Type Definition stm32_hal2::pac::sai1::ch::frcr::FRL_W

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pub type FRL_W<'a, const O: u8> = FieldWriterRaw<'a, u32, FRCR_SPEC, u8, u8, Unsafe, 8, O>;
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Field FRL writer - Frame length. These bits are set and cleared by software. They define the audio frame length expressed in number of SCK clock cycles: the number of bits in the frame is equal to FRL[7:0]

    1. The minimum number of bits to transfer in an audio frame must be equal to 8, otherwise the audio block will behaves in an unexpected way. This is the case when the data size is 8 bits and only one slot 0 is defined in NBSLOT[4:0] of SAI_xSLOTR register (NBSLOT[3:0] = 0000). In master mode, if the master clock (available on MCLK_x pin) is used, the frame length should be aligned with a number equal to a power of 2, ranging from 8 to 256. When the master clock is not used (NODIV = 1), it is recommended to program the frame length to an value ranging from 8 to 256. These bits are meaningless and are not used in AC97 or SPDIF audio block configuration.