations. It is valid only for synchronous memories operating in Burst mode:
  • Field BURSTEN writer - Burst enable bit This bit enables/disables synchronous accesses during read operations. It is valid only for synchronous memories operating in Burst mode:
  • Field CBURSTRW reader - Write burst enable For PSRAM (CRAM) operating in Burst mode, the bit enables synchronous accesses during write operations. The enable bit for synchronous read accesses is the BURSTEN bit in the FMC_BCRx register.
  • Field CBURSTRW writer - Write burst enable For PSRAM (CRAM) operating in Burst mode, the bit enables synchronous accesses during write operations. The enable bit for synchronous read accesses is the BURSTEN bit in the FMC_BCRx register.
  • Field CCLKEN reader - Continuous Clock Enable This bit enables the FMC_CLK clock output to external memory devices. Note: The CCLKEN bit of the FMC_BCR2..4 registers is dont care. It is only enabled through the FMC_BCR1 register. Bank 1 must be configured in synchronous mode to generate the FMC_CLK continuous clock. If CCLKEN bit is set, the FMC_CLK clock ratio is specified by CLKDIV value in the FMC_BTR1 register. CLKDIV in FMC_BWTR1 is dont care. If the synchronous mode is used and CCLKEN bit is set, the synchronous memories connected to other banks than Bank 1 are clocked by the same clock (the CLKDIV value in the FMC_BTR2..4 and FMC_BWTR2..4 registers for other banks has no effect.)
  • Field CCLKEN writer - Continuous Clock Enable This bit enables the FMC_CLK clock output to external memory devices. Note: The CCLKEN bit of the FMC_BCR2..4 registers is dont care. It is only enabled through the FMC_BCR1 register. Bank 1 must be configured in synchronous mode to generate the FMC_CLK continuous clock. If CCLKEN bit is set, the FMC_CLK clock ratio is specified by CLKDIV value in the FMC_BTR1 register. CLKDIV in FMC_BWTR1 is dont care. If the synchronous mode is used and CCLKEN bit is set, the synchronous memories connected to other banks than Bank 1 are clocked by the same clock (the CLKDIV value in the FMC_BTR2..4 and FMC_BWTR2..4 registers for other banks has no effect.)
  • Field CPSIZE reader - CRAM Page Size These are used for Cellular RAM 1.5 which does not allow burst access to cross the address boundaries between pages. When these bits are configured, the FMC controller splits automatically the burst access when the memory page size is reached (refer to memory datasheet for page size). Other configuration: reserved.
  • Field CPSIZE writer - CRAM Page Size These are used for Cellular RAM 1.5 which does not allow burst access to cross the address boundaries between pages. When these bits are configured, the FMC controller splits automatically the burst access when the memory page size is reached (refer to memory datasheet for page size). Other configuration: reserved.
  • Field EXTMOD reader - Extended mode enable. This bit enables the FMC to program the write timings for asynchronous accesses inside the FMC_BWTR register, thus resulting in different timings for read and write operations. Note: When the extended mode is disabled, the FMC can operate in Mode1 or Mode2 as follows: ** Mode 1 is the default mode when the SRAM/PSRAM memory type is selected (MTYP =0x0 or 0x01) ** Mode 2 is the default mode when the NOR memory type is selected (MTYP = 0x10).
  • Field EXTMOD writer - Extended mode enable. This bit enables the FMC to program the write timings for asynchronous accesses inside the FMC_BWTR register, thus resulting in different timings for read and write operations. Note: When the extended mode is disabled, the FMC can operate in Mode1 or Mode2 as follows: ** Mode 1 is the default mode when the SRAM/PSRAM memory type is selected (MTYP =0x0 or 0x01) ** Mode 2 is the default mode when the NOR memory type is selected (MTYP = 0x10).
  • Field FACCEN reader - Flash access enable This bit enables NOR Flash memory access operations.
  • Field FACCEN writer - Flash access enable This bit enables NOR Flash memory access operations.
  • Field FMCEN reader - FMC controller Enable This bit enables/disables the FMC controller. Note: The FMCEN bit of the FMC_BCR2..4 registers is dont care. It is only enabled through the FMC_BCR1 register.
  • Field FMCEN writer - FMC controller Enable This bit enables/disables the FMC controller. Note: The FMCEN bit of the FMC_BCR2..4 registers is dont care. It is only enabled through the FMC_BCR1 register.
  • Field MBKEN reader - Memory bank enable bit This bit enables the memory bank. After reset Bank1 is enabled, all others are disabled. Accessing a disabled bank causes an ERROR on AXI bus.
  • Field MBKEN writer - Memory bank enable bit This bit enables the memory bank. After reset Bank1 is enabled, all others are disabled. Accessing a disabled bank causes an ERROR on AXI bus.
  • Field MTYP reader - Memory type These bits define the type of external memory attached to the corresponding memory bank:
  • Field MTYP writer - Memory type These bits define the type of external memory attached to the corresponding memory bank:
  • Field MUXEN reader - Address/data multiplexing enable bit When this bit is set, the address and data values are multiplexed on the data bus, valid only with NOR and PSRAM memories:
  • Field MUXEN writer - Address/data multiplexing enable bit When this bit is set, the address and data values are multiplexed on the data bus, valid only with NOR and PSRAM memories:
  • Field MWID reader - Memory data bus width Defines the external memory device width, valid for all type of memories.
  • Field MWID writer - Memory data bus width Defines the external memory device width, valid for all type of memories.
  • Field WAITCFG reader - Wait timing configuration The NWAIT signal indicates whether the data from the memory are valid or if a wait state must be inserted when accessing the memory in synchronous mode. This configuration bit determines if NWAIT is asserted by the memory one clock cycle before the wait state or during the wait state:
  • Field WAITCFG writer - Wait timing configuration The NWAIT signal indicates whether the data from the memory are valid or if a wait state must be inserted when accessing the memory in synchronous mode. This configuration bit determines if NWAIT is asserted by the memory one clock cycle before the wait state or during the wait state:
  • Field WAITEN reader - Wait enable bit This bit enables/disables wait-state insertion via the NWAIT signal when accessing the memory in synchronous mode.
  • Field WAITEN writer - Wait enable bit This bit enables/disables wait-state insertion via the NWAIT signal when accessing the memory in synchronous mode.
  • Field WAITPOL reader - Wait signal polarity bit This bit defines the polarity of the wait signal from memory used for either in synchronous or asynchronous mode:
  • Field WAITPOL writer - Wait signal polarity bit This bit defines the polarity of the wait signal from memory used for either in synchronous or asynchronous mode:
  • Field WFDIS reader - Write FIFO Disable This bit disables the Write FIFO used by the FMC controller. Note: The WFDIS bit of the FMC_BCR2..4 registers is dont care. It is only enabled through the FMC_BCR1 register.
  • Field WFDIS writer - Write FIFO Disable This bit disables the Write FIFO used by the FMC controller. Note: The WFDIS bit of the FMC_BCR2..4 registers is dont care. It is only enabled through the FMC_BCR1 register.
  • Field WREN reader - Write enable bit This bit indicates whether write operations are enabled/disabled in the bank by the FMC:
  • Field WREN writer - Write enable bit This bit indicates whether write operations are enabled/disabled in the bank by the FMC: